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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 4

  1. #2861 SP
    Member anes's Avatar
    PS4 Certification Explained - NowGamer
    Trophies and Remote Play are mandatory for all PS4 titles to pass certification.
    Speaking on a Machinima livestream demoing the free-to-play Blacklight Retribution for PS4, one of the questions that Zombie Studio's Jared Gerritzen was asked viewers was if the shooter would have trophies.
    "Yeah, I think that’s the only way we can pass certification, is if we have trophies," answered Gerritzen. "We have to have trophies. When you put a game on a console, you actually have to pass cert. So everyone’s allowing indie games… okay, so say you guys have a game you want to put on the console. You have to get it tested and certify it as well.

    "So I can’t just throw a game at either one of the console companies and say ‘just put it on because you let indie game development on’. You have to pass cert. That’s the barrier and that’s the wall that you need to go past.

    "Cert is that there are X, Y and Zs that you have to make sure that you do. So for example, PlayStation, we have to have use of the controls and different features that they want. We have to have Remote Play. That’s part of certification. And I believe trophies are part of certification as well."
    He later mentions that Sony is changing its policy with regards to patching, as is Microsoft.

  2. #2862 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    stiu MonkY ca de ieri am citit faza cu Gold si chiar am vrut sa scriu o stire, dar am decis sa nu mai scriu despre diferentele intre console, ci doar despre jocuri, ca nu vreau sa fiu din nou acuzat de fanboy sau hater si asa X1 are din pacate destula publicitate negativa, chiar daca stirea a aparut pe toate siteurile importante.

  3. #2863 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by AndRewqp View Post
    am vrut sa scriu o stire, dar am decis sa nu mai scriu despre diferentele intre console, ci doar despre jocuri, ca nu vreau sa fiu din nou acuzat de fanboy sau hater
    Asa, asa... lasati sa se sparga toate in capul meu. Azi nici nu mai stiu ce fel de fanboy sunt... sa ma uit pe calendar, ca le-am impartit pe calendarul crestin ortodox deja. X1 e la alea cu cruce neagra

  4. #2864 SP
    Member MSlv's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Azi nici nu mai stiu ce fel de fanboy sunt...
    PS Vita?

    Legat de functii ascunse dupa paywall, nu se punea problema inca de la E3 ca doar "online multiplayer" necesita PS+?


    parca nu mergeau 2 posturi unul dupa altul...
    Attached Images Attached Images plus_large_verge_medium_landscape.jpg

  5. #2865 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MSlv View Post

    parca nu mergeau 2 posturi unul dupa altul...
    Daca ai imagine atasata, Automerge-ul nu intra in functiune!

  6. #2866 SP
    Senior Member OlBlueEyes's Avatar

  7. #2867 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    singura utilitate pe care eu o vad la touchpad , navigare pe net mai facila, in rest "useless"

    dar poate in timp am sa-mi schimb parerea

  8. #2868 SP
    Senior Member OlBlueEyes's Avatar
    Sony plays it safe with 'sold out' PS4 while Xbox is 'working hard' to meet demand | Games industry news | MCV

    ---------- Post added 09-08-2013 at 17:36 ----------

    God of War II Director Cory Barlog Teases 'Crazy' Reveal - Push Square

    Put your hype in perspective – this is unlikely to be a game announcement. However, it’s still news worth anticipating. Cory Barlog, the man behind God of War II, has Tweeted that there’ll be a “crazy announcement” on the PlayStation Blog today. Our best guess? He’s returning to Sony Santa Monica.
    The outspoken developer left the first-party studio a little while after the completion of the PlayStation 2 epic, and went on to enjoy short tenures at Avalanche, Crystal Dynamics, and more. Having departed the Tomb Raider studio in April, though, we wouldn’t be surprised if he’s being brought back to essentially reboot the God of War franchise on the PlayStation 4.
    Bruno Velazquez, an animator on God of War: Ascension, added more credence to our speculation, replying, “I wonder what it could be?” Sony has announced new staff appointments in the past, with Seth Killian’s arrival at Sony Santa Monica garnering coverage on the PlayStation Blog. We’ll find out for sure later, but we suspect that the God is about to return to his throne.

  9. #2869 SP
    Senior Member Clopotarul's Avatar
    : God of War’s Cory Barlog has returned to Sony Santa Monica studios | VG247

    God of War’s former game director Cory Barlog has returned to Sony Santa Monica studios after departing in 2007 .

