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Thread: SpamBox plx ?! :D

  1. #3101 SP
    Senior Member istrategie's Avatar
    Stie cineva din zona Titan ce oficiu postal este la intersectia Diham, vis-a-vis de Sheriffs? Am nevoie urgenta!

  2. #3102 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar

  3. #3103 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    YouTube Jerks? Yes sir!

    ...same thing happened to me.

  4. #3104 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Christina Cordell, a woman who faces a felony charge of manslaughter related to the Aug. 8 death of her 3-year-old daughter. Brianna Cordell became trapped in the family car and died of heat-related injuries, allegedly while her mother and a live-in boyfriend were engaged in a multi-hour session of EverQuest.
    Child dies while parent plays EverQuest | Workbench

  5. #3105 SP
    Senior Member Mask's Avatar
    Ronnie,de ce scuipa mereu Elpresador () in paharul ala? L-am mai vazut facand asta si in alte video-uri.

  6. #3106 SP
    Senior Member GeOKeR's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mask View Post
    Ronnie,de ce scuipa mereu Elpresador () in paharul ala? L-am mai vazut facand asta si in alte video-uri.
    Pentru ca mesteca tutun
    Defapt il tine sub buza de jos si din cauza asta tot scuipa mereu(ii creeaza saliva). Vorbeste si putin "ss-it" din cauza lui pentru ca nu poate sa deschida gura calumea.

  7. #3107 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar

  8. #3108 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Cred că fac un mega video cu best of elpresador

  9. #3109 SP
    Member reborn2603's Avatar
    Musicians mix Coldplay and Taylor Swift together. (Video) mie imi place - fan In Flames

  10. #3110 SP
    Senior Member Christien's Avatar
    Stie cineva cat mai costa un shake , la mcdonald's?

  11. #3111 SP
    Member reborn2603's Avatar
    4 lei al' mic.

  12. #3112 SP
    Senior Member Christien's Avatar
    Si ala mare ? Vreau sa fac cinste colegilor cu cate un shake ,de ziua mea, si vreau sa stiu cat ma costa in total.

  13. #3113 SP
    Member reborn2603's Avatar
    Vreo 6 lei e ala mare. Sau ala royal e 6 iar ala mare e 5. Dar in jur de 6 lei va fi.

  14. #3114 SP
    Senior Member Christien's Avatar
    A pai e mai bine asa. Mersi ca m-ai lamurit .

    ---------- Post added at 05:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:51 PM ----------

  15. #3115 SP
    Member reborn2603's Avatar
    Joaca cineva CoD: WaW online ( 360 ). Add xboxLive: reborn2603 2

  16. #3116 SP
    Member Zaktan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by reborn2603 View Post
    Joaca cineva CoD: WaW online ( 360 ). Add xboxLive: reborn2603 2
    As juca eu dar nu am Gold

  17. #3117 SP
    Senior Member Christien's Avatar

  18. #3118 SP
    Member Zaktan's Avatar
    Stie cineva ce joc este acesta?
    LE: Am aflat ,nu mai este nevoie

  19. #3119 SP
    Senior Member Mika's Avatar
    Pai nu scrie mare in titlu SOCOM Confrontation?

  20. #3120 SP
    Senior Member Christien's Avatar

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