UFC Personal Trainer - Matt Testimonial
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UFC Personal Trainer - Matt Testimonial (2 min 53 sec)
Uploaded on 05-07-2011 at 04:05 PM by andreicristian9
Devs, Interviews - YouTube

UFC Personal Trainer is a fighting and fitness video game created by THQ. The game is a sequel to the UFC Undisputed series but differs from it in its playability in that it requires the Kinect accessory for the Xbox 360 version and the Playstation Move for the Playstation 3 version. There is also a Wii version that doesn't require any additional accessories to play. It was released on June 28, 2011. THQ's executive Vice President Danny Bilson stated that it will be 'the coolest fighting thing in the world.'

Tags: personal, trainer, ufc

UFC Personal Trainer - Matt Testimonial
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