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Thread: Super Street Fighter 4

  1. #681 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar
    Super Street Fighter 4: Here comes a new ... outfit | Joystiq
    Attached Images Attached Images ultra-challengers-pack-1-01.jpg ultra-challengers-pack-1-02.jpg ultra-challengers-pack-1-03.jpg ultra-challengers-pack-1-04.jpg ultra-challengers-pack-1-05.jpg ultra-shoryuken-pack-ryu-100110.jpg

  2. #682 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar


    ---------- Post added 02-10-2010 at 03:15 PM ----------

    Jace Hall - Street Fighter Music Video

  3. #683 SP
    Member andreips3's Avatar
    Keep it classy!

  4. #684 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar
    PlayStation LifeStyle � Street Fighter Producer Pitches ‘Arcade Edition DLC’ for Super SFIV
    Just now, I have written proposal about DLC for Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition [for] PlayStation Network and Xbox Live at last. I’ll go to San Francisco tomorrow !! CAPCOM USA exists in SF. ;D

  5. #685 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Bull**** IMO...
    De parca e nevoie ca Ono sa faca asta.
    Oh dear Capcom VP's can I haz moar moneyz from the players of the SSFIV francize?

    O sa iasa...noi o sa platim. Done deal.

    ---------- Post added 06-10-2010 at 12:01 AM ----------

    > lol combo 3rd round O_O

  6. #686 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar

  7. #687 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    GODSGARDEN Online #2 Final Daigo (Ryu) vs Sakonoko (Cammy)

    OnGODS2 Day2 #2, GODS godsgarden on USTREAM. Video Game Marathon

  8. #688 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    This coming weekend, Seasons Beatings Redemption will host a Super Street Fighter 4 U.S. Vs International teams event. The five members teams will consist of the following players;

    Team U.S.A - EG Justin Wong / Arturo Sanchez / Mike Ross / EG Marn / DMG Eduardo "PR Balrog"

    Team International - Daigo Umehara / Momochi / Choco Blanka / Gamerbee / Starnab

    Off: Thx Andrei pt aprecierile primite in legatura cu "shoto-urile" mele. lol cracked me up

    Sooo...cine credeti ca o sa castige?

    Eu unul tin cu team U.S.A numai pt ca Mike Ross si Marn fac parte din ea.

    ---------- Post added 12-10-2010 at 11:06 PM ----------

    Era sa uit de uimitoarele aventuri ale lui Mike Ross si Gootecks trolling pe XBLA: lol

  9. #689 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar
    Capcom explains how new costumes will interact with Super Street Fighter IV | Joystiq
    Capcom recently explained that players without the DLC who play against a character using a new costume will still be able to fight against said player, though it will appear as though they're wearing their default costume.

    This switcheroo can be prevented by downloading a free "Catalogue" add-on, which will allow players without the DLC to see the new outfits on other players. The Catalogue will come in two chunks, the first half arriving on Oct. 26 -- the same day as the first batch of costumes -- and the second on Dec. 21. This add-on has only been announced for the 360 so far; we've contacted Capcom to see if PS3 players will have access to it as well.

  10. #690 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar

    SSFIV 5 on 5 � Team USA vs. Team International

    Team USA — 13 <> Team International — 12

    DMG.PR Rog (Balrog) beat Choco (Blanka)
    Mike Ross (E. Honda) beat Choco (Blanka)
    TS.Arturo Sanchez (Dhalsim) beat Choco (Blanka)
    EG.Justin Wong (Rufus) beat Choco (Blanka)
    EG.Marn (Dudley) beat Choco (Blanka)

    DMG.PR Rog (Balrog) loses to Starnab (Fei Long)
    Mike Ross (E. Honda) loses to Starnab (Fei Long)
    TS.Arturo Sanchez (Dhalsim) beat Starnab (Fei Long)
    EG.Justin Wong (Rufus) beat Starnab (Fei Long)
    EG.Marn (Dudley) loses to Starnab (Fei Long)

    DMG.PR Rog (Balrog) loses to GamerBee (Adon)
    Mike Ross (E. Honda) beat GamerBee (Adon)
    TS.Arturo Sanchez (Dhalsim) beat GamerBee (Adon)
    EG.Justin Wong (Rufus) loses to GamerBee (Adon)
    EG.Marn (Dudley) loses to GamerBee (Adon)

