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Thread: SpamBox plx ?! :D

  1. #3641 SP
    Member octav's Avatar
    multumesc.acum vorbesc despre dsi

  2. #3642 SP
    Senior Member eXistenZ's Avatar
    Sony conference in 40 de minute can't wait

  3. #3643 SP
    Member octav's Avatar
    la mine 36...

  4. #3644 SP
    Member Cata25's Avatar
    Ce e afară . Furtună �n București.
    Poate �mi cade netu și ratez conferința Sony

  5. #3645 SP
    Banned AleXXander's Avatar
    poate sa puna cineva linkul de la conferinta?

  6. #3646 SP
    Member richardm27's Avatar
    Sony Press Conference - E3 09 Live Video Game Demos at GameSpot
    Daca-l cautai mai bine pe forum il gaseai..............da lenea e cocoana mare !

  7. #3647 SP
    Member octav's Avatar
    Sony Press Conference - E3 09 Live Video Game Demos at GameSpot

    ---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 PM ----------

    nu e acelasi lucru?

  8. #3648 SP
    Member richardm27's Avatar
    Nu stiu cum e pe IGN dar pe Gamespot merge brici !

  9. #3649 SP
    Banned AleXXander's Avatar
    Pe gamespot nu a mers bine aseara deloc

  10. #3650 SP
    Member octav's Avatar
    acum merge brici

  11. #3651 SP
    Member zNowkid's Avatar
    si un link pe gametrailers: E3, Video Game Debuts, Trailers | Event Coverage, Interviews, Updates | .e optiune si pt Hi-res(nu e cn stie ce calitate,dar se vede mult mai bine).

  12. #3652 SP
    Senior Member consol3's Avatar
    Hia ami repede, Sony ca mi-am pregatiti Popcornul si me sa nu il mananc pana incepe...

  13. #3653 SP
    Banned kkk's Avatar
    Pe Game Spot trebuie sa fi logat ca sa vezi aceea Conferinta?

  14. #3654 SP
    Senior Member G3ox's Avatar
    sunt curios cum arata motion-controllerul celor de la sony.......

  15. #3655 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by kkk View Post
    Pe Game Spot trebuie sa fi logat ca sa vezi aceea Conferinta?

  16. #3656 SP
    Member mihaikid's Avatar
    Fiabilitatea PSP-ului GO! va fi degradata de sina pe care nu inteleg la ce foloseste
    PS:dupa Spoturile Sony INteleg ca este INocuitorul PSP-ului 3000

  17. #3657 SP
    Senior Member G3ox's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mihaikid View Post
    dupa Spoturile Sony INteleg ca este INocuitorul PSP-ului 3000
    GRESIT , au anuntat ca amandoua vor ramane pe piata

  18. #3658 SP
    Member zNowkid's Avatar
    assassin's creed 2 gameplay .

  19. #3659 SP
    Member Vami's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by zNowkid View Post
    assassin's creed 2 gameplay .
    wich looks awesome

  20. #3660 SP
    Senior Member Pastilutza's Avatar


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