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Thread: Samsung Galaxy S

  1. #181 SP
    Senior Member ffocus's Avatar
    asta nu mai doarme si el...Link v7.0
    • Based on XXJPY
    • Fixed WiFi Draining Bug
    • Improved battery performance [JPY Modem]
    • More Languages for Swype [English UK, English US, German, French, Dutch, Korean, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Romanian, SerbianLA, Slovenian]
    • Gingerbread skinned MIUI Music Player [by FlanFlinger]
    • Added the non-increasing Phone App back
    • Changed the Dialer Look back to Standard Samsung
    • Better GPS [JPY Modem]
    • Fixed Microbes LiveWallpaper
    • Newest Market [new categories, bugfixes]
    • New Cleaner Font [MS Zune Font]
    • Fixed Media Scanning Icon [Gingerbread Look]
    • Changed the icon of the Gallery to Samsung's one
    • Added Hacked Camera [Power button shooting & low % shooting]
    • Fixed Market Fingerprint to show all Apps [is 100% correct now]
    • /dbdata will get formatted to prevent errors with apps
    • Made a Bash Script to prevent errors while installing the ROM
    • Modified update-script for more security
    • Replaced the progressbars (like volume +/-) with green ones
    • Fixed minor bugs
    "I made several scripts and tested them carefully. It will prevent any errors with corrupted databases and will fix any errors during the installation by itself in CWM Recovery. But the best of all ... it will keep all your Apps & Settings (SMS etc.)! This means for EVERYONE > You can install v7.0 over ANYTHING. You don't have to do anything else - just install & enjoy."

  2. #182 SP
    Senior Member Muthu Raoul's Avatar
    OOOOk... deci ieri mi-am semi-brickuit telefonul. Imi ramanea la screenul cu modelul. Am intalat din odin un eclair pe care l-am gasit pe net si telefonul a pornit. Acum problema cea mare: Nu ma lasa sa ii fac update din kies la froyo 2.2 . Stiti ce ar putea fi problema?

    Daca mi-ar putea da cineva Baseband versionul de RO ar fi super.

  3. #183 SP
    Senior Member Mask's Avatar
    [ROM] [28.12.2010] Darky's v7.5 Gingerbread Edition ★ JPY ★ // AWESOME EDITION! - xda-developers

    -Introduce Wipe / No Wipe ROM
    -Fixed Messaging Force Close [AOSP MMS App]
    -Much better readable battery icon
    -Black Transparent Dropdown-Menu
    -34 new fonts to choose from
    -Gingerbread keyboard with vibrate mode / dictionary working
    -Battery Drain Fix [DXJPA WiFi Modules]
    -Fixed 3rd Party Camera Apps FC [replaced Email App with Stock Samsung Email]
    -Progressbars back to orange colour
    -Improved GPS [Fixed for Europe]
    -CSC Fix [XEU - All Samsung Apps]
    -Bluetooth Fix [send / receive]
    -Stock Android Font [DroidSans]
    -New Default Wallpaper [Black World Map - Hi-Tech]
    -New Wallpapers [High Quality]

  4. #184 SP
    Junior Member seilersergiu's Avatar
    daca nu am nicio versiune instalata inainte pot instala direct versiunea aceasta?

  5. #185 SP
    Senior Member Mask's Avatar
    Da,poti downloada direct ROM-ul...urmezi pasii de pe site.

    Intre timp a mai aparut o versiune:
    [ROM] [29.12.2010] Darky's v7.6 Gingerbread Edition ★ JPY ★ // AWESOME EDITION! - xda-developers


    -Reverted back to the Original Samsung SMS / MMS App [Black]
    -Fixed Fonts Force Close
    -Gingerbread keyboard with working dictionaries [tested and working - no vibrate yet // install from SD-Card]
    -4 Lockscreens [AOSP / Samsung / Puzzle / Epic -//- Settings >> Display]
    -Better looking circle battery icon [still good readable // Revolution-N]
    -Multi-Language Swype [English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Netherlands, Portuguese, Turkish, Polish, Greek, Czech, Slovak, Serbian, Russian, Ukrainian]
    -Simple Black Phone Dialer
    -Updated Screenfilter
    -Updated SGS Tools
    -Added Installation Script to prevent heavy battery drain and gallery problems
    -Fixed Lockscreen Wallpaper Force Close [Use the Samsung Lockscreen]

    Tipul asta nu are somn ?

