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Thread: Destiny

  1. #1641 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by AngelOfPain View Post
    Prin ce metoda ati facut 16 strange coins in 3 ore?
    9 din weekly strike pe level 28, 5 reward la nightfall strike, 1 de la eventul public zilnic, 1 dintr-un golden chest. A avut noroc Rasko, doar cele de la weekly strike sunt garantate, restul RNG.

  2. #1642 SP
    Senior Member Einherjar793AD's Avatar
    Scuze poate sunt eu mahmur...
    Dar la weekly nu-ți da 3 pe săptămână și atât ?

  3. #1643 SP
    Member Buyk's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Einherjar793AD View Post
    Scuze poate sunt eu mahmur...
    Dar la weekly nu-ți da 3 pe săptămână și atât ?
    3 iti da la strike lvl 22, 6 la lvl 26 si 9 la lvl 28

  4. #1644 SP
    Member AngelOfPain's Avatar
    Intra cineva seara/noaptea la un raid? Id-ul meu e rares00190, v-am dat add la cativa.

  5. #1645 SP
    Senior Member Einherjar793AD's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Buyk View Post
    3 iti da la strike lvl 22, 6 la lvl 26 si 9 la lvl 28
    OK mersi. O să văd diseară ce și cum.

  6. #1646 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    V-am spus eu ca Jesus era Warlock...
    He had a fireteam of 12.
    ​Destiny is Cool, But You Know What's Cooler? Jesus

  7. #1647 SP
    Senior Member iry's Avatar
    ''Cave'' Treasure is back

  8. #1648 SP
    Member bartonn's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by iry View Post
    ''Cave'' Treasure is back
    Hmmmmm....nice 1...i will go and farm....

  9. #1649 SP
    Senior Member iry's Avatar
    Hai ca sunt acolo, deja mov everywhere

  10. #1650 SP
    Junior Member ZeroSkat's Avatar
    Dati-mi si mie un invite pentru raid, daca mai sunt locuri.

    Warlock de 27
    PSN ID: Wraxt

  11. #1651 SP
    Senior Member PoisonRemedy's Avatar
    Mi-am laut Suros si l-am incercat in pvp ... ce pot sa spun, este e o BESTIE primu meci cu el 25 de killuri pentru mine it's not bad

  12. #1652 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Cine e dornic sa faca cu mine sau sa ma ajute sa fac si eu weekly strike dar pe hard sa luam 6 strange coins sunt doar level 26

  13. #1653 SP
    Member Kupy's Avatar
    Daca nu faci pana mâine, te ajut eu. Și asa nu pleacă xur nicăieri pana duminica

  14. #1654 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Bungie : News - 1.0.2 Patch Preview

    The 1.0.2 patch will go live next week, and includes several changes to the Cryptarch and Engram experience. These changes guarantee that Engrams will always decode into items at or above the quality of an engram.

    Cryptarch Changes 
    Cayde-6 took the Cryptarch aside and showed him a sack of doorknobs. He decoded that mystery pretty quickly.
    • Legendary Engrams will always produce Legendary or better quality items, including Materials or Exotics
    • Rare Engrams will always produce Rare or better quality items
    • Rare engrams will have an increased chance to produce Legendary quality items

    Activity Changes
    • Daily Heroics, Weekly Heroics, and Vanguard: Tiger Playlist activities will include Rare and Legendary Engrams in addition to their existing rewards

    Item Changes
    • Ascendant materials have been promoted to Legendary to closer associate them with the gear they are used to upgrade
    • Legendary Engram items that exist in your inventory will be demoted to Rare quality when the patch goes live, so decode them while you can. But let’s be honest--even if you don’t, we all know they were blues already...

  15. #1655 SP
    Member bartonn's Avatar

  16. #1656 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    acum s-au trezit si ei dupa atatea Engrams legendare si rare

  17. #1657 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Hai ca suna bine noul patch... deja mi s-a acrit la cate legendare au devenit chestii verzi.

  18. #1658 SP
    Senior Member Einherjar793AD's Avatar
    Important este că asculta și fac ce trebuie.

    Oare daca pastram engram-urile de acum incolo pentru cand apare patchul o functiona ?

  19. #1659 SP
    Senior Member Minimize's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ReNeGaDe124 View Post
    • Legendary Engram items that exist in your inventory will be demoted to Rare quality when the patch goes live, so decode them while you can. But let’s be honest--even if you don’t, we all know they were blues already...

    Quote Originally Posted by Einherjar793AD View Post
    Important este că asculta și fac ce trebuie.

    Oare daca pastram engram-urile de acum incolo pentru cand apare patchul o functiona ?
    Ce bine ar fi daca ai citi tot ce scrie.

  20. #1660 SP
    Senior Member Einherjar793AD's Avatar
    Da scuze acum am vazut. Mi-a scapat fraza respectiva.

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