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Thread: Section 8 vine si pe PS3

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar

    Section 8 vine si pe PS3

    In 2007, Section 8 a fost anuntat ca un titlu multiplatform ce urma sa fie lansat pentru PC, Xbox 360 si PS3. Versiunile de PC si Xbox 360 au fost lansate, dar nicio veste despre versiunea de PS3. Un reprezentant TimeGate a confirmat existenta versiunii de PS3 care, in mod surprinzator, nu a fost anulata. Nu a fost oferita o data de lansare. Versiunea de X360 a primit deja un DLC, probabil ca tot continutul aditional se va afla pe disc in cazul versiunii de PS3.
    Attached Images Attached Images section_8_profilelarge.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Member JamiroQuai's Avatar
    N-au decat sa-l scoata si pe PS3.Eu l-am jucat pe X360 si mi se pare groaznic...

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member SYZYGY's Avatar
    Campania e la pamant..dar multiplayeru e destul de interesant

  4. #4 SP
    Member HawK's Avatar
    Jocul e facut pentru multiplayer, nu pentru campanie!

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar
    Press release:

    Sugar Land, Texas -- Feb. 16, 2010 � PlayStation�3 system fans will get their chance to �burn-in� and join the fight on Section 8, TimeGate Studios� sci-fi multiplayer first-person shooter (FPS). Section 8 gives players an unprecedented amount of strategic control by introducing groundbreaking approaches to FPS gameplay with dynamic in-game objectives, customizable loadouts and deployable equipment.

    The PlayStation�3 system version will ship with a full single-player campaign, instant action mode (with full bot support) and a robust multiplayer mode which includes 11 multiplayer maps, three of which are not included at retail on any other platform. Expect extensive improvements when the full version of the game becomes available for purchase and download on Sony�s PlayStation Network in Spring 2010.

    Section 8 is the first title on the PlayStation�3 system to include support for TimeGate Studios� proprietary TGNServer technology, which allows gamers to host 32 player games from their home PC. Players can configure map rotations, change server variables and set a remote admin password to administer the server in-game.

    Section 8 caters to FPS players with two genre-changing features: �burn-in� spawning and dynamic combat missions (DCMs). Burning-in effectively ends spawn-killing by allowing players to drop anywhere on the map from 15,000 feet in real-time. DCMs add a new layer of unpredictability to multiplayer matches with mission objectives activated in real-time.

    �Section 8 will be an unforgettable experience for first-person shooter fans on the PlayStation�3 system since there�s nothing quite like it on the PlayStation Network,� says Adel Chaveleh, CEO, TimeGate Studios. �We�re sure fans will agree that Section 8 is a breath of fresh air for gamers tired of stale, �me-too� multiplayer first-person shooters that fail to innovate.�

    Gamers can view game stats, manage clans and track individual leaderboards with a quick trip to the robust Section 8 website, Section 8 (Xbox 360, PC) - Official Game Website - Region Select.

    Section 8 will be available on the PlayStation�3 system in Spring 2010 on the PlayStation Network. For more information on the Section 8, please visit Section 8 (Xbox 360, PC) - Official Game Website - Region Select

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