
Insight Experience
Group Ranking
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Results 1 to 50 of 10179 Search took 0.09 seconds.


Level User Name Points Activity Reputation Points for user Points for threads Points for posts Points for miscellaneous
100 MonkY 4,556,413 22.0% 66542 332,124 532,637 3,691,263 388
83 RonanN1 1,374,457 51.0% 40003 138,276 96,986 1,139,125 70
55 paul 599,695 100.0% 14413 40,347 71,598 484,870 2,880
46 razvanrazy 421,133 72.0% 19145 104,374 7,712 309,047 0
34 Donely 227,441 0% 3761 227,441 0 0 0
33 rodarkone 208,072 12.0% 13147 186,398 8,943 12,731 0
30 tudyniuz 170,211 0% 21945 86,171 10,222 73,608 210
28 Tudoran 157,495 6.0% 10244 89,558 11,255 55,812 870
28 Dj Mo 155,291 37.0% 12982 96,339 6,074 52,878 0
27 Alexandru 135,803 14.0% 16701 73,098 1,518 61,147 40
26 eagle-eye 128,113 29.0% 9930 38,979 3,977 85,127 30
22 iry 92,956 4.0% 10286 67,667 173 25,116 0
22 trickz 92,446 11.0% 6717 41,842 1,223 48,418 963
22 GreyhounD 91,775 0% 6544 91,775 0 0 0
22 Xander RO 91,403 75.0% 4069 48,701 2,740 39,962 0
21 cristi-dinu 87,629 12.0% 3099 75,092 22 12,515 0
21 ReNeGaDe124 83,429 0% 29904 83,379 0 0 50
21 gvingi76 82,630 0% 3896 82,520 0 0 110
21 sexbobomb91 81,818 11.0% 3965 35,192 3,253 43,373 0
21 Dant3 81,281 0% 30950 81,271 0 0 10
20 Teo 74,264 0% 3190 31,550 2,119 40,595 0
20 Graft 73,546 0% 18920 73,346 0 0 200
19 Espiritus 67,237 27.0% 5010 29,837 1,502 35,898 0
19 ConuGeo 65,888 22.0% 2703 33,737 550 31,601 0
18 djleo666 58,042 0% 4466 55,766 219 2,057 0
17 LucKos 55,943 0% 8581 47,598 102 8,243 0
17 divayo 54,303 0% 700 54,303 0 0 0
17 VictusG 53,346 27.0% 1801 41,468 24 11,854 0
17 iPaul 51,619 0% 3828 47,662 144 3,813 0
16 AzFaust 48,762 0% 1985 40,378 143 8,241 0
16 calin_kalf 47,933 0% 2234 47,933 0 0 0
16 Danny 46,389 0% 4616 46,389 0 0 0
16 darkpaul13 46,189 0% 5335 32,527 1,332 12,330 0
16 solecon 45,973 0% 4332 45,733 0 0 240
16 raduadelin 45,842 0% 6915 45,842 0 0 0
15 kobayashi 44,241 0% 6121 44,241 0 0 0
15 JeNeI 43,714 0% 9301 43,714 0 0 0
15 FallouT 43,710 0% 4822 43,710 0 0 0
15 G-XtremE 43,125 0% 3416 31,767 1,868 9,490 0
15 rulzmaker 42,989 0% 3386 42,989 0 0 0
15 Zero 42,914 9.0% 5959 36,097 46 6,771 0
15 ilie11 42,282 0% 11932 42,282 0 0 0
15 Mihail 41,102 0% 4301 36,896 150 3,996 60
15 nameless_fear 40,854 0% 7718 36,798 440 3,600 15
15 GODZYLLA 40,314 3.0% 5092 34,687 0 5,627 0
15 erik95 39,852 0% 16271 39,692 0 0 160
15 consol3 39,454 2.0% 5139 38,203 65 1,186 0
15 thomas 39,443 12.0% 1198 32,911 0 6,532 0
15 AlanPoe 39,051 0% 3014 39,051 0 0 0
15 ramonski 38,982 0% 2039 38,982 0 0 0
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Experience 4.0.4