    DMG.PR Rog (Balrog) loses to Momochi (Ken)
    Mike Ross (E. Honda) loses to Momochi (Ken)
    TS.Arturo Sanchez (Dhalsim) loses to Momochi (Ken)
    EG.Justin Wong (Rufus) loses to Momochi (Ken)
    EG.Marn (Dudley) beat Momochi (Ken)

    DMG.PR Rog (Balrog) beat Daigo Umehara (Ryu)
    Mike Ross (E. Honda) beat Daigo Umehara (Ryu)
    TS.Arturo Sanchez (Dhalsim) loses to Daigo Umehara (Ryu)
    EG.Justin Wong (Rufus) beat Daigo Umehara (Ryu)
    EG.Marn (Dudley) loses to Daigo Umehara (Ryu)

    ---------- Post added 17-10-2010 at 09:44 AM ----------

    Yo Andreeee Be$$ Bipson!!!

    ---------- Post added 17-10-2010 at 08:06 PM ----------

    Twisted)Jago Interviewed by Skisonic SRK

    ---------- Post added 17-10-2010 at 08:07 PM ----------

    Fcuk automerge

  11. #691 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar

    Vids cu meciurile de la Seson's Beatings 5 incep sa apara pe contul acesta: YouTube - Canalul utilizatorului SeasonsBeatingsGDLK

    Plus niste momente de la event:


  12. #692 SP
    Member Smileymike101's Avatar
    Cine merge duminica la nijikon ?

  13. #693 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Tu si cu mine?

    O sa fim destui don't worry.

  14. #694 SP
    Member Bozyblue's Avatar
    Sincer, speram sa sa nu veniti Asa mai au si cei mai slabuti o sansa la concurs

    Kidding, poate ne gasim pe acolo. Duminica e concursul, nu sambata?

  15. #695 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bozyblue View Post
    Duminica e concursul, nu sambata?

    ---------- Post added 22-10-2010 at 09:46 PM ----------

    Ryukichikun afla ca Hakan are airthrow:

  16. #696 SP
    Member Bozyblue's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by alecs View Post

    Si ai cumva idee la ce ora incepe maine, cand trebuie sa fim acolo pentru inscrieri, etc?


  17. #697 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bozyblue View Post
    Si ai cumva idee la ce ora incepe maine, cand trebuie sa fim acolo pentru inscrieri, etc?

    Habar n-am, ne-au tinut cu schimbarile pana in ultima clipa si ora a ramas pe dinafara.
    In orice caz eu o sa fiu pe acolo with the "A Team" pe la ~ 11:00.

    O sa incerc sa dau de cineva care organizeaza sa "impart putina carne" si sa aflu ora exacta.

  18. #698 SP
    Senior Member Minimize's Avatar
    Off: Vand Madcatz TE ; functioneaza f bine , cine nu crede poate testa pe propria piele
    On: Asteptam cateva clipuri de la Nijikon, cu dirty bisons si nasuri mari

  19. #699 SP
    Member Bozyblue's Avatar
    Dragut la Nijikon, avem cativa jucatori de marca, in principiu cam aceeasi ca si la Otaku in vara

    Winner - Aquashark

    Congrats tuturor: lui Sorin (pacat k nu a putut juca finala cu Aqua, ar fi fost interesant), Duncan, Alex, Dead and so on. Au fost some nice games pe acolo, in niciun caz cele jucate de mine... Mai am de invatat.

    O sa vina si clipurile, au filmat baietii pe acolo.

    Din cate vorbeam si cu Liam azi la concurs, poate reusim sa ne strangem cat mai multi la unul din noi acasa, intr-una din zile, si sa bagam niste amicale, ca baietii Putem merge la Liam, chiar si la mine. Spatiu nu-i mult dar merge.

    Ar fi OK sa jucam niste Offline-uri intre noi, fara lag and so on. Ziceti-mi ce parere aveti si poate se infaptuie ceva.


  20. #700 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Am plecat SALTY de acolo ca omu' a ABANDONAT la GRAND FINALS ce p*m.

    Hai castig Losers Finals ca sa CE?...aiurea.
    GG Poke, Bozy > "n-am prea jucat" , smileymike101 si nu in ultimul rand Sakonoko din Carpati > Duncan.

    EDIT: TOATA comunitatea e "down" pt niste offline-uri Bozy.

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