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Thread: Rate The Avatar

  1. #881 SP
    Senior Member Strike105X's Avatar
    Luigi - 9/10

    -freakish a little but l.o.l.

  2. #882 SP
    Senior Member Zero's Avatar

  3. #883 SP
    Member adiandrei1's Avatar
    Zero 5/10

  4. #884 SP
    Banned FormableTube's Avatar
    @andiandrei1-10/10 killzone

  5. #885 SP
    Member adiandrei1's Avatar
    E adi nu andi

  6. #886 SP
    Banned FormableTube's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by adiandrei1 View Post
    E adi nu andi
    scuze din greseala am scris,stiu ca e adi

  7. #887 SP
    manfurismojive kobayashi's Avatar
    FormableTube 7/10
    -cam neclara poza

  8. #888 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    kobayashi - 10/10
    sunt si eu fun GT5.

    Bag si eu unu; handmade & handpainted

  9. #889 SP
    Senior Member siNcE's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by nameless_fear View Post
    kobayashi - 10/10
    sunt si eu fun GT5.

    Bag si eu unu; handmade & handpainted
    10/10 pentru nameless

    +the eye!

  10. #890 SP
    Member MisterJuice's Avatar


    +Michael Corleone

  11. #891 SP
    Senior Member SYZYGY's Avatar
    @ Juice 8/10

    - dimensiunea

    @ Luigi - eu zic ca e perfect taiat renderu' ....every1 is a critic

    Planet Renders Gallery: Click image to close this window

  12. #892 SP
    Member adiandrei1's Avatar

  13. #893 SP
    Senior Member zinodaur's Avatar
    @AT - ai dreptate, e taiat bine. Se vedea zimtat si cu niste alb pe margine la mine, dar banuiesc ca asta fiindca acasa stau pe TV.

  14. #894 SP
    Member Vami's Avatar

  15. #895 SP
    Member TheQuiet1N's Avatar
    10/10 cute

  16. #896 SP
    Senior Member Strike105X's Avatar
    RealShot 10/10

    +imi place combinatia de culori

    Quote Originally Posted by AngelicToucH View Post

    @ Luigi - eu zic ca e perfect taiat renderu' ....every1 is a critic

    Planet Renders Gallery: Click image to close this window
    Imaginea este pe baza de bitmap nu este un vector, deci cand o micsorezi nu se pastreaza chiar cum ar trebui proportiile si apar mici schimbari/artefacte pierderi in detaliu. Si eu cand tiam dat nota mi sa parut ca nu pare ok extractia si sincer micsorata in continuare pare a avea mici artefacte in extractie, chiar daca in render-ul original nu este asa. Acesta este limitarea imaginilor de tip Bitmap nu ai ce sa-i faci .

  17. #897 SP
    Senior Member Zero's Avatar
    Strike105X- the same 10/10

  18. #898 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    @Zero 7/10


  19. #899 SP
    Senior Member Muthu Raoul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Cristy View Post
    @Zero 7/10

    Da ma da... un mos foarte amuzant tipu' ala... "hai ca esti simpatic da-te dracu" -> citat pe intelesul lui...

    Cat despre avatar... 5/10... poate tie iti place, mie nu. Ai +1 de la mine ca ai scapat de avatarul cu gangstas'.

  20. #900 SP
    Senior Member Strike105X's Avatar
    Muthu Raoul 10/10

    + stilul de caricatura.
    + Animatie
    + Calitate

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