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Thread: Clubul Xbox 360

  1. #14421 SP
    Senior Member Marinake's Avatar
    Nu prea o sa intampini lag pe Live deoarece multe jocuri au la dispozitie si servere dedicate care de obicei functioneaza bine. La Fifa de exemplu, cand mai jucam online se intampla sa mai ma bage in meci cu cate un jucator cu conexiune slaba si atunci era lag.

  2. #14422 SP
    Senior Member Scofield91's Avatar
    Live-ul merge excelent, dar jocurile de la EA uneori sunt excepțiile. Am pățit de câteva ori să pice serverele în timp ce jucam FIFA, dar nu atât de des încât să mă facă să renunț. Iar această problemă e de la EA și nu de la Xbox Live, deoarece serverele nu sunt cele găzduite de Microsoft.

  3. #14423 SP
    Senior Member Trefla's Avatar
    Migration host anyone ?

  4. #14424 SP
    Senior Member Marinake's Avatar
    I feel you bro.

  5. #14425 SP
    Junior Member luci927's Avatar
    cum pot dezactiva auto-renewal la xbox live gold?

  6. #14426 SP
    Member cj_quest's Avatar

  7. #14427 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    cand vreau sa ma logez pe xbox live imi apare eroarea asta 80151011 please try again later.
    nu scap de ea nicicum.

  8. #14428 SP
    Senior Member Scofield91's Avatar

  9. #14429 SP
    Member nerazzurr's Avatar
    Stiti cumva Fifa 12 se mai poate juca pe Xbox live?mai sunt servere ?l am gasit in magazin la 50ron

  10. #14430 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    muwahhahah, mi-am dat redownload la xbox profile si zice: can't download right now, try again later.
    ... si vroiam sa imi iau xbone ...

  11. #14431 SP
    Member nerazzurr's Avatar
    Se pot juca Live si jocuri care au 2 3 ani sau mai mult...?

  12. #14432 SP
    Member Viteza's Avatar
    de ce nu s-ar putea. atata vreme cat este mentionat pe carcasa Xbox Live support se pot juca. Exista totusi riscul sa nu mai gasesti servere.

  13. #14433 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    am incercat toti pasii de acolo si tot primesc eroare 80151011 (mai putin redownload la profil la care iar imi da eroarea asta ca nu poate acum sa downloadeze profilul)
    ce fac?

  14. #14434 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  15. #14435 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    mersi , dar ti-am zis ca am incercat toti pasii, inclusiv asta

  16. #14436 SP
    Senior Member Scofield91's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by nerazzurr View Post
    Stiti cumva Fifa 12 se mai poate juca pe Xbox live?mai sunt servere ?l am gasit in magazin la 50ron
    Da, se joacă în continuare. Eu îl joc și nu am probleme la găsirea oponenților.

  17. #14437 SP
    Member nerazzurr's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Scofield91 View Post
    Da, se joacă în continuare. Eu îl joc și nu am probleme la găsirea oponenților.
    Ms pentru gandeam sa il.iau pana apare 14..poate facem un meci

  18. #14438 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by nameless_fear View Post
    am incercat toti pasii de acolo si tot primesc eroare 80151011 (mai putin redownload la profil la care iar imi da eroarea asta ca nu poate acum sa downloadeze profilul)
    ce fac?
    am rezolvat problema la support la micro****.
    de retinut ca nu se putea rezolva altfel, deci daca vi se intampla neaparat luati legatura cu miscro****.