    Announced on the PS Blog, Barlog also said he was working on a “freaking huge” project.

    “What am I working on, you ask? Good question. Sadly, I cannot tell you…yet,” he wrote. “But I can say that it is freaking huge, and it will live up to the standards that I helped establish here at SMS."

    “We’re putting together a team as I type this, an Ocean’s 11 kind of thing. We are searching the world high and low for the best of the BEST to come and be on the ground floor of this endeavor.

  10. #2870 SP
    Member MSlv's Avatar
    Sony not expecting PS3-like losses for PS4 -
    Kato said Sony spent "hundreds of millions" in designing the PS3's chip set and "billions" on semiconductor fabrication because these technologies were not readily available.

    "There were no manufacturing capacity or technology to manufacture these chipsets. So the amount of investment that went into PS3 was quite big," Kato said.

    By comparison, Kato said the PS4 is a much "lighter" platform in terms of investment due to its PC-like architecture.

    "At the core, we are taking off-the-shelf technology available and we are putting our proprietary technology around that core chipset," Kato said. "The amount of investment is much, much smaller. I cannot give you the absolute amount."

  11. #2871 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Ar fi fost si culmea sa piarda bani cu un "PC" si cu componente AMD. Eu as fi curios de pretul celor 8GB GDDR5... cred ca RAM-ul ala costa mai mult decat SoC-ul (CPU+GPU)

  12. #2872 SP
    Member Snake's Avatar
    Nu cred sa fie chiar atat de scumpa memoria, mai ales ca vor cumpara in cantitati industriale.
    Ce nu inteleg eu de ce mama naibii nu anunta data oficiala de lansare, ei care nu au mai rezistat si au anuntat consola la inceputul anului. Sa fie probleme in Paradis? Vad ca amazon si altii deja au anuntat ca ei nu mai garanteaza comenzile de pre-order iar asta ar insemna ca nici macar ei nu stiu exact cate unitati vor primi.

  13. #2873 SP
    Member Buyk's Avatar
    Din cate am inteles nu mai garanteaza pentru precomenzile facute in August , dar lotul de precomenzi facute inainte de August vor ajunge la cumparatori in ziua lansarii !

  14. #2874 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Da, mi-au trimis si mie cei de la ceva legat de PS4 Eye... i-am dat cancel...
    Cat despre data lansarii, probabil o vom afla la Gamescom (21-25.08.2013).

  15. #2875 SP
    Member MSlv's Avatar
    niste informatii noi despre RAM, pe surse (un dev anonim):
    The RAM of PS4 will be flexible to some extent, in regard to how much is used for the Operating System and how much is used for the games themselves. While 5.5gb of RAM out of the 8gb in total is set aside from the OS to be used for the game, there is a buffer amount of around 512mb extra which can be applied for by any developer so that 6gb can be used for the game instead.

    Any developer choosing this path would have to work closely with Sony as the buffer is likely meant to prevent things from overflowing.
    PlayStation 4′s RAM (OS vs Game) Finally Explained; Flexible If Devs Working Closely w/ Sony | RealGamerNewz

    pe scurt: 5.5 GB minim garantat pentru jocuri, posibilitatea de a lucra cu inca 512 mb (dar e mai complicat) si ramane, zic eu, varianta ca pe viitor sa mai taie din RAMi de la OS

  16. #2876 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Oare e doar o gramada de cutii goale... pentru reclama... sau?!?
    Attached Images Attached Images lots_of_ps4_consoles.jpg

  17. #2877 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    zi repede unde ai tras poza !

  18. #2878 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Eram cat pe ce sa spun ca la mine in curte am inceput sa fac livrari... dar mi-am adus aminte ca n-am curte
    Am gasit poza pe web, pe diverse site-uri... dar unul nu specifica de unde sunt sau ce-i cu ele... La cum arata ma gandesc ca isi "construieste" cineva un stand. Fie intr-un magazin, fie la o expozitie gen Gamescom?

  19. #2879 SP
    Member Buyk's Avatar
    Of ce bine mai arata paletul ala !

  20. #2880 SP
    Senior Member JeNeI's Avatar
    Ar fi bine daca ar fi adevarat

    RUMOR: Playstation 4 to launch October 21st - NeoGAF

    P.S.Persoana de la care provine informatia a fost verificata.

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