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Thread: Socom Confrontation: Patch 1.6 a fost lansat

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar

    Socom Confrontation: Patch 1.6 a fost lansat

    SOCOM: Confrontation a fost destul de criticat la lansare, dar acum dupa cateva patch-uri este considerat de multi un joc OK. Cei ce inca joaca SOCOM se vor bucura sa auda ca producatorii inca se gandesc la ei. Astazi a fost lansat Patch-ul 1.60, care contine foarte mult continut gratis. Printre acestea se numara o noua factiune, noi arme si imbunatatiri pentru armele existente. Acestea nu sunt singurele vesti bune. Pe 17 Decembrie va fi lansat si DLCul Cold Front, acesta va costa 10$. Lista completa cu imbunatatirile aduse de Patchul 1.6 o aveti mai jos:

    New Special Forces � The Dutch KCT and Italian COMSUBIN Special Forces teams are featured in this update. Each Force is provided with two new heads, a new voice and light, medium and heavy variants of their own torsos and legs (each with a unique camouflage pattern).
    New Weapons � Two new primary weapons will be immediately accessible to players who select to play as the new Special Forces. The Dutch KCT will have access to the 417 assault rifle, while the Italian COMSUBIN Special Forces will receive the SPAS 15 shotgun. Additionally, four new weapons will be made available to players regardless of assigned Special Force. New weapons include the 9mm Sub Machine Gun, M82A1A, AK-74 and SR-25.

    Weapon Updates � A number of weapon updates and adjustments to existing weapons have been included in the patch. Below is an overview of the updates and adjustments that have been made:
    • M87ELR is given .50 cal rounds to balance it against the Mercenaries� M82A1A.
    • Shotguns are balanced to do less damage at long range but more damage at close range.
    • Grenade launchers and rocket launchers have less delay in between shots.
    • Front End weapons values are updated to reflect the new Cold Front DLC Pack weapons.
    In addition to the new characters and weapons, the team has also added 100% Random Medleys to the patch update.
    Attached Images Attached Images socom-confrontation_ss-01.jpg

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