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Thread: Split/Second

  1. #41 SP
    Senior Member Walkman's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariusik View Post
    Joaca cineva un Private Match ? (PSN ID: MSK9149)

    ---------- Post added 30-08-2010 at 11:53 PM ----------

    OMFG. Asta este cel mai scriptat joc care l am jucat vreodata.

    Cum p**a mea sa fiu primul o cursa intreaga la o distanta de 10 s de cel de pe locul 2, iar la ultima curba sa ma depaseasca, fara ca eu sa pierd ma izbesc de ceva sau sa pun frana (mai pe scurt, sa pierd viteza).

    Toate cursele astea sunt un fel de time trial.
    Asta patesc si eu aproape de fiecare data, de asta l-am lasat pe raft. Astept sa ajunga BLUR, si sper sa nu imi fac asa nervi ca la Split/Second.

  2. #42 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    inseamna ca nu stii ce te asteapta.
    split/second e parfum

  3. #43 SP
    Senior Member Walkman's Avatar
    Hmm, in cazul asta o sa joc pe easy. Nu ma obliga nimeni sa ii fac platina, joc de fun pana la urma, nu sa imi stric controller-ul, cum am facut la split/second. Btw, in legatura cu BLUR, ti-am dat add si pe messenger sa iti transmit ca am rezolvat cu stimabilul g-xtreme. Deci voi avea jocul tot cu parfum de Clujlol

  4. #44 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    A whole buncha Split Second DLC announced, Split/Second Xbox 360 News | GamesRadar
    The Deadline Pack | October 19th | $4.99 PSN / 400 MSpts
    - Deadline Mode - Players can now drift and pick up items that freeze a ticking countdown clock.
    - Four new vehicles

    Quarry Onslaught Pack | November 2nd | $9.99 / 800 MSpts
    - An all new Quarry track with new Power Plays, playable with Race, Elimination , Detonator and Air Strike/Revenge modes
    - Onslaught Mode - Dodge waves of Missles online and off. (Sounds like Air Strike with added multiplayer?) Playable on nine tracks.
    The DLC may not make a lot of sense until you play the game, but it’s all pretty damned cheap and substantial to boot. Considering that you can get the game now for around $30, you could also get ALL the DLC for less than the cost of a new game... Not bad, says the biased fanboy!

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