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Thread: EVE Online

  1. #21 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mask View Post
    Mai joacă cineva EVE? Parcă m-aș apuca și eu. Să �ncerc TRIAL-ul de 14 zile prima oară.
    Eu, dar mai rar... Btw, vezi ca trial-ul acela, daca vine ca invitatie de la cineva care joaca (de exp. de la mine), devine de 21 de zile (nu doar 14). Daca vrei invite, da-mi un PM cu adresa de email si-ti trimit

  2. #22 SP
    Senior Member CSergiu's Avatar
    Ia uite Monky ce am gasit pe reddit: Asakai Madness - Imgur.
    Cred ca iti trebuie centrala nucleara sa nu iti lagheze in timpul acelei lupte

  3. #23 SP
    Senior Member Mask's Avatar
    Are cineva ISK de împărțit? :3

  4. #24 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Eu am luat o pauza... Pur si simplu nu mai am timp si de Eve... Temporar.

  5. #25 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar

  6. #26 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

  7. #27 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  8. #28 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Damn, i miss EVE...

  9. #29 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar
    Eu nu am jucat si nici nu prea am de gand sa joc, dar povestile din jocul asta sunt geniale.

  10. #30 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    MMORPGs are a really interesting subject. They can sometimes culminate as one of the most rewarding experiences you'll engage in through video games. At other times, they prove to be wildly destructive.

  11. #31 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by CCP Games
    Supercharge your EVE Online experience with the free EVE Online add-in for Microsoft Excel. Seamlessly integrating with Excel, this powerful tool is available now and enables you to effortlessly access and analyze your in-game data across all your accounts and characters.
    Microsoft Excel add-in | EVE Academy | EVE Online
    Attached Images Attached Images eve-online-excel-add-.jpg

  12. #32 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    EVE Vanguard is an innovative new FPS module, connected to the EVE universe from Day One, and evolved in partnership with our players. Persistent, highly customizable and deeply social, Vanguard introduces an intense new experience to EVE.
    EVE Vanguard | Brace for Impact
    Attached Images Attached Images vg-image-012.jpeg

  13. #33 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    EVE Frontier:
    Watch the EVE Frontier teaser trailer for a look at the new space survival simulation game developed by CCP Games.

    Civilization has decayed and you're awoken from stasis as the last relic of humanity from a brighter age. Drone swarms and other survivors fight to gain control over resources. To survive, you'll need to explore, exploit, and expand in this cruel cosmos. In the shadow of the Trinary, who will you become?

    EVE Frontier Founder access is coming soon for PC and Mac.

  14. #34 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Am fost mare fan EVE Online... dar de mult timp l-au stricat cu microtranzactii si crypto-currency. Din ce am inteles, si EVE Frontier va fi la fel... Money talks, deh...

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