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Thread: Red Dead Redemption

  1. #881 SP
    Teraflops Graft's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by dexx View Post
    Am si eu o problema la Ballard twins outfit , am completat tot ce imi zice acolo , dar ramane nebifat scrapul : "Search Thieve's Landing" , insa eu am toata harta full , am fost peste tot... cum pot sa rezolv ?

    "The first scrap of the Bollard Twins Outfit is located inside the large warehouse to the right of the pawn shop. Make your way into the warehouse, and go up the stairs to the second floor. Go inside the small room, and there will be a container with the first scrap of the outfit inside of it."

  2. #882 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    VG247 Blog Archive RDR Stats: 14M hours played, 12.6M folks trampled by horses
    GameSpy has released some interesting stats for Red Dead Redemption, and it may please folks to know that over 5.7M hats were shot off during duels in the game.
    If you find that slightly impressive, in two-weeks of playtime, gamers accrued 14 million hours, equaling out to 156,945 years passing within the game. Funnily enough, 5,614 of those years were spent in jail, which averages out to 2 years 10 months in real-life.
    There were also approximately 1.9M horses stolen, 131.9M murders committed, around 862K robberies, and 808.6K acts of arson during the same time frame.
    Players also consumed 8.6 liters of alcohol in the game, which is slightly more than the average American, and a bit less than the average Russian.
    When it came to skinnin� critters, wolves were the favorite with more than 55.8M killed, compared to 2.1M cattle.
    The stat are quite hilarious actually, and prove how popular the game is � as if selling over 1.5M in two weeks time wasn�t proof enough.
    You can get the full set of GameSpy stats through here, and more through Rockstar Social Club.
    super tari stats-urile

  3. #883 SP
    Member prise's Avatar
    eu nu inteleg ce faci cu tilesurile (sper ca am scris corect) din outfiter. mounts , character e simplu. dar cu ultimele ce se face?

  4. #884 SP
    Senior Member cosminbad's Avatar
    titles - un titlu in fata numelui. nu te ajuta la nimic.

  5. #885 SP
    Member tomaobiwan's Avatar
    nu te ajuta dar unele is destul de ok

  6. #886 SP
    Senior Member Walkman's Avatar
    Declar Poker-ul din jocul asta TAMPIT.Am ramas la masa cu inca un om, eu am avut pereche de asi, el pereche de 6, si tot el mi-a luat banii, si intrasem All In. I'm sick of this game

  7. #887 SP
    Senior Member Krusht's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Walkman View Post
    Declar Poker-ul din jocul asta TAMPIT.Am ramas la masa cu inca un om, eu am avut pereche de asi, el pereche de 6, si tot el mi-a luat banii, si intrasem All In. I'm sick of this game
    Asa e si in realitate la poker. Cateodata merge, alteori nu. Mie chiar mi-a placut cum a fost implementat in joc si fara sa ma laud (desi joc texas holdem online) nu m-am ridicat de la masa in joc fara sa ii scot pe toti.

  8. #888 SP
    Member kkkotto07's Avatar
    Eu eram gata sa renunt sa-l mai joc pt ca nu puteam sa-l bat pe ala cu potcoava

  9. #889 SP
    Senior Member Walkman's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Krusht View Post
    Asa e si in realitate la poker. Cateodata merge, alteori nu. Mie chiar mi-a placut cum a fost implementat in joc si fara sa ma laud (desi joc texas holdem online) nu m-am ridicat de la masa in joc fara sa ii scot pe toti.

    Oh really? Si in realitate perechea de 6 e mai tare ca cea de asi nu?lol
    LE: My mistake Dark, mersi de atentionare

  10. #890 SP
    Senior Member Razvan's Avatar
    Spoiler, mister kennedy...

  11. #891 SP
    Junior Member kennedy20's Avatar
    eu am ajuns la misiunile care tre sa le faci cu jack si cand ma duc la copac jack sta jos langa copac si mie imi spune ca membrul familiei nu esti acolo momentan sa revin mai tarziu

  12. #892 SP
    Senior Member Walkman's Avatar
    Poate trebuie sa revii intr-un anume interval orar

  13. #893 SP
    Junior Member kennedy20's Avatar
    am revenit cand trebuie si baiatu e langa copac si ma duc langa el si tot asta im spune... deci el e acolo dupa ce revin si cand revin imi zice ca membrul familiei nu este prezent

  14. #894 SP
    Senior Member Krusht's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Walkman View Post
    Oh really? Si in realitate perechea de 6 e mai tare ca cea de asi nu?lol
    Nu e mai mare ... dar poti pierde cu A A vs 2 3 de exemplu. Nu te plange daca nu stii jocul

  15. #895 SP
    Senior Member Walkman's Avatar
    Nu e singurul thread in care te bagi inseamna ca musca in lapte asa ca pe viitor te rog abtine-te sa comentezi la posturile mele ca deja mi-e sila sa iti aud comentariile inteligente.
    Nu am zis 2 3 vs A A, iti recomand un control oftalmologic, am zis 6 6 vs A A

    PS: nameless, din partea ta nu ma asteptam sa fi pupincurist

  16. #896 SP
    Senior Member Krusht's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Walkman View Post
    Nu e singurul thread in care te bagi inseamna ca musca in lapte asa ca pe viitor te rog abtine-te sa comentezi la posturile mele ca deja mi-e sila sa iti aud comentariile inteligente.
    Nu am zis 2 3 vs A A, iti recomand un control oftalmologic, am zis 6 6 vs A A

    PS: nameless, din partea ta nu ma asteptam sa fi pupincurist
    Da si mie un exemplu de "comentariu inteligent" sa vad si eu ce te deranjeaza sau plange-te unui moderator sa imi dea ban.
    2 3 , 6 6 , k k nu are importanta. La poker poti pierde sau castiga cu orice mana. Poate asta e motivul pentru care a dat thanks nameless ... cu siguranta nu e "pupincurist".

  17. #897 SP
    Senior Member Walkman's Avatar
    Da omule am inteles ca poti castiga cu orice mana dar eu am prezentat o situatie CLARA.
    Eu am terminat mana NUMAI cu o pereche de Asi, iar adversarul a terminat mana NUMAI cu o pereche de 6. Si tot imi spui mie ca ma plang si ca nu cunosc regulile jocului?

  18. #898 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    Pup in C U R pe cine vreau si ma laud cu asta!

  19. #899 SP
    Member prise's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by cosminbad View Post
    titles - un titlu in fata numelui. nu te ajuta la nimic.

    ok si atunci cum fac sa am arme mai bune in free roam? daca cresc in nivel imi apar automat? si stiti cumva in ce tip de jocuri folosesti armele pe care le ai in free roam? ma refer aici la gang matches sau grab the bag etc.


  20. #900 SP
    Senior Member cosminbad's Avatar
    nu le folosesti nicaieri. doar in free roam. si da, se schimba odata cu nivelul.

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