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Thread: Splinter Cell Conviction

  1. #241 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar

  2. #242 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    VG247 Blog Archive Ubi CV says next Assassin’s Creed is due this year, SCC PS3 also seen

    Michael Donnell, a 3D animator at Ubisoft Montreal who is also working on Splinter Cell: Conviction for PS3 according to said CV, has the release date down on his LinkedIn profile.
    As for Splinter Cell: Conviction PS3, that is not the first time that has appeared on someone’s CV. Only last week, it appeared on another LinkedIn CV, which showed the platform together with the game.
    Va veni si acesta la fel ca si Double Agent.
    Attached Images Attached Images ac-2010.jpg

  3. #243 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar


    Quote Originally Posted by skorch View Post
    Bine Mafalda. Sa vina din partea mea si pe Wii. Pana atunci, postul tau nu are ce cauta aici.

  4. #244 SP
    Senior Member Uziwood's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Mo View Post
    Bine Mafalda. Sa vina din partea mea si pe Wii. Pana atunci, postul tau nu are ce cauta aici.
    Atat timp cat omul a postat o sursa, e bine venit orice tip de zvon. Daca zicea: "mi-or zis mie baetii ca vine SplinterCell ala pe Playstation!" era altceva.

  5. #245 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar

  6. #246 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar
    E un zvon legat de joc, unde putea sa-l posteze? Si nu e un zvon chiar aiurea, in modul asta au mai fost anuntate/dezvaluite n jocuri in modul asta.

  7. #247 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by erik95 View Post
    E un zvon legat de joc, unde putea sa-l posteze? Si nu e un zvon chiar aiurea, in modul asta au mai fost anuntate/dezvaluite n jocuri in modul asta.
    Bine domnu. In MODUL asta am editat postul in MODUL asta. Rog un moderator sa stearga postul ofensator, care atrage avocati in MODUL asta. End of case.

  8. #248 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar
    Nu vad de unde atata agitatie pentru un zvon creat de un blog, care se bazeaza pe un "tweet" de pe un site de "social network". Nici macar nu este ceva oficial de la Ubisoft. Asa pot face si eu un user pe LinkedIn, despre care sa zic ca lucreaza in mod curent la MGS4 pentru Wii, 360 si PC si la Mass Effect pentru PS3. Tot zvon se cheama, deci nu inteleg de unde atatea inflamatii. Stirile astea gen "tabloid", "Libertatea", le agreez cat se poate de putin.

    Ar fi bine sa iasa si pe PS3, dar nu in modul in care a iesit Double Agent, adica prost portat si plin de buguri. Daca tot il fac multiplatform, sa-l faca cum trebuie. Pana la anuntul oficial (daca, si cand va veni) "vorbim discutii".

    P.S.: skorch, in afara de copy-paste, stii sa-ti exprimi parerea?

  9. #249 SP
    Senior Member Mika's Avatar
    Ctrl-Alt-Del :
    Attached Images Attached Images 20100407.jpg

  10. #250 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar

  11. #251 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar

    collector edition unboxing

  12. #252 SP
    Member thegame's Avatar
    Can't wait for this game

  13. #253 SP
    Senior Member Krusht's Avatar

  14. #254 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar
    IGN Video: Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction Xbox 360 Video - Co-Op Video Feature

    ---------- Post added 09-04-2010 at 06:20 PM ----------

  15. #255 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  16. #256 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    The co-op is well worth discussing. It is, after all, better than the single-player campaign.

  17. #257 SP
    Senior Member Krusht's Avatar
    Patrick Redding, Game Director for Splinter Cell Conviction, has admitted to OXM that "things needed to evolve" for Splinter Cell: Conviction.
    "I think it was just a question of where Splinter Cell specifically needed to evolve," says Redding. "Otherwise it would be Sam, seven years on, still being airdropped into Ethnicbacklashistan. Things needed to evolve and we needed to get to know him a bit better - other than just snippets of gallows humour over the radio."

    "I love stealth gameplay - that pure, rigorous definition of stealth gameplay which is that no-one ever knows that you were there - I think that there's still room to do that. I love it, that's the kind of espionage gameplay I'd like to sink my teeth into."

  18. #258 SP
    Banned Spyker's Avatar
    a aparut deja splinter cell conviction

  19. #259 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Spyker View Post
    a aparut deja splinter cell conviction
    Nu inca, pe 13 se lanseaza in state.
    ToTheGame - Search for Game

  20. #260 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    e nou aici. mai mult ca sigur ca se refera la varianta de pe torente.

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