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Thread: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

  1. #121 SP
    Member Twiztid's Avatar
    pt cine are rabdare sa citeasca...a woman's perspective on the witcher universe...sexism everywhere...

    Girl Meets Game

  2. #122 SP
    Senior Member kragod's Avatar
    Cititi toate prostiile de pe net..

  3. #123 SP
    Member Twiztid's Avatar
    mda...story of our lives...citim o groaza de chestii care nu ajuta cu nimic in viata...dar in aceeasi ordine de idei old news but still funny

    "President Obama, on a tour of Europe this week, stopped in Poland today to meet with Prime Minister Donald Tusk. As is customary, Tusk presented Obama with several gifts to commemorate his visit. One of those was the collector's edition of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings."

    Poland Gives President Obama The Witcher 2's Collector's Edition

  4. #124 SP
    Member eNHajeL's Avatar
    Fara cuvinte!

  5. #125 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

    CD Projekt RED announces Gwent and bolsters Xbox One Collector’s Edition of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    CD Projekt RED, the developer of the critically acclaimed Witcher series of games, is excited to announce Gwent, a card game experience embedded within the upcoming open world fantasy RPG-Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The studio is also thrilled to reveal the inclusion of additional physical content in the Xbox One Collector’s Edition of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

    About Gwent

    Gwent is a fast-paced card game that can be played within The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on every platform. Invented by dwarves and perfected over centuries of tavern table play, Gwent is a game of initial simplicity and ultimate depth, something beloved by both road-weary travelers during long nights around the campfire and elegant nobles looking to liven up dragging dinner parties. The game is about the clash of two armies locked in mortal struggle on a battlefield where the players are the leaders and the cards their forces. With four different factions offering unique combat styles and endless paths to victory, Gwent is every adventurer’s first choice when it comes to one-on-one card-based dueling. Take risks and think on your feet, strategize and deliver cunning combos, use potent magic and mighty hero cards and be the last one standing on the field of honor!

    Key Features

    • Over 150 unique playing cards
    • 4 distinct factions: the mighty and cunning Nilfgaardian Empire, the brave Northern Realms and their siege weapons, the agile and devious Scoia’tael, and the brutal monsters of No Man’s Land.
    • Powerful spells allow players to control the weather and affect units on the battlefield.
    • An array of combat styles caters to individual playstyles: close range with heavy knights, long range with skilled archers or artillery with powerful siege weapons.
    • Powerful hero cards, unique to each faction.

    The studio has also announced the inclusion of additional physical content in the Xbox One Collector’s Edition of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt-Gwent, a highly addictive card game, and a unique cloth map of the in-game world.

    The Xbox One Collector's Edition of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt now contains:

    • The standard edition of the game, containing: the official soundtrack, a beautiful and detailed map of the in-game world, unique stickers, and the developer-created "Witcher Universe - The Compendium"
    • A giant, 33x24x26 cm, 100% hand painted, Polystone figure of Geralt of Rivia battling a Griffin
    • An exclusive, collector grade Witcher medallion
    • A one of a kind SteelBook
    • A two-hundred page artbook, containing breathtaking art from the game
    • A cloth map of the game world
    • Two Gwent card decks
    • Huge outer and inner Collector’s Boxes you can store your Witcher merchandise in!

    “Gwent is an amazing game and we're really happy to be able to bring it to the physical realm with Microsoft's help. Now we’ve got Gwent in every copy of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt as an in-game experience for free on every platform, and a physical version in the Xbox One CE, how awesome is that?” said Marcin Iwiñski, CD Projekt RED Co-founder and Joint CEO.
    Attached Images Attached Images 1408110426-collectors-edition-x1-witcher-3.jpg

  6. #126 SP
    Banned flavi_us's Avatar
    Mno, asta da Collector's Edition!

  7. #127 SP
    Member eNHajeL's Avatar
    Nu uita ca are pret dublu fata de alte jocuri CE. Dezamagit e putin zis cand aud ca acest pachet de carti ajunge doar in cutia de CE pentru Xbox One. Atunci eu cum sa dau uriasa suma de 860 lei (aproximativ) daca nici macar nu primesc continutul compet? Come on CD Projekt Red, credeam ca sunteti mai presus de atat...

  8. #128 SP
    Member AngelOfPain's Avatar
    Acum inteleg ce inseamna: No exclusive content but there will be "marketing co-operation".

    Nici nu stiu daca mai dau atatia banii pe un CE "dezbracat". Puteau sa zica mai devreme, nu dupa ce mi-am facut
    precomanda pe PC si PS4...

  9. #129 SP
    Senior Member iry's Avatar

  10. #130 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Si astia vor sa-si ia hate sau ce? Sunt dusi cu capul.

  11. #131 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

    Incredibil cat de bine poate sa arata. Trebuie sa strang bani neaparat pentru CE.

