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Thread: SpamBox plx ?! :D

  1. #3521 SP
    Senior Member Christien's Avatar

  2. #3522 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by G3ox View Post
    in plus are si HD radio (care din cate stiu eu nu e disponibil la noi)
    Huh, cum e ala ?

  3. #3523 SP
    Senior Member Walkman's Avatar

  4. #3524 SP
    Senior Member G3ox's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paul View Post
    Huh, cum e ala ?
    e un fel de radio de calitate inalta care e pe baza de abonament , primesti cateva zeci de posturi radio cu diferite genuri de muzica pe fiecare

  5. #3525 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    in timp ce ma jucam mgs4 astazi mi-a aparut urmatorul cut-scene

    eu ma gandeam disk 2? de unde, am doar unul, ce zice ala?
    dar la sfarsit m-am lamurit, a fost foarte funny scena.

  6. #3526 SP
    Senior Member consol3's Avatar
    Stiu, am ras cu un prieten vreo 5 min

  7. #3527 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  8. #3528 SP
    Senior Member Mask's Avatar

  9. #3529 SP
    Senior Member eXistenZ's Avatar
    Fifa 2010 va fi si pe PC sau numa pe console ?

  10. #3530 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    normal ca va fi si pe pc.

  11. #3531 SP
    is the man! trickz's Avatar
    Stiti ce nu s'a mai facut de mult aici?


  12. #3532 SP
    Member xLx's Avatar
    Thats my name Thats my name ,my name , my name \:d/

  13. #3533 SP
    Senior Member Christien's Avatar

  14. #3534 SP
    is the man! trickz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Christien View Post
    Exista topicul cu preferinte muzicale si exista si topicul "ce ascultam acum", nu mai bine postezi acolo? Aici e doar de SPAM

  15. #3535 SP
    Senior Member G3ox's Avatar
    Oo deci maine incepe E3 , CAN'T WAIT!!!

  16. #3536 SP
    Senior Member nops66's Avatar
    The Prestige
    Attached Images Attached Images 300_77225.jpg

  17. #3537 SP
    Member octav's Avatar
    superb filmul...acum l-am vazut pe hbo

  18. #3538 SP
    Member Zaktan's Avatar
    Stie cineva cum se fac filmulete de genul acela?

  19. #3539 SP
    Senior Member Walkman's Avatar
    la ce ora incepe E3?

  20. #3540 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar
    E pe gamespot inumaratoarea aproximativ 1h.

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