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Thread: Bungie intinde o mana de ajutor victimelor din Haiti

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar

    Bungie intinde o mana de ajutor victimelor din Haiti

    Pe 12 ianuarie 2010 statul Haiti si intreaga omenire au trait un adevarat cosmar care a lasat in urma mii de victime, cladiri distruse si oameni disperati. In zona capitalei statului, Port-au-Prince, s-a produs un cutremur de magnitudinea 7 care s-a soldat cu aproximativ o suta de mii de morti si a provocat pagube materiale uriase. Insa majoritatea statelor din lume au sarit in ajutor si le-au oferit cetatenilor din Haiti mancare, apa, bani si securitate.

    Daca nu aveti posibilitatea sa donati bani organizatilor de caritate care si-au oferit tot suportul sa ajute statul Haiti nu va ingrijorati. Puteti sa dati o mana de ajutor foarte usor si partea buna e ca nu va costa nimic. Aveti nevoie doar de o copie a jocurilor Halo 3 sau Halo: ODST si sa va schimbati emblema intr-o inima (ca si in imaginea de mai jos) si sa va jucati online orice mod de joc miercurea si joia aceasta. Bungie va dona cate un "dime" (10 cents) organizatiei "Crucia Rosie", suma poate ajunge la un maxim de $77.000. Daca aveti la dispozitie mai multi bani si vreti sa oferi o suma mai mare, puteti foarte bine sa cumparati o editie speciala a tricoului Superintendent de pe Bungie Store toate incasarile provenite vor fi donate organizatiei "Crucea Rosie".

    Puteti afla mai multe despre aceasta actiune caritabila vizitand blogul studioului : Be a Hero! : 1/15/2010 4:48 PM PST.
    Attached Images Attached Images 2865580249_8ef27ce068_o.jpg joinup.jpg 41br25blvzl._sl400_.jpg 51bu4mlbrgl._sl400_.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member Mariusik's Avatar
    Nu vreau sa par insensibil, dar asta nu e stire de Other News?

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar
    De ce? Este un producator de jocuri video care face un gest caritabil. Nu cred ca Bungie produce televizoare sau telefoane.

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    urmand modelul celor de la Bungie si Sony Online Entertainment a donat o suma destul de mare, $25.000, pentru victimele din Haiti. un gest foarte frumos

    Game News HQ - Everquest, Free Realms players raise $25,000 for Haiti
    Sony Online Entertainment has announced that it has donated $25,000 in aid to the victim's of the tragic Haiti earthquake. The money was raised with the help of Everquest, Everquest II and Free Realms players via the purchase of special in-game items. For every item purchased -- each item was priced at $5 -- Sony Online Entertainment donated $10 to the American Red Cross Haiti Relief and Development fund. The sum, raised in only three days, should aid in sending much needed supplies, relief workers, and financial support. A commendable effort, to be sure.

    ---------- Post added 24-01-2010 at 01:03 AM ----------

    Celor doua companii de jocuri li se alatura si IGN organizand un "online webathon". mai multe detalii puteti gasi aici IGN for Haiti Charity Event

    The news site will be taking donations from readers next Wednesday during a 12-hour "online webathon," the proceeds from which will go to Habitat for Humanity. The site will also be holding a number of online auctions for items donated by altruistic members of the gaming industry -- such as the gold-plated Bayonetta gun seen above.
    Game News HQ - IGN holding chartiy event for Haiti recovery efforts

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    nu e vorba dspre victemele din Haiti, dar Game News HQ - Blizzard gives $1.1m to Make-A-Wish following in-game panda sales

    Blizzard recently donated half of the proceeds from players' purchases of a special pet, the "Pandaren Monk," to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, for a grand total of $1.1 million. The O.C. Register reports that Blizzard made a few more wishes come true at its HQ during the check-signing event -- WoW art director Sam "Samwise" Didier sketched kids' characters for them, and even hooked up 17-year-old Jordan Cofinco with a shiny new level 80 character. In short, Blizzard -- and anyone walking around WoW with a tiny Kung Fu Panda following close behind -- just gained some major karma points.
    o suma foarte mare

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