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Thread: Clubul Nintendo Switch

  1. #1061 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nintendo Life
    Nintendo's firmware update 13.0.0 had the headline feature of adding support for Bluetooth devices, which was overdue but nonetheless welcome. It did some other work too, however, such as an 'Update Dock' option for the OLED model equivalents, effectively ensuring support of the LAN port that'll be introduced in the new model.

    One boost that wasn't in the changelog, however, seems to relate to game boot times. Now this isn't a load time for an individual game, but the transition of the Switch to booting the game up - that black screen with the little animated Switch 'click' at the bottom right. As highlighted by @pikuri_ on Twitter, this has sped up for some games to the extent that the click animation can't even fully complete.

    We've been testing a variety of games around the NL team and reckon this is indeed the case - larger games still take a second or two to 'boot' and start loading properly, but some smaller titles in particular seem to be notably faster than before.

    In reality this is a small boost of course, and game load times after this initial screen will be the same as ever. It's a fun thing to note though, as Nintendo's firmware updates often have a few little tweaks that can easily be missed.

    Have you noticed this in any of your games? Go on, try it out for yourselves.
    Switch Firmware Update 13.0.0 Speeds Up Game Boot Times

  2. #1062 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Super Arcade Football - Nintendo Switch Launch Trailer [Europe]

    4,99 €(-50%) -

  3. #1063 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nintendo Europe
    Save up to 75% on some of the biggest #NintendoSwitch titles when our Blockbuster Sale starts this Thursday at 15:00 CEST!

  4. #1064 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nintendo Europe
    Tune in 24/09 at 00:00 CEST for a #NintendoDirect livestream featuring roughly 40 minutes of information focussed mainly on #NintendoSwitch games launching this winter.
    Attached Images Attached Images e_5qzosuuacndo6.jpg

  5. #1065 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    OLED Model preview in japoneza:

  6. #1066 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Trailers de la Nintendo Direct:
    Triangle Strategy:

    Actraiser Renaissance:

    Castlevania Advance Collection:


    Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars:

    Dying Light 2: Stay Human:

  7. #1067 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Playtonic Friends Presents: Blossom Tales 2: The Minotaur Prince
    Blossom Tales 2: The Minotaur Prince will be coming to Steam and Nintendo Switch in 2022!

    Wreckfest – Announcement Trailer – Nintendo Switch

    Surviving the Aftermath – Release Date Trailer – Nintendo Switch

    Shadowrun Trilogy – Announcement Trailer – Nintendo Switch

    STAR WARS: Knights of the Old Republic – Announcement Trailer – Nintendo Switch

    Disney Magical World 2: Enchanted Edition – Announcement Trailer – Nintendo Switch

    Disco Elysium - The Final Cut – Release Date Trailer – Nintendo Switch

    ---------- Post added 25-09-2021 at 01:19 ----------

    Arcade Archives PAC-MAN – Launch Trailer – Nintendo Switch

    Arcade Archives XEVIOUS – Launch Trailer – Nintendo Switch

    ---------- Post added 25-09-2021 at 02:02 ----------

    Hot Wheels Unleashed – Announcement Trailer – Nintendo Switch

    Rune Factory 5 – Nintendo Direct 9.23.21 Trailer – Nintendo Switch

  8. #1068 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    The Legend of Tianding Release Date Trailer 2.0

    【METAL DOGS】早期アクセスリリース版トレイ� �� ��ー/Early Access Launch Trailer

    vine pe Switch în această iarnă

  9. #1069 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    At least 11 companies, including Zynga, have tools from Nintendo to make 4K Switch games. [...]

    Employees at 11 game companies said their teams were in possession of Nintendo’s 4K development kit for the Switch. The companies span the globe, ranging from large publishers to small studios and include at least one that has never made a console game before, Zynga Inc., according to the employees, who asked not to be identified because they weren’t authorized to discuss their projects publicly. [...]

