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Thread: SpamBox Reloaded :P

  1. #2581 SP
    Senior Member siNcE's Avatar
    Dear Management,

    I, the pe(n)is, hereby request a raise in salary for the following reasons:

    1- I do physical labor
    2- I work at great depths
    3- I plunge head first into everything I do
    4- I do not get weekends or public holidays off
    5- I work in a damp environment
    6- I don't get paid overtime
    7- I work in a dark workplace that has poor ventilation
    8- I work in high temperatures
    9- My work exposes me to contagious diseases

    Dear Pe(n)is,

    After assessing your request and considering the arguments you have raised, the administration rejects your request for the following reasons:

    1- You can not work 8 hours straight
    2- You fall asleep on the job after brief work periods
    3- You do not always follow the orders of the management team
    4- You do not stay in your designated area and are often seen visiting other locations
    5- You do not take initiative -- you need to be pressured and stimulated in order to start working
    6- You leave the workplace rather messy at the end of your shift
    7- You don't always observe necessary safety regulations, such as wearing the correct protective gear
    8- You will retire well before you are 65
    9- You are unable to work double shifts
    10- You sometimes leave your designated work before you have completed the assigned task
    11- And if that were not enough, you have been seen constantly entering and exiting the workplace carrying two suspicious looking bags

    The Management.

  2. #2582 SP
    Banned Mario's Avatar
    O sa-mi schimb numele in SpiderGod .

  3. #2583 SP
    Senior Member Mariusik's Avatar
    S au terminat deja.

  4. #2584 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    am si eu o intrebare , asa de curiozitate . De ce la postul lui Mariusik scrie ca a fost postat Today, 11:31 PM cand acuma ii numa 10:58 (m-am uitat la ceas si la telefon , si la otv si la the money Chanel ) . Ii de la web browser-ul meu sau ce ? s-au ati uitat sa dati ceasul site-ului cu o ora in urma ?

  5. #2585 SP
    is the man! trickz's Avatar
    Ai setat tu in profil gresit, cel mai probabil. GMT + 2.

  6. #2586 SP
    Member reborn2603's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tudoran View Post
    am si eu o intrebare , asa de curiozitate . De ce la postul lui Mariusik scrie ca a fost postat Today, 11:31 PM cand acuma ii numa 10:58 (m-am uitat la ceas si la telefon , si la otv si la the money Chanel ) . Ii de la web browser-ul meu sau ce ? s-au ati uitat sa dati ceasul site-ului cu o ora in urma ?
    E din cauza ca te uiti la OTV

  7. #2587 SP
    Banned FormableTube's Avatar
    reborn2603 are dreptate

  8. #2588 SP
    Senior Member nops66's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mario View Post
    Ateii(daca se pot numi asea si nu copii derutati care inca n-au ajuns sa-si poata forma o opinie propie)nu o sa ajunga nimeni in iad sau in rai ,iti poti transforma viata intr-un iad sau un rai singur.Ma refer daca te apuci de droguri bautura bla bla bla normal ca o sa iti faci viata un iad in caz contrat,daca esti cuminte la locul tau serios de treaba etc. o sa ai o viata f. frumoasa.In opinia mea nu exista Dumnezeu ala cum e in Biblie adica un mosulet cu barba sura care daca nu ii asculti cele 10 porunci te omoara te pune in iad sa stam acolo o vesnicie chinuiti si batuti dar,el tot ne iubeste,nu el este in fiecare din noi daca ii ascultam porunci vom avea o viata frumoasa si vom muri frumos linistiti nu de supra doza cu o familie langa noi etc.Sper ca ati inteles ce vreau sa spun.PEACE n-a ca am folosit engleza.

    ---------- Post added 08-11-2009 at 08:32 PM ----------

    Si app. iepurasu si mosu sunt cam tot aceleasi chestii cu Dumnezeu ei sunt in sufletu nostru,atat.
    Ai cam chiulit cand s'au predat semnele de punctuatie si importanta lor.

  9. #2589 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar
    Caut un film si poate ma ajutati voi sa il gasesc, este total alta civilizatie unde se spune numai si numai adevaraul pana cand un tip inventeaza minciuna si intr-una din faze se duce la o fata pe strada si ii spune ca daca nu face imediat sex cu el va veni sfarsitul lumii, iar ea face.

  10. #2590 SP
    Member Cata25's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by teododotheone View Post
    Caut un film si poate ma ajutati voi sa il gasesc, este total alta civilizatie unde se spune numai si numai adevaraul pana cand un tip inventeaza minciuna si intr-una din faze se duce la o fata pe strada si ii spune ca daca nu face imediat sex cu el va veni sfarsitul lumii, iar ea face.
    The Invention of Lying - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Ăsta e.

  11. #2591 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Am văzut o familie de arici de pe balcon - așa simpatici erau

  12. #2592 SP
    Member reborn2603's Avatar
    Doamne cat de bine arata ...

  13. #2593 SP
    Senior Member zinodaur's Avatar
    Are cineva idee unde as putea gasi un site despre fizica de baza ? Adica reflexie, refractie, cum se fac probleme, etc. ?

  14. #2594 SP
    Banned FormableTube's Avatar
    Toti cei care au consola modata o sa ia ban au spus ca au gasit o metoda sa detecteze consolele modificate "We have taken action against a small percentage of consoles that have been modified to play pirated game discs," a Microsoft spokesperson told IGN. "In line with our commitment to combat piracy and support safer and more secure gameplay for the more than 20 million members of our Xbox LIVE community, we are suspending these modded consoles from Xbox LIVE."

  15. #2595 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar
    Mi-am spart soricelul !! Dabea mai merge saracu , dabea mai zice ceva cand apas pe el lol !

  16. #2596 SP
    Senior Member Mask's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by FormableTube View Post
    Toti cei care au consola modata o sa ia ban au spus ca au gasit o metoda sa detecteze consolele modificate "We have taken action against a small percentage of consoles that have been modified to play pirated game discs," a Microsoft spokesperson told IGN. "In line with our commitment to combat piracy and support safer and more secure gameplay for the more than 20 million members of our Xbox LIVE community, we are suspending these modded consoles from Xbox LIVE."
    Ce bine !

  17. #2597 SP
    Member reborn2603's Avatar
    Stati linistiti. Cei care vor sa isi pastreze consola modata si fara ban or sa o poata face in continuare.

  18. #2598 SP
    Senior Member Christien's Avatar

  19. #2599 SP
    Member xLx's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RonanN1 View Post
    Am văzut o familie de arici de pe balcon - așa simpatici erau

  20. #2600 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar
    Nu-i asa ca se vede ca n-am fost la scoala azi ?
    M-am apucat sa caut exclusivitati tari de PS3/X360 ! Stiu le-am unit prost rau !

    Attached Images Attached Images ps3-exclusives.jpg x360-exclusives-.jpg

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