  12. #132 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    don't be so hateful people raspunsul celor de la CD Project cu privire la comentarile negative din ultima vreme

    Looking at the heated comments, I believe that our announcement of the physical addition of two decks of Gwent cards and a cloth map, requires a further word from us.

    Here at CD Projekt Red, we always put gamers first. Our PC versions are released DRM-free, we bend over backwards to give you the most beefed up editions of our games (be it standard or Collector’s), and we deliver the same game, regardless of platform or version you buy. Moreover, we promised not have any exclusive DLCs, neither per platform nor per retailer, and we do stand by our promise–nothing has changed, nor will change in this regard.

    Don’t get me wrong, I do understand that these extra items might be desirable for Witcher fans playing the game on other platforms. However, as we are not offering any platform or retail exclusive DLCs or any other form of gameplay differentiation, we do have to find other ways to support our partners. We are also providing special pre-order items for certain retailers around the world, including Witcher comic books, posters, steel books or medallions. Funnily enough, we did not notice any heated comments on the pre-order specials.

    What is the reason? Why are we doing this? We need the support of partners to make our game visible worldwide. This should hopefully translate to better sales, which will in consequence allow us to do what we have been doing for the last 10 years, i.e. reinvest this money to make more great RPGs, while still sticking to our values.

    If you still consider that adding two decks of Gwent cards and a map of the in-game world to the Xbox One CE equals us betraying our values and not fulfilling our promises, well, it does make us sad, but the final call is always yours to make.

    Still, I do hope that what we offer is unique and we can ask you to give us the benefit of the doubt. We have more great things to announce for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in the coming months and I promise you won’t be disappointed (yes, yes, there are no more exclusives coming).

  13. #133 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    pe mine ma intereseaza jocul..bine , cred ca mi-ar placea si pandantivul ala

  14. #134 SP
    Banned flavi_us's Avatar
    Ma depaseste conflictul asta... Daca aveti PS4 dar vreti collector's edition-ul de la xbone, de ce nu il cumparati pe-ala, vindeti jocul de xbone, si cumparati jocul de PS4? It's the same damn thing. Iesiti cu maxim 30 lei in minus, si la cat costa CE nu cred ca mai conteaza.

  15. #135 SP
    Member eNHajeL's Avatar
    Pentru tine aceasta solutie e optima, poate altii nu gandesc la fel. Te-ai gandit la asta? Comanzi un joc pe care abia il astepti dar hopa.... nu este pentru consola ta!!!! Il vinzi dupa aparitie un pic sub pretul pietei ca sa fie cumparat in 4-5 zile, pana iti primesti banii dureaza 3 zile prin curierat sau o saptamana jumate prin posta. Apoi completezi banii, caci cu siguranta nimeni nu ti-l cumpara la 260 lei aici, nu-i asa? Comanzi de la Altex daca au pe stoc si te poti apuca de joc la aproape o luna dupa aparitie. Daca chiar asta ti se pare o solutie la intemana atunci data viitoare arata-ne cum se face, eu, ca si om de rand nu as rezista.

    CD Projekt Red are dreptate, la final noi decidem cu portofelul. Eu am decis deja prin anularea precomenzii CE si o sa-mi comand varianta normala de aici ca sa nu mai platesc aiurea transport and what not. Fara resentimente, fara ura si bocit.

  16. #136 SP
    Banned flavi_us's Avatar
    Nu mi se pare o solutie optima, mi se pare SINGURA SOLUTIE. Daca tu vrei sa primesti totul pe tava, si nu esti invatat sa te chinui din cand in cand pentru a obtine ce vrei, asta e problema ta nu a mea.

  17. #137 SP
    Member eNHajeL's Avatar
    Da, asa este cum zici tu! Jocurile virtuale in ziua de azi sunt facute ca pe langa se-ti manace banii, sa te si chinuie, de ce nu . Nu stiu daca ai dat vreodata valoarea a trei jocuri day1 pentru o singura editie de whatever dar daca da, atunci e problema ta daca accepti orice pe banii tai.

  18. #138 SP
    Banned flavi_us's Avatar
    Nu am facut asta, nu o fac nici acum, si nici nu vad legatura. Din cate zici, tu dadusei pre-order la CE. Eu doar am zis ca mi se pare stupid tot scandalul asta, pentru un ***** de medalion si niste carticele de plastic, din moment ce daca esti atat de disperat dupa ele, exista o solutie (optima sau nu).

  19. #139 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Sau mai simplu: faci precomanda jocului pentru ps4 si CE pentru xo si vinzi jocul dupa si iti recuperezi o parte din bani, nu trebuie sa astepti sa se vanda jocul i am just saying

  20. #140 SP
    Completionist Boghy02's Avatar
    @AndRewqp foarte bine zici.Eu nu inteleg all this bitchin pentru extra stuff la CE , cand exista o varianta foarte simplaDaca chiar vrei tot continutul , atunci do it Let the hate flow

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