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Thread: The Last of Us (Original)

  1. #701 SP
    Member claudiutk's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Florix09 View Post

  2. #702 SP
    Senior Member raduadelin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by claudiutk View Post
    Plang. Ce gandeste claudiutk? Citesc si plang. Citesc!
    Sunt satul pana-n gat de fanboys ca tine! De ce xbox-ul este o "scarbosenie"? Pentru ca a vandut cel putin la fel de multe unitati ca PS3? Ambele console au caracteristici care le fac unice, nu inteleg de unde atata ura intre platforme...

  3. #703 SP
    Member claudiutk's Avatar
    Sunt și fanboy dar mi se pare urât exemplarul din poza aia

  4. #704 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar
    Iti multumesc pentru spoiler claudiutk. De la atata fanboyism, ai uitat neuronul parcat la mall.

  5. #705 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar
    claudiutk, strike 1

  6. #706 SP
    Member claudiutk's Avatar
    eram pe telefon si nu l-am vazut, acum cu toata seriozitatea, habar nu am cum a ajuns spoilerul ala acolo... poate pentru ca am dat quote? imi cer scuze

  7. #707 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    In sfarsit l-am jucat si eu si pot intra pe threadul asta fara sa imi fie frica de spoilere. Mi-a placut foarte mult, desi a durat putin pana m-a prins. Faza de la inceput e foarte bine facuta, aproape ca am plans. Poate ca in unele locuri putea fi putin mai greu (am jucat pe normal), sa simti cu adevarat ca esti in pericol de moarte. Probabil un nivel de dificultate mai mare rezolva problema asta. O sa il incerc pe survivor.

    In rest, ce sa zic, sper sa faca Naughty Dog si TLOU2. Poate ceva cu Joel inainte sa o intalneasca pe Ellie, ca sigur a trecut prin multe in 20 de ani.

  8. #708 SP
    Member Florix09's Avatar
    Attached Images Attached Images 970321_588081374568811_535918360_n.jpg

  9. #709 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar

  10. #710 SP
    Banned flavi_us's Avatar
    ReNeGaDe124, baga cat mai multe live-uri cu MP ca ma bate rau de tot jocul asta

  11. #711 SP
    Member kkkotto07's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ReNeGaDe124 View Post
    mai lasa-i bre si pe aia sa te ''faca'', killeresti in stanga si in dreapta mai ceva ca Rambo
    ha ha, incepi sa te ''chierzi''! Maine ma duc sa-l cumpar

  12. #712 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    The Last of Us: New Multiplayer Mode Detailed – PlayStation.Blog.Europe

    The Last of Us multiplayer gets some serious updates today with the deployment of patch 1.03. The patch rolls out across all regions over the next 24 hours, issuing several multiplayer fixes. In addition, a brand new game mode is being added to the suite, called Interrogation.

    Changelist for Patch 1.03

    Single-Player Fixes
    Fixes for “It’s me” and “By any means” cinematics in the Cutscene Viewer.

    Multiplayer Addition
    • New game mode — Interrogation

    Interrogation is a 4v4, two-part objective game mode where rival factions vie to find and open the other faction’s lockbox, stealing the supplies inside. Each team must first achieve five interrogations of players on the other team.

    Players can get interrogations by shivving an enemy, or getting an enemy into the down state, then pressing triangle while next to them. Once your team collects five interrogations the location of the enemy’s lockbox will be revealed. Your team must attempt to open the lockbox before the other team can collect five interrogations and open your lockbox first. Whichever team opens the opposing team’s lockbox first wins.

    Multiplayer Fixes
    • Revive range has increased slightly (about 1 meter). It’s more difficult to crawl out of range when a teammate is reviving you now.
    • Players can prevent opponents from finishing Executions/Interrogations so that the opponent does not receive Parts for the special Execution/Interrogation. The downed player will still lose their life, but this makes preventing Executions/Interrogations more helpful to your team, as you prevent the other team from gaining Parts.
    • Matchmaking update: players should find opponents around their level of experience more often, and teams should be balanced more evenly.
    • Item cache locations adjusted for balance on University, High School, Lakeside, and Downtown.
    • Starting cameras adjusted so they show your player with greater frequency.
    • Item cache disbursement tweaked so additional items are given out more fairly.
    • Winning a Survivors match by a count of 4 rounds to 0 now means your team will get more bonus parts for winning the match by that margin. This applies for games with scores of 4-1, 4-2, etc. as well. Rewards are tiered by how dominant your team is. This system is in place for Interrogation mode as well.

  13. #713 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    In sfarsit... De obicei ii mai lasam pe inamici sa castige vreo 3 runde ca sa fac rost de cat mai multe parts... Si chestia cu revive-ul era enervanta... Si foarte bine ca au mai adaugat un game mode... Insa as vrea ceva game mode cu infected pt Multiplayer la un eventual dlc. urmat de mai mult armament si noi hats

  14. #714 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar
    La voi dureaza loading-ul mai mult decat in alte jocuri? i-am facut si update la 1.03 si degeaba, imi sta destul de mult.

  15. #715 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Sta mult.

  16. #716 SP
    Ω Pira's Avatar
    Au trecut 2 luni si jumate si jocul asta nu mai scade la pret. Am amanat sa-l iau la lansare in speranta ca peste 2 luni il iau cu 30-40% mai ieftin si "wac" facuse broasca...

  17. #717 SP
    Completionist Boghy02's Avatar
    Masterpieces scad greu

  18. #718 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Exceptie facand seria Call Of Duty care ramane aproape sau chiar la acelasi pret si dupa 1 an de la lansare

  19. #719 SP
    Ω Pira's Avatar
    Si GOW:A este un masterpiece si dupa 2-3 luni de la lansare era 149,99 lei...

  20. #720 SP
    Member eNHajeL's Avatar
    God of War Ascension a fost un joc bun, dar pana la masterpiece mai este drum lung.

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