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Thread: SpamBox XL :>

  1. #5661 SP
    Senior Member zinodaur's Avatar

    am terminat ce făceam in photoshop. **** me.

    ---------- Post added 05-02-2011 at 11:23 PM ----------

    man I gotta pee.

  2. #5662 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar

  3. #5663 SP
    Senior Member Christien's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by eagle-eye View Post

  4. #5664 SP
    Senior Member Strike105X's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    And your point is? Sorry, dar nu stiu niciun Pro in ale PS-ului care sa foloseasca renderingul via OpenGL.
    Este mult mai bun Zoom in Zoom out feels more smooth crede-ma conteaza mult, dar...

    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Si chiar si asa, tot nu are treaba cu memoria video. 256MB pe placa video sunt arhisuficienti... Buy more RAM and faster CPU = problem solved.
    Aici ai completa dreptate, o placa video cu support Opengl 2.0 256 Vram este tot de ce este nevoie. In rest HDD-ul RAM-i si CPU-ul sunt cele "chinuite".

    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Or even better, buy a Mac!
    Aici suntem in tabere "inamice" (j/k ), fiecare cu ce preferinte are ^^.

  5. #5665 SP
    Senior Member zinodaur's Avatar
    guys, ce culoare ar trebui să folosesc ?

  6. #5666 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Christien View Post
    ma refeream la melodie. dar vad ca a fost stearsa si acum zici ca ma iau de luigi

  7. #5667 SP
    Senior Member Daniel's Avatar
    No Daniel - No SPAM !

  8. #5668 SP
    Teraflops Graft's Avatar

  9. #5669 SP
    Member AVoF's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel View Post
    No Daniel - No SPAM !

    No Daniel - No Trash SPAM !

  10. #5670 SP
    Senior Member Daniel's Avatar
    Ce va ziceam lol

  11. #5671 SP
    ديجي الأمطار DeeJay-RainY's Avatar

  12. #5672 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    O piesa care va avea un real succes doar sub forma de videoclip. Enjoy...

  13. #5673 SP
    Senior Member Walkman's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    O piesa care va avea un real succes doar sub forma de videoclip. Enjoy...
    Ma intreb de ce.. lol

  14. #5674 SP
    Member angellicus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Luigi View Post
    guys, ce culoare ar trebui să folosesc ?

    Luigi, tu ai facut design-ul pentru tricou? Daca da, felicitari! Arata chiar foarte bine!

  15. #5675 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Hai că merge din nou lol
    Un site de nota ZC (din arhivă)

  16. #5676 SP
    You're PARROTS Dudel's Avatar
    Attached Images Attached Images crazy-funny-sports-photos-17.jpg

  17. #5677 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Google Translate (click listen)

    xbox (engleza) = playstation (japoneza) lol

  18. #5678 SP
    UberDude Honord's Avatar

  19. #5679 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    La multi ani Bob Marley!!!

  20. #5680 SP
    Senior Member tray's Avatar

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