    atasez si un transcript: (destul de haios cu d-ra Bella)
    Please wait for an agent to respond. You are currently '1' in the queue.
    Privacy Statement
    You are now chatting with 'Bella'.
    Bella: Hello, thank you for contacting Xbox Customer Support. My name is Bella. Please give me a moment to review your question.
    Bella: Hi there, Flaviu! How are you doing today?
    you: hello
    you: trying to get online with my xbox
    you: and failing
    you: tried yesterday also without success
    Bella: You want to know how you can fix this error code: 80151011, right?
    you: right
    you: im in front of my xbox at login right now
    you: i can login from my pc to xbox live
    you: but not my console
    Bella: Awesome!
    Bella: I know that you are interested to know how you can fix it and I appreciate that you're bringing this up to us. I'd be so much happy to help you.
    Bella: I just handled similar concern earlier and experienced this on my account as well. This is resolvable.
    you: hope so
    Bella: It's a good thing that you have done some of the necessary troubleshooting steps on your end.
    Bella: It's a good thing you got me on the line. I'm one of the select few tenured agents who have been with the program for more than 4 years. I'd be more than happy to assist you for this matter.
    Bella: We can try other troubleshooting steps here I have to have this resolved. I can assure to you that you got my full support. How does it sound to you?
    you: ok, please help me
    Bella: Sure thing!
    Bella: I hope you won't mind me asking too many questions and giving you necessary troubleshooting as I really want to have this resolve with the right resolution.
    you: no problem go
    Bella: I appreciate that.
    Bella: Have you tried updating your account info like your account security proofs by changing the password, security questions, update phone number and alternate email, setting up Two Way Verification and App Password?
    you: i did the following: change pass security question, set up 2 way verification and app password
    you: did not set another alternate mail or phone nnumber
    Bella: Oh, excellent!
    you: should I do that now?
    Bella: You can.
    you: ok I will do it right now
    Bella: Let me know once you're done for us to know what else we can do.
    Bella: Did you take note of the passwords you created especially the new password and the App Password?
    you: after i do that should I try to connect again?
    Bella: Change also the Password of your account.
    you: i also changed yestrereday password for account
    Bella: Great!
    Bella: Just make sure to sign out and relogin on the same page wherein you change your account info to refresh everything on the system, please.
    you: ok
    Bella: Alright.
    Bella: Just also try suing your new password in logging in to, please.
    you: i changed phone number, alternate address, logout, relogin, tried on xbox an still error 80151011
    Bella: Let's try some troubleshooting steps on the console first.
    you: ok
    Bella: Is your profile still visible on the console?
    you: yes, my profile is on my console
    you: if that is waht you ask
    Bella: Alright.
    Bella: Let's remove that first from it with the steps that I will be providing you for you not lose anything from it.
    you: ok on an usb stick its ok?
    Bella: 1.Go to Settings, and then select System.
    Bella: 2.Select Storage.
    Bella: 3.Select All Devices.
    Bella: 4.Select Gamer Profiles.
    Bella: 5.Select the gamertag that you want to delete.
    Bella: 6.Select Delete.
    Bella: 7.Select Delete Profile Only.
    Bella: Just follow the steps, please.
    you: ok
    you: ive deleted it
    Bella: Awesome!
    Bella: Let's make sure that everything is cleared on the system. Let's clear cache three times. Would you like me to provide you the steps?
    Bella: These steps I am giving you are very important to eradicate the error code you are getting on your end.
    you: ii need to clear chache 3 times consecutivley?
    you: cleared system chache 3 times
    you: what now
    you: ?
    Bella: Yes, please.
    you: i did it
    you: 3 times
    Bella: Fantastic! Turn off your console for a minute and turn it back on.
    Bella: I will provide you the steps on how to re-download your profile.
    you: ok
    you: ok its on right now
    you: should I download the profile?
    Bella: Great!
    Bella: Let me give you the steps.
    you: ok
    Bella: 1.Press the Xbox Guide button on your controller (large X button in the center of your controller).
    Bella: 2.Select Download Profile. (Not seeing Download Profile? Press X to sign out of your profile.)
    Bella: 3.Enter the Microsoft account associated with your Xbox LIVE gamertag.
    Bella: 4.Now, enter your Microsoft account password.
    Bella: 5.Select the storage device for your profile (for example, Hard Drive).
    you: should I enter my account password OR my app password?
    Bella: Just the account password.
    Bella: The App Password will serve as your back up. You can use it to all your Microsoft accounts as your secondary password. So, if your Xbox profile's password is not working, you can use it. It's really an advantage.
    you: my account password doesn't work
    you: should i try my xbox app password?
    Bella: Yes, please.
    you: i entered my app password and sais downloading right now
    Bella: Awesome!
    Bella: Amazing!
    Bella: You should be back on track.
    you: ok, ive dowloaded it
    Bella: Excellent!
    you: ok, i'm in
    you: it works
    you: thank you very much
    Bella: You are always welcome here.
    you: can you tell me why is this happening with no apparent reson at all? my login problem
    Bella: It's my pleasure and Microsoft's pleasure providing you excellent services you deserve.
    Bella: The reason is
    you: and how to prevent from happening again?
    Bella: Microsoft is now on the process in having all accounts here more protected and we are on the process also in getting rid of possible hackers out there.
    Bella: This should not happen no more on your account since you updated everything on your end for your protection.
    Bella: You did the right things.
    you: perfect, thank you

  19. #14439 SP
    Junior Member jucatorull's Avatar
    Ajutor. Am si eu o problema cu fifa 13. Mi-am vandut consola xbox 360 de curand si am imprumutat alta consola de la un prieten. Problema e atunci cand intru in fifa la ultimate team sau chiar season ma lasa sa ma joc maxim 2 min din timpul meciului dupa care mi se inchide conexiunea. Care sa fie problema??

  20. #14440 SP
    Senior Member Scofield91's Avatar
    La Fifa 12 am avut aceeași problemă anul trecut. Era de la serverele EA! S-a rezolvat în timp...

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