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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 4

  1. #1061 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    48.85 de lire un joc de PS4? Destul de mult, ma intreb cat va fi pe la noi daca pe shopto e atata.
    Video Games, Consoles, Accessories - Free Delivery in Uk - Orders before 5.30pm dispatched Same Day - ShopTo.Net - ShopTo.Net

  2. #1062 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    PlayStation 4 Supports Move, But Not DualShock 3 - IGN

    In short: DualShock 3 won’t work with PlayStation 4, but PlayStation Move will. “No, [PS4] doesn’t support DualShock 3,” noted Yoshida, “but it does support PS Move.”

  3. #1063 SP
    Junior Member Semaka's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mark View Post
    Intrebarea intrebatoare e daca jocurile de PS4 vor rula si pe PS3?

    Sent from my S500 using Tapatalk 2
    Logic, ca nu, dar vor fi lansate separat pentru ambele console, cel putin asa au facut si cu PS2, care inca primea jocuri si dupa 2 ani de la lansarea PS3-ului.

  4. #1064 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Will the new console cost $599 to start?
    I certainly hope not. I think we’re very proud of what we delivered with the PlayStation 3 in terms of technology, and that we were able to enhance the features while still reducing the price to $249. But I think our goal with this is to debut at a more consumer-friendly price. But we haven’t made any final decisions about what the price will be at launch.
    Why didn’t we see the new console today?
    I guess when I think about the console, you open it up, you look at it, you certainly look at it when you insert a disc, but for most people, it’s behind a cabinet or on a shelf somewhere and you spend all your time looking at the screen. And we wanted to show people the screen. There will be multiple opportunities to share the look of the console between now and the launch. We just didn’t choose this first event as the time to show it.
    But is it ready?
    I mean, we’re certainly capable of showing playable game content, but we don’t have a mass-production box that we can bring out and pull out. That’s still in development in terms of final specs and design.
    It wasn’t a big surprise today that there were some cloud-gaming announcements, given Sony’s acquisition of Gaikai. But cloud gaming, especially when it comes to graphics-heavy stuff, can suffer some technical difficulties. How does Sony plan to manage that?
    I think that all credit goes to Gaikai, and all credit goes to Sony for recognizing the strength of Gaikai and acquiring them. We’ve cerainly had cloud storage, but Gaikai seemed to be well ahead of anybody else that we saw, and were doing things we didn’t think were possible. So I think the acquisition allows us to do things that are more in line with consumer expectations; allow them to play the games they expect.
    And PS4 can play those games. I’ve certainly seen it done that every game we’ve ever published, up through PS3, is playable with no latency. I don’t know if we’re saying we’re at that stage yet, but we think we can get there in the near term.
    Seven Questions About PlayStation 4 for Sony's Jack Tretton - Lauren Goode - News - AllThingsD

  5. #1065 SP
    Member MiniEmotion's Avatar
    Eu unul raman la PS3ul meu.. cel putin 1-2 ani. Nici n-am apucat bine sa-l iau, jocuri or sa mai apara.. si n-am incercat ca exclusivitati decat lbp si infamous, thanks Cristy. Ce-mi place la noul ps este controllerul(defapt este cam tot ce au aratat la el). Macar am timp sa strang banii, si sper sa mearga backwards... abia am inceput colectia

  6. #1066 SP
    FIFA Fan gvingi76's Avatar

  7. #1067 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Deci nu mai pot de ras. Enjoy!

  8. #1068 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar
    Un alt interviu cu Shuhei Yoshida:

  9. #1069 SP
    Senior Member x2z's Avatar
    Cu 9-10 lire mai mult decat un preorder la un joc bun din generatia actuala. Eu zic ca e decent, pentru ceva care va fi abia lansat.

  10. #1070 SP
    Member solaru's Avatar
    Se zvoneste ca si Sony va adopta acelasi model de business ca si Goldul de la XBOX Live.
    Sony to move to subscription model for online

    Aveau Plus, dar va fi interesant sa vedem in ce directie se indreapta odata cu introducerea "Gai-Kai" in peisaj... si mai ales daca vor mentine oferta cu jocurile gratuite.

  11. #1071 SP
    Senior Member Clopotarul's Avatar
    PS4 Games to Cost From $0.99 – $60 | Coin Arcade

    In a recent interview with CNBC, SCEA CEO Jack Tretton stated that the pricing of PlayStation 4 games will range anywhere from $0.99 to the traditional pricing of $60, with gamers given the ability to try the game before they buy it.

  12. #1072 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    am vazut si eu in reluare aseara conferinta celor de la Sony, dupa meciul Stelei , si vreau sa impartasesc si eu cateva impresii. inainte de conferinta chiar ma gandeam daca nu vor face ceva asemanator cu ce a facut nintendo, sa prezinte doar controllerul si cateva jocuri, nu tu pret, nu tu data de lansare sau niste informatii mai precise despre hw si ca o sa fiu destul de dezamagit.

    si chiar asa s-a intamplat, dar nu am ramas chiar cu un gust amar, din contra sunt foarte entuziasmat , nu din cauza controllerului sau specificatiilor hw generalizate "supercharged PC architecture" chiar nu-mi pasa de acest aspect, pentru ca am pierdut de mult contactul cu lumea PC si tot ce inseamna placa video sau cpu, ci datorita jocurilor si cat de mult promite consola. imediat mi-a sarit in ochii si mi-a placut foarte mult ideea ca poti sa inchizi consola si s-o deschizi intr-o secunda si pornesti de unde ai ramas, ca jocurile raman in background si exista cu adevarat un multitasking si unul rapid, lucru ce nu se putea face pe cell .

    as putea sa scriu o groaza despre conferinta si ce impact a avut asupra mea, dar nu vreau sa va plictisesc, pe scurt PS4 exceleaza unde PS3 nu era atat de grozav, cateva exemple: multitaskingul, controllerul (triggerele, joystickurile, pare mult mai comod si este mai greu, DS3 este mult prea usor imho), line-up pentru lansare (ganditi-va ce jocuri am avut la lansarea PS3, mai nimic, a trebuit sa asteptam un an, acum vom avea niste jocuri impresionate, pentru care merita sa achizitionam PS4, va dau un singur nume: Killzone si sunt ferm convins ca vor fi mult mai multe), jocurile multiplatform (avand in vedere arhitecura PC-like, nu vor mai fi diferente intre jocurile de pe PS si Xbox, sau cel putin producatorii nu vor mai avea scuze) si unul dintre cele mai importante lucruri, prin conferinta de aseara (cred ca a fost o adevarata lovitura dpdv al marketingului) PS4 a furat lumina reflectoarelor pentru o perioada de timp, acum toata lumea vorbeste despre PS4 si este foarte entuziasmata tocmai pentru ca nu au anuntat tot "pachetul", mai trebuie sa aflam pretul, data de lansare exacta, consola in sine, bundle-uri, jocurile exclusiviste si multe alte features (am avzut ca unii au fost dezamagiti din acest punct de vedere, pai ganditi-va ce faceam pana in noiembrie daca stiam totul acum )

    O ultima idee, nu ma pricep foarte bine la hw, dar din cate stiu atat PS4 si urmatorul Xbox vor avea arhitectura asemanatoare si bazate pe componente de la AMD, ceea ