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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 3

  1. #16821 SP
    Member darkr3surrecter's Avatar
    Salut, vreau sa cumpar un monitor si nu stiu pe care sa-l aleg.
    Daca se pricepe cineva sa-mi dea si mie un sfat.
    Vreau sa aleg intre cele doua: Monitor LED LG E2250V-PN, 22'', HDMI, negru | ALTEX
    Philips Monitor LED 21.5" 221TE4LB Full HD, HDMI, Boxe, TV Tuner inclus Monitoare LED
    Vreau sa-l folosesc la pc si la PS3. Nu prea ma pricep cu contrast-urile si altele, dar cred ca cifrele mai mari pot fi inselatoare.

  2. #16822 SP
    Banned asperas's Avatar
    Sal!aseara am rulat pes 2012,fifa 12,bulletstorm,dark souls si au mers fara probleme dar jocuri ca infamous2,syndicate,brink mi-au stins consola!?aveti vreo idee,merge spre ylod?multumesc..

  3. #16823 SP
    Senior Member FishyBon3's Avatar
    Mai fa si tu o pauza intre jocuri.Ti-a dat freeze,nu-i nimic,dar daca o sa continui sa joci non stop,sigur merge spre ylod

  4. #16824 SP
    Banned asperas's Avatar
    [QUOTE=FishyBon3;815258]Mai fa si tu o pauza intre jocuri.Ti-a dat freeze,nu-i nimic,dar daca o sa continui sa joci non stop,sigur merge spre ylod[/QUOTE

    ms mult man pt raspuns dar am scris rulat nu jucat!de ex infamous 2 i-am dat doar install a mers in regula acel filmulet de la inceput si pe urma shut down!am schimbat si rezolutia pana la minim si tot la fel..?!syndicate la fel.. install si dupa 5 min shut down

  5. #16825 SP
    konichiwa zombie chynagods's Avatar
    In primul rand hotaraste ce buget ai.Ai ales doua monitoare cu o diferenta mare de pret intre ele
    Eu propun modelele astea,tu hotarasti de unde cumperi/gasesti mai ieftin
    AOC E2343F2 23 inch 2 ms black-white Monitor gaming - PC Garage
    LG IPS235V-BN 23 inch 5ms black Monitor LED - PC Garage

  6. #16826 SP
    Member iGot Game's Avatar
    Nu pot sa ma conectez la internet wired pe playstation.
    Cand incerc de pe laptop imi apare ip adress timed out . (am windows 7)
    Daca incerc de pe desktop, totul merge perfect (windows XP )

  7. #16827 SP
    Member cristi-dinu's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by got_game View Post
    Nu pot sa ma conectez la internet wired pe playstation.
    Cand incerc de pe laptop imi apare ip adress timed out . (am windows 7)
    Daca incerc de pe desktop, totul merge perfect (windows XP )
    Ar trebui sa lasi si tu niste detalii. Provider? Conexiune prin router / modem / direct? Setari folosite la PS3.

  8. #16828 SP
    Banned haosman's Avatar

  9. #16829 SP
    Member iGot Game's Avatar
    Conexiune folosita la PS3 prin Desktop (windows XP ) - wired Digi Fiberlink sau Digi internet pe stick functioneaza prin amandoua internet-ul la playstation.
    La windows 7 am incercat doar cu internet-ul pe stick si nu merge , am dat share internet connection , brigde connection nu am cum sa dau.
    Setarile la PS3 au fost lasate pe automat -> Network Settings->Internet Connection Settings->Wired Connection->Easy

  10. #16830 SP
    Member cristi-dinu's Avatar
    Uite ce am gasit eu la un mic googalit:

    Sper sa iti rezolve problema si sa iti functioneze.

  11. #16831 SP
    Member iGot Game's Avatar
    Citisem si eu asta...tot cu googalit
    Dar la Windows 7 nu sunt acelasi setari ca la XP , spre exemplu nu gasesc "Network Set Up Wizard"
    Ma gandeam ca poate e cineva care are Windows 7 wired cu ps3 si imi spune cum a procedat.

    Quote Originally Posted by cristi-dinu View Post
    Uite ce am gasit eu la un mic googalit:

    Sper sa iti rezolve problema si sa iti functioneze.

  12. #16832 SP
    Member cristi-dinu's Avatar
    Iti mai dau un link.
    Eu am facut o smecherie de asta acum vreo 10 luni cu un Windows 7 pe laptop si 3G de la Vodafone Belgia dar mergea foarte prost. Nu imi mai amintesc foarte bine cum am facut dar stiu ca am rezolvat-o dupa ceva cautari pe net.

  13. #16833 SP
    Member Imperatore's Avatar
    nu e cine stie ce dar sa fie primite !!

  14. #16834 SP
    Member iGot Game's Avatar
    Thanks a lot ! gata functioneaza...prin Connectify
    Quote Originally Posted by cristi-dinu View Post
    Iti mai dau un link.
    Eu am facut o smecherie de asta acum vreo 10 luni cu un Windows 7 pe laptop si 3G de la Vodafone Belgia dar mergea foarte prost. Nu imi mai amintesc foarte bine cum am facut dar stiu ca am rezolvat-o dupa ceva cautari pe net.

  15. #16835 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    E moka - e bun.

  16. #16836 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    The Future is Going to Suck | PlayStation LifeStyle
    Sony Can’t Afford To Take Big Risks

    Sony spent billions making the cell chip for the PS3 and sunk further billions into selling the console at a loss. Sony can’t afford to do that again after four years of heavy losses. The company also no longer employs anyone like Ken Kutaragi, who used his position and power to create an amazing device seemingly without taking profits into consideration. That’s why rumors suggest the PS4 will basically be a PC, and not even a very impressive one.

    It’s Going To Be Hard To Be A Used Gamer

    Some rumors say that the PS4/NeXtBox won’t play used games, but that’s generally seen as being rather unlikely. What is far more probable is that Sony will do what they did with the Vita – Online Passes on pretty much every game, no trophies on used discs. Expect further hurdles as well, as it’s only a matter of time before companies try and implement singleplayer passes, or used game time limits.

    The Death of Singleplayer

    This is something that we’ve seen more and more this gen. Other than truly massive single player experiences like The Elder Scrolls and GTA, mainstream games are becoming increasingly multiplayer focused – after all, more people buy map packs than singleplayer DLC. Multiplayer also means that people don’t trade in their game or buy a competitors, they just sit around throwing knives until the next COD game.

    Free-to-Play Might Be The Future

    For developers, F2P is awesome. They can come out with a casual game, market it as free, and then entice people to pay to make the game actually any good. Which sucks if you play games for enjoyment, and not to make Zynga one of the biggest publishers in existence. Ngmoco’s Ben Cousins believes that the future will see games with the breadth of Skyrim available for free – except that you’ll probably have to pay a lot more than $60 to make the game as enjoyable as Skyrim.

    Subscriptions Are Too Lucrative

    You can bet that Sony has been eying the near-billion dollars of profit that Microsoft makes from Xbox Live with considerable envy. Sure, they now have PlayStation Plus, but gamers don’t need to subscribe to play online, and PS+ has to really work for its money. Don’t be too surprised if the PS4 has a more constrained and aggressive subscription policy.

    Developing Next-Gen Games Will Be Even More Expensive

    In 1982, Namco spent approximately $100,000 (now around $237,000) on Pac-Man. PS1 games cost around a million dollars, PS2 5-7 million and PS3 15-30 million for the average title. Logic dictates that next-gen dev costs will be even higher – after all, better detail, more complicated AI, more realistic engines all require more developers and longer dev cycles. More expensive games means that there will be less titles, possibly higher prices, and far less risk taking (innovation).

    The Apple Has Landed

    Apple may or may not ever get into the console space, but it doesn’t really matter, because they are already in the games space, making ridiculous profit off of the iOS platform. Most indies now develop on iOS or Android, and an increasing number of big studios like Crytek are exploring the space. Consoles are no longer the most important sector in the industry, and innovation and change is likely to happen at a far faster pace on mobile games, with the PSN and XBL taking a back seat.

    What Is Wrong With People?

    Call of Duty keeps selling at astronomical rates each year, despite very little change. Hell, Black Ops II has triple the preorders of BLOPS, even though no one really knows anything about the game. Look forward to more COD, and more COD-like annual titles that change little each year.

    West Is Sadly Best

    20 years ago, all the best games used to be from the land of the rising sun, but now the Japanese games industry has – as a whole – failed to keep up with this gen. Sure, there are a few awesome titles, but the country has mostly been unable to understand how the market has changed. Graphics and gameplay also haven’t evolved as fast as in the West. With the next generation, this gap will likely get worse.

    Facebook My Tweet And Share It With Your Circle

    Publishers love to advertise their games, but they hate to pay for the advertising. So they came up with a genius idea – you market their games for them! Expect far more Facebook and Twitter ‘integration’ in future games: finished a level, shot someone in the nads or bought some DLC? Games will offer you the opportunity to share it on Facebook, something that doesn’t seem like that big a deal. But then take a look at iOS games, which are beginning to adopt a policy of locking out features unless you spam your friends. Yaay.

    It’s Watching You

    Sure, Sony might have pioneered the EyeToy, but Microsoft mainstreamed the motion controlled camera with Kinect. As you’d expect, Sony wants a piece of that lucrative market, and is probably creating their own 3D camera. Which leads to this:
    Cand citesc chestii de genul asta, parca mi se face pielea de gaina . Cum adica fara inovatie? Si riscuri mari? Si chestii subscription based? I don't want that... si pe de alta parte in ciuda faptului ca jocurile devin tot mai scumpe de creat, oamenii cumpara tot mai mult. Industria gaming-ului a crescut extrem de mult in ultimii 20 de ani si a ajuns sa depaseasca din unele puncte de vedere pe cea a filmelor. So there's still hope.

    Da mai e o chestie care ma scoate din pepeni rau de tot: faptul ca oamenii in fiecare an cumpara un CoD nou desi nu are nimic inovator/imbunatatit fata de predecesorul sau. Cate harti de multiplayer, poate o arma sau doua noi, o poveste "noua" de 3-4 ore si atat. Si totusi vezi ca deja sunt extrem de multi oameni care au dat pre-order la urmatorul joc. Pe mine ma enerveaza si aici in Anglia cand intreb oamenii care sunt jocurile lor preferate...raspunsurile sunt in foarte mare parte asa: Fifa (ceea ce e normal avand in vedere cat de DISPERATI sunt dupa fotbal) si Call of Duty . Si in plus multi chiar sunt care se plang ca nu aduce mai nimic nou seria asta si ca se lanseaza in fiecare an, dar totusi ei dau pre-order sau cumpara in prima saptamana orice ar fi. . Patetic!

  17. #16837 SP
    Member Imperatore's Avatar
    la seria CoD o explicatie ar putea fi ca gamerii au intotdeauna nevoie de un shooter cu o comunitate foarte mare in multiplayer. A fost era Quake, Counter Strike etc. Deocamdata CoD pur si simplu nu are competitie pe acest segment.

  18. #16838 SP
    Member Imperatore's Avatar
    se mai poate downloada de pe acelasi account de PSN pe doua console diferite acelasi DLC ?

  19. #16839 SP
    Senior Member adibose's Avatar
    din cate stiu eu DLC-ul o data dat jos, este asociat consolei, nu contului.

  20. #16840 SP
    Junior Member Vraciul's Avatar
    Am intampinat o problema si ieri si azi in timp ce ma jucam Fifa Street.Mi-a dat freeze si efectiv a trebuit sa sting consola de la buton pt ca nu-mi mai mergea maneta.Dupa restart totul a fost ok.Mentionez ca asta mi s-a intamplat in timp ce ma jucam On-line.In modul offline mere brici,ma pot juca cred si 24 de ore.Problema apare la on-line...mai da din cand in cand cate un freeze ,dar pana acum nu mi s-a mai intamplat sa nu pot controla maneta.Ati intampinat si voi probleme asemanatoare la jocul acesta? Aveti idee care ar fii cauza, si o eventuala solutie? Va multumesc frumos.

    Ps: problema "freezurilor" mi-a mai aparut la un singur joc si anume fifa 11.Mentionez ca ma joc o multime de jocuri ,dar la nici unul nu mi-a mai facut asa ceva.Totul la modulul on-line.

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