  6. #186 SP
    Senior Member Mask's Avatar

    >> There is just one battery icon - the other one is an app which starts the circular one So you can choose.

    -Reverted back to the Gingerbread Battery Icon [small numbers]
    -Added Circular Battery in the Statusbar [shows the exact %]
    -Provide several Swype packages for every language out there
    -Black Glass Phone Dialer
    -Rewrote the Installation Script to prevent heavy battery drain and gallery problems
    -Wrote a script to delete the defect Helvetica Fonts [prevent FC in Font Selection, even with the [No Wipe] Version]
    -Modded SMS App to show the correct timestamp [by ykk_five]
    -Fixed Force Close on Lockscreen Wallpaper [100% working with Samsung Lockscreen]
    -Fixed CSC to XEU [default now]
    -Replaced Google Quick Search Box with a Black one
    -Added Go SMS [nice & sleek]
    -Added Hacked Gmail [showing all pictures directly]
    -Rewrote the update-script [preventing more errors // tested]
    -Wrote an additional script to prevent LauncherPro not saving settings
    -[No Wipe] Version is more secure now [updated installation process]
    -Full Arabic / Hebrew Support [with keyboards & everything // Download seperated]
    -Fixed Gingerbread Keyboard Force Close [Script]
    -Samsung Apps shows all apps now [32 Apps]
    -Fixed 'Set Wallpaper' [Rectangle Frame now 960 x 800]
    -Fixed 'Photo Frame Widget' [Rectangle Frame now correct]

    [ROM] [31.12.2010] Darky's v7.7 Gingerbread Edition ★ JPY ★ // Arabic Support! - xda-developers

    WTF? lol

  7. #187 SP
    Senior Member Mask's Avatar

    Replaced the Gallery for a much better battery life [Setting a Lockscreen Wallpaper won't work with this Gallery, so stop complaining]
    Fixed the battery icon [now displaying when charging]
    Removed GoSMS [install from Market]
    Fixed Icons [GPS etc.]
    Easier Widget Management [AppWidgetPicker]
    Scripts have been rewritten to prevent problems [safer]
    Fixed APN / MMS for Bell Users [port=80, type="*"]
    Fixed MMS for Rogers Users []
    Removed LauncherPro [install from Market]
    Added new Script [automatically cleans the old databases]
    Fixed Bluetooth Issues [fixed databases]
    Removed the "LauncherPro_Backup" [not needed anymore]
    Cleaned up the Installation Process [Update-Script]
    Added Chinese Input [HTC CIME, FC Fixed]
    Changed Standard Notification Sound ["Vega" from the Nexus S]
    Slightly reduced size [repacked ROM]
    New Hybrid / Transparent Dropdown-Bar [by R64]
    New Gingerbread themed TouchWiz Framework [by R64]

    [ROM] [03.01.2011] Darky's v7.8 Gingerbread Edition ★ JPY ★ // The Next Level. - xda-developers

  8. #188 SP
    Senior Member Mask's Avatar

    Fixed the battery icon [everything is perfect now]
    Replaced Kernel with Advanced Voodoo 5 Final v69.3 [stable // no OC]
    Sharpness Fix [fonts are sharper]
    Extra Tweaks [improved performance]
    Better Memory Management [less RAM hungry]
    Kernel Tweaks for better GPS [improved speed & accuracy]
    Lagfix still disabled [easier updates & less problems]
    Full BLN Support [ready to use out of the box]
    Reworked the whole theme [fixed a lot of bugs, improved the look] // say thanks to R64!
    Much sexier Dropdown-Menu [more transparent]
    Modded some Samsung Apps [Gingerbread Look]
    Themed Phone Dialer [matches the 2.3 look]
    Modded Epic lockscreen [changed colours to match the theme]
    Changed music background and controls [Grey background instead of purple and buttons glow orange, not blue anymore]
    Modded Tabs in Samsung Apps to fit the Gingerbread Theme [clean]
    Changed Contacts image [Fits better with the theme now]
    Changed the SMS Notification Icons [now 2.3 Look]
    Fixed the progress-bar [now orange]
    Fixed the loading-bars [smoother animation]
    Fixed the Contact Icon Borders [Aspect Ratio now correct]

    Other changes
    Changed Android Version to 2.3.1 [just accept it as it is]
    Fixed order in SMS / MMS App [modded by darkyy]
    Added the latest BLN App [BackLightNotifications]

    Added Slim Version [officially supported by darkyy]
    Removed most Samsung Bloatware
    Removed all LiveWallpapers
    Removed all Launchers except the Gingerbread Launcher
    Removed all extra fonts
    Removed all extra wallpapers
    Removed all extra icons
    Removed some extra apps like the MIUI-MusicPlayer etc.
    Removed other bloating stuff
    Cleaned up other unnecessary files

  9. #189 SP
    Senior Member consol3's Avatar

  10. #190 SP
    Senior Member Mask's Avatar

  11. #191 SP
    -= Nemuritor si rece =- Hyp's Avatar
    pfiu..alt darky? eu il am pe 8.0..8.1 nu mi-a placut la "update-ul" luminozitatii

  12. #192 SP
    Senior Member Mask's Avatar

  13. #193 SP
    Junior Member cristy_15kis's Avatar
    a incercat cineva ultimate 7.2 ? cica ar fi mai rapid decat darky Review ultimate 7.2

  14. #194 SP
    Junior Member asterix's Avatar
    are cineva idee ce sa fac sa-mi mearga wi-fi-ul pe telefon (galaxy s). nu pot sa-mi dau seama ce are...routerul este configurat bine (am incercat wifi pe laptop si pe alt telefon si merge). problema este ca imi gaseste reteaua de wifi dar cand ii dau connect imi scrie: Se obtine adresa IP de la.... si asa ramane. am intrat pe wireless la facultate, la servici si a mers perfect, sa conectat din prima. acasa nu pot sami dau seama ce are!! ceva idei ? ms

  15. #195 SP
    Senior Member ffocus's Avatar
    Incearca un Forget Network, apoi conecteaza-te din nou. Verifica protocolul de securitate sa ai WEP/WPA/WPA2. In rest...reboot?

  16. #196 SP
    Junior Member asterix's Avatar
    am incercat si cu WEP si cu WPA/WPA2 si tot nu merge. zice se conecteaza apoi disconected. daca il las fara securitate la fel: Se obtine WPA/WPA2, cand ii dau connect imi cere: Identity, Anonymous Identity si parola...astea de unde le iau ? ca in setarile routerului pe wpa/wpa2 pot sa pun doar radius password. inca ceva, routerul lam configurat pe ip static. am vazut ca si pe telefon la setari wifi la advance am ceva de utilizare ip static... are vreo legatura ? cu toate ca am bagat si ip-urile mele si ip-ul routerului si tot nu merge

  17. #197 SP
    Junior Member cristy_15kis's Avatar
    stii vorba repara cu ai ce sa i faci..incearca factory reset...dar nu prea cred k o sa mearga....fai un flash cu o sa mearga...uite aici un tutorial cum sa resoftezi galaxy s ...asa am patit si yo si nu am avut ce sa i fac

  18. #198 SP
    Junior Member asterix's Avatar
    nu stau sa umblu la el...dar nu inteleg de ce doar pe routerul meu nu merge... la facultatea, la servici, la 4 prieteni acasa a mers din prima...a gasit reteaua si cu securitate si fara iam dat connect si merge...

  19. #199 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Ce router ai? Ai incercat sa faci update de firmware la router si reset la setarile factory default?

  20. #200 SP
    Junior Member asterix's Avatar
    am un asus RT N12. da update l-am facut l-am si resetat si la fel imi zice pe telefon ca se obtine adresa ip de la.... curios e ca un prieten tot acelasi router ca si mine are. l-am configurat ca si el doar ip-urile leam pus pe ale mele... la el merge la mine nu.

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