    But a system capable of handling 4K games isn’t expected to be released until late next year at the earliest, people familiar with the plans said. [...]
    Nintendo Switch 4K: Developers Make Games for Nonexistent Console - Bloomberg

  10. #1070 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Steel Assault Nintendo Switch Review | Old School Metal Run N' Gun Shooter!

    Steel Assault (Nintendo Switch) Review | Stylish Retro Platformer

  11. #1071 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    The patents, which were originally filed in March 2020 but were published on Thursday, detail “systems and methods for machine learned image conversion”.

    It describes the process of taking a source image, dividing it into blocks of pixels and giving each block some context data. These are all then added to an ‘activation matrix’, which is run through a trained neural network to convert the image to a higher resolution. [...]

    One example given details a process similar to the Switch’s main functionality, where a game can run at one resolution while a device is being powered by a battery, but when plugged into a power socket or connected to a TV the output can be upscaled to 1080p.

    Another example discusses the process’s potential use in cloud gaming, in which cloud-based systems can send a compressed, low-res image to the player’s device, which will then use AI to upscale it to 1080p at the user’s end to reduce latency. [...]

    It states: “It will be appreciated that while the example shown […] relates to transforming a 540p image to a 1080p image, the techniques herein may be applied to other image sizes (e.g. 720p to 1080p, 480p to 1080p, 1080p to 1440p, 1080p to 4K, 720p to 4k, etc).” [...]
    Newly published Nintendo patents show plans for DLSS-style AI upscaling | VGC

  12. #1072 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Nintendo Life Indie Spotlight 04.10.2021

  13. #1073 SP
    Member IsNotMe's Avatar
    Cat de misto arata Fading Afternoon ala! Release : Soon !

  14. #1074 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GamesRadar+
    The Nintendo Switch OLED dock is supposedly capable of outputting 4K at 60fps according to a YouTuber who has taken it apart.

    As shared by Nintendo Life, YouTuber Nintendo Prime has recently got their hands on the Nintendo Switch OLED a few days before its official launch. In a video discussing the console’s components, Nintendo Prime has noticed a few clues in the console’s HDMI cable that hints towards potential 4K output.

    According to Nintendo Prime, the cable that the Nintendo Switch OLED ships with is a HDMI 2.0 (which is required for 4K output), and the cable is also 4K ready. In the same video, it is revealed that the new Switch console features an ARM-based chip on the dock’s motherboard. However, it isn’t able to upscale to 4K and would need a more powerful console to do so.
    Nintendo Switch OLED teardown hints at 4K 60fps output

  15. #1075 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Cloud versions of Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5, 2.8 and 3 (+Re Mind) are coming to Nintendo Switch
    Attached Images Attached Images fa8vchwwyasd0we.jpg

  16. #1076 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    That's complete BS. Clickbait article.

    Normal ca vine cu cablu HDMI capabil 4K, majoritatea sunt.

    Iar faptul ca acel chip nu e capabil sa faca upscale si ca are nevoie de o consola mai puternica e cireasa de pe tort...

  17. #1077 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by IsNotMe View Post
    Cat de misto arata Fading Afternoon ala! Release : Soon !
    Până când apare pe Switch poți încerca alte jocuri lansate de YEO:

    The friends of Ringo Ishikawa - The friends of Ringo Ishikawa

    Arrest of a stone Buddha - Arrest of a stone Budda | by yeo

  18. #1078 SP
    Member IsNotMe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by dronology View Post
    Până când apare pe Switch poți încerca alte jocuri lansate de YEO
    Nu stiam de ele ! Ms ! dupa Metroid Dread vor urma amandoua . AOSB = John Wick

  19. #1079 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Actraiser Renaissance Nintendo Switch Review

    Actraiser Renaissance | Nintendo Switch Gameplay

  20. #1080 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Tetris Effect: Connected - Launch Trailer - Nintendo Switch

    Tetris Effect: Connected Nintendo Switch Review - Is It Worth It?

    Tetris Effect: Connected (Switch) Review - NWR TV - Perfectris

    Tetris Effect: Connected - REVIEW (Switch)

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