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Thread: Gran Turismo 5

  1. #261 SP
    Member playgame's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TiBiKiMi View Post
    Nu ar fi o noutate...daca imi aduc bine aminte (Gt3 parca sau Gt Concept, nu mai stiu exact) avea curse nocturne...asa ca nu vad ce vi se pare nou la acest lucru.
    N-am mentionat nicaieri ca e o noutate.

  2. #262 SP
    Senior Member Enthroll's Avatar
    pozele arata sick.. rau de tot. but look at this actual gameplay:
    Stream - Gamersyde

  3. #263 SP
    Senior Member TiBiKiMiR's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Enthroll View Post
    pozele arata sick.. rau de tot. but look at this actual gameplay:
    Stream - Gamersyde
    Da nu am inteles dc pleaca de la boxe daca e in Lap 1 din 2 si iese pe Pozitia 8 din 10.Ma gandesc ca in Lap 1 ar trebui sa fi in pluton ca si ceilalti pt acel start lansat nu?

  4. #264 SP
    Senior Member Enthroll's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TiBiKiMi View Post
    Da nu am inteles dc pleaca de la boxe daca e in Lap 1 din 2 si iese pe Pozitia 8 din 10.Ma gandesc ca in Lap 1 ar trebui sa fi in pluton ca si ceilalti pt acel start lansat nu?
    s-ar putea sa fie facut special asa pentru demo, sincer nici nu am bagat de seama

  5. #265 SP
    Junior Member mc_provoker's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TiBiKiMi View Post
    Da nu am inteles dc pleaca de la boxe daca e in Lap 1 din 2 si iese pe Pozitia 8 din 10.Ma gandesc ca in Lap 1 ar trebui sa fi in pluton ca si ceilalti pt acel start lansat nu?
    Probabil sunt mai multe tipuri de curse cum era in Gt4 Race meeting si incepeai de la boxe in timp ce ceilaltzi erau deja pe pista...

  6. #266 SP
    Banned Overlord73's Avatar

  7. #267 SP
    Senior Member Enthroll's Avatar
    Updated Gran Turismo 5 Impressions - Gran Turismo 5 - PlayStation 3 - GameInformer
    We�re actually still working on setting the sensitivity level of the damage. You can have it so if you have a single hit your car isn�t going to be able to be driven anymore. It�s a matter of adjustment.�
    As with Gran Turismo 4, you�re free to ogle your cars in photo mode. This time around, though, players will see their vehicles as never before. �In GT5, the level of detail on the tracks and the scenery � and also on the cars themselves � has just exponentially increased,� says Yamauchi. �I think the quality of the image that you can get is going to be not even comparable. We�re trying to make it so that at a minimum you�ll be able to take 8 megapixel pictures. We might be able to raise it up to about 20 megapixels, but I can�t promise anything.�
    that's a huge resolution

  8. #268 SP
    is the man! trickz's Avatar

  9. #269 SP
    Senior Member Enthroll's Avatar
    mi-ai luat-o inainte very nice stuff there!!

  10. #270 SP
    Member Dante's Avatar
    motorul ala era 4.5 l diesel? cam suna a benzinar supraalimentat

  11. #271 SP
    Junior Member mc_provoker's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dante View Post
    motorul ala era 4.5 l diesel? cam suna a benzinar supraalimentat
    Ala nu e motor diesel. Este motor tip Boxer, acelashi tip de motor pe care il gasim la porche si la subaru imprezza un motor foarte tare de altfel...

  12. #272 SP
    Member Dante's Avatar
    pai si daca e boxer ce nu poate fi diesel? subaru are de putin timp o tehnologie diesel pe motor de tip boxer. iar asta fiind un concept nou poate se gandeau sa-i tranteasca un motor diesel. stiu ca se zice ca diesel nu e pt motorsport insa de cand seat a batut rau bmw anul trecut in wtcc cu 2.0 tdi mi-am mai schimbat optica

  13. #273 SP
    Junior Member mc_provoker's Avatar
    Nu stiu, e posibil sa fie diesel dar nu am gasit nicaieri scris clar acest lucru... sper ca nu te-ai simtit ofensat...

  14. #274 SP
    Member Dante's Avatar
    nu,stai linistit. this is it. boxter diesel de la subaru

  15. #275 SP
    Senior Member GeOKeR's Avatar
    Google is your friend
    2009 Toyota FT-86 Concept - Images, Specifications and Information#

    Subaru's involvement can be found under the bonnet; one of the company's trademark flat-four engines. Apart from its configuration and 2-litre displacement, Toyota have not released many details on the Subaru boxer. Enthusiasts will be happy to note that the power is transferred to the rear wheels and through a six-speed gearbox that is operated by an old-fashioned stick and clutch.
    Toyota FT-86 Concept 2010 Red Car Pictures & Spec Ref: #23778 »

    Talking of RWD, Toyota won our vote when it announced that the new FT-86 will, like its predecessor have the rear end doing all the dictating. The new Toyota promises to shave off as much weight as possible as well as being aerodynamic and low slung. It uses the 148bhp Subaru 2-litre Boxer engine but hopes to improve on the performance of its donor car (0-60 in 9.2 seconds)
    PS: Arata foarte bine masina!

  16. #276 SP
    is the man! trickz's Avatar
    Daca vreti sa discutati despre masina, exista un topic aici.

  17. #277 SP
    Member playgame's Avatar

  18. #278 SP
    Member MisterJuice's Avatar
    E de ceva timp, dar merita ascultata de cei ce nu stiu :

  19. #279 SP
    Junior Member slimace46's Avatar
    prea tare e jocul sper ca o sa bage damage calumea ca pana acum damegeul e dezamagitor avand in vedere ca jocul o sa fie cel mai tare simulator de curse cant wait for it in 2010 va fi un an tare pt cei care detin ps3

  20. #280 SP
    Member playgame's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by slimace46 View Post
    sa bage damage calumea
    Cine n-ar vrea damage mai realist, dar totusi e driving simulator, nu crash simulator.

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