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Thread: CGR - MAG

  1. #181 SP
    Senior Member cosminbad's Avatar
    ma miram eu ca jucam cu ramusg aseara, pe Cooper hills.... si eram in aparare ca sver. super

  2. #182 SP
    Banned FormableTube's Avatar
    Zipper Announces MAG PS3 Sabotage Mode Goes Faction Neutral

    Zipper Interactive Sr. Community Manager Jeremy Dunham has announced today that beginning today the MAG PS3 Sabotage Mode goes Faction Neutral!

    To quote: It�s been almost six months since our massive online shooter, MAG, was released to stores all over the world, and the team here at Zipper Interactive is celebrating by giving something back to fans who continue to support our game and its community.

    That �something� we�re passing along is also something that many of you have been asking us for with great enthusiasm for months. And so, it is with great pleasure, that I announce that starting today � right this moment in fact � that all maps in our �Sabotage� game mode are going �Faction Neutral!�

    If you ever wanted to play against the Valor PMC as a member of the competing Raven Industries on a map that belonged to the third faction, SVER, that option is now yours! We�d like to think of it as a way to experience existing content in an all-new way, and we hope you feel the same.

    The best part? You don�t have to download a thing to do it. We�ve already set everything up so that all you have to do is log on to the game, select the Sabotage game mode with whatever your PMC of choice may be, and have fun. It�s just that simple.

    We hope you enjoy this gift to you as much as we enjoy giving it, and once again, want to thank each and every one of you who have supported MAG in its first half-year. Hopefully, you�ll like what we have in store for the second-half just as much
    Scuzati ca am postat aici dar nu am mai gasit threadul MAG

  3. #183 SP
    ZecaR_13 BliZZarD's Avatar si uitat de baietii mei din clan nam mai intrat de vreo 2 zile la MAG deoarece mam suparat asa de tare intro zi ca jucam numai cu noobi si nam castigat nimic toata ziua si am jucat vreo 10 meciuri si mai mult am preferat sa ies cu baietii prin oras decat sami fac capul praf de nervi jucand cu "fasolele" alea cu 2 maini stangi
    Poate maine o sa mai intru si eu si ne strangem gasca veche in speranta de a invata lumea de rand cum se joaca daca nu...o sa incalzeasca tusa pt cei mai buni

  4. #184 SP
    Member pufy's Avatar
    • salutare baieti xD ,ma gandeam sa cumpar si eu Mag,dar nu vreau sa joc singur ,mai am un prieten care are ps3 dar nu prea e fan fps,eu am cont pe US si momentan ma joc killzone 2,ma gandesc de mult sa cumpar jocu acesta dar avand in vedere ca nu am casca cu microfon si jocu se bazeaza mult pe echipa nu stiu cat de mult m-as descurca,din ce-am vazut nu e ca in mw2,vroiam sa stiu voi cum jucati ,va folositi de microfon ca sa comunicati sau jucati pur si simplu ?

  5. #185 SP
    ZecaR_13 BliZZarD's Avatar
    Majoritatea dintr noi avem casti dar te poti descurca perfect si fara casca cat timp asculti ordinele date de altii si te sfatuiesc sa'ti cumperi jocul asta caci e foarte distractiv si te mai intalnesti cu prietenii si mai stati la o vorba

  6. #186 SP
    Member pufy's Avatar
    eh atunci imi voi cumpara si eu mag ,sper sa ma primit la voi in clan ,voi pe ce zona aveti cont?

  7. #187 SP
    Member ramusg's Avatar
    ZecaR!! Esti in viata copilul meu? Sa tai vitelul cel gras? Ai rezolvat cu reparatia?

  8. #188 SP
    ZecaR_13 BliZZarD's Avatar
    Mai kepzy tare as vrea sa fi rezolvat...stau pe tusa de mai bine de 1 luna cred ca
    Mi'e un dor de va mai aud glasul vostru "colorat" in urechea mea
    Dar sper ca in urmatoarele saptamani sa rezolv si sa ne mai intalnim la un MAG

  9. #189 SP
    Member ramusg's Avatar
    Te asteptam, eu m-ai am de sistrus 9 masinute de escort in Aquisition si fac platina, destul de incrancenat acest ultim trofeu, trebuie mult bulan si un pic de ajutor din partea camarazilor, pe cat mai curand.

    ---------- Post added 20-09-2010 at 07:54 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by pufy View Post
    eh atunci imi voi cumpara si eu mag ,sper sa ma primit la voi in clan ,voi pe ce zona aveti cont?
    Jocul e zona 3 dar contul este UK, te asteptam la Sver, noul clan e DMC, da un semn cand ai intrat la Sver. Bafta.

  10. #190 SP
    ZecaR_13 BliZZarD's Avatar
    Sa pastrezi niste masini la care sa te ajut si eu

  11. #191 SP
    Member pufy's Avatar
    deci trebuie sa imi fac cont de UK ?

  12. #192 SP
    ZecaR_13 BliZZarD's Avatar
    Daca ai joc zona 2 iti faci cont de uk, daca ai de zona 1 faci cont de us sau daca ai de zona 3 faci de asia

  13. #193 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar
    PlayStation LifeStyle � MAG Getting Magnificent Price
    Released in January of this year, Zipper Interactive’s Massive Action Game took the PlayStation Network by storm with the promise of 256-player online battles. Without a doubt, MAG in the present day is a drastically different experience than its original release which is only evolving further. As the evolution is confirmed to continue, next week PS3 gamers will have no excuse to discount this shooter from their gaming library.
    Next week, MAG will official join the ranks of the “Greatest Hits” lineup of PS3 games. With the attractive $29.99 price point, avid online shooter fans will definitely want to pick this massive and multiplayer (but not massively multiplayer) game up. With PlayStation Move support coming in a matter of weeks along with game changing tweaks, such as a revamped skill-tree and increased level cap to name a few, there is no excuse not to give this first-person shooter a chance.
    MAG will officially become a “Greatest Hits” title on September 28, 2010. If you do not already own this title in your collection, will you be picking it up at this lowered price-point? Tell us in the comments below.

  14. #194 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    poate o sa il iau eu daca se ieftineste ... . Da am o intrebare : daca jocul e zona 1 , atunci o sa ma pot juca cu alti membrii CG care il au zona 2 ?si ca veni vorba : voi ce versiune de Mag aveti ? Europa sau America ?

  15. #195 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar
    Nu e region locked ca la demon's souls .Eu am varianta europeana.

  16. #196 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar

  17. #197 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar
    PlayStation Move Developer Diary: MAG – PlayStation Blog
    “The Move is not only precise but it also takes you in different direction, it feels like a natural extension of your hand and wrist. It just flows with your body and you stop thinking about having a controller. Those are the experiences that really pull you in as a player.” -Ben Jones, MAG level designer

  18. #198 SP
    Member pufy's Avatar
    baieti am o mica pb la mag momentan,mereu pana sa se sfarseasca un meci se blocheaza pe undeva gen min 2-3 ? voi ati patit asta?

  19. #199 SP
    Senior Member Muthu Raoul's Avatar
    Cand ne strangem la un Mag?

  20. #200 SP
    Senior Member SYZYGY's Avatar
    Ma bag si eu daca e

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