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Thread: Scivelation anuntat pentru X360

  1. #1 SP
    is the man! trickz's Avatar

    Scivelation anuntat pentru X360

    Ei bine, iata un alt joc exclusiv platformei Xbox 360. Jocul de tip third-person-shooter dezvoltat de Topware Interaction si Black Wing ne va incanta pe undeva prin 2010. Au fost date presei si cateva informatii despre povestea jocului: esti un membru al rebeliunii contra Regimului si esti ajutat de un doctor care a lansat un supervirus (trist.. ajutat de cineva care.. e rau practic. dubiooos) si de un cyborg rus. Mai multe detalii in comunicatul oficial.

    Las Vegas, November 25th, 2009 - Scivelation is officially announced for release on the Xbox 360�video game and entertainment system from Microsoft� and is scheduled for a Q3 2010 release.
    Scivelation, a cinematic gameplay experience set in a dystopian future that promises both high octane action and a powerful human story. Combining beautiful visuals rendered on the Unreal 3 Engine with an immersive plot informed by the works of Orwell, Milton and Dante, Scivelation features white-knuckled gameplay that stresses intelligent strategy while players run, gun, sneak, and drive through a diversity of post-Apocalyptic locations.
    Human civilization as we know it has ended at the hands of religious zealots desperate to bring about the Apocalypse. What remains of society has been homogenized into a single culture, to be governed by the Regime - a theocratic, worldwide government intent to rob mankind of its most meaningful symbols. A scattered front of old believers, named heretics by the Regime, have resorted to violent mobilization in order to carve out a niche where they might survive unmolested, and in the midst of this turmoil are Dr. Elisha Amano, a disgruntled Regime scientist who helped develop a paradigm-shifting, post-human supervirus; and Mikhail Ivanov, a cyborg and former member of the Russian special forces who was divested of his humanity fighting in the End Times.

    Attached Images Attached Images scivelation.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    ...arată excelent costumul de luptă

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar
    Sper sa fie mai bun decat alte jocuri ale companiei.

  4. #4 SP
    is the man! trickz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RonanN1 View Post
    ...arată excelent costumul de luptă
    Buhahaa, sunt sigur ca masca te-a cucerit

  5. #5 SP
    Member psicho1986's Avatar
    Care alte jocuri ale companiei? A trebuit sa caut pe google sa vad ce jocuri au ca asa nu am mai auzit de ei si am vazut ca tot ei sunt cu Two Worlds, care nu l-am jucat, si X-Blades, iar din jocurile cunoscute era Earth 2160 si de ala stiu ca l-am primit la Level. In rest nu cred ca este un joc promitator.

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar
    Aoleu. Inca un personaj in costumatie super nano electro piele de crocodil miere de albine.

  7. #7 SP
    Member faby_67's Avatar

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

  9. #9 SP
    Member dogdan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Mo View Post
    Aoleu. Inca un personaj in costumatie super nano electro piele de crocodil miere de albine.
    setingul pare sa fie gears of war-ish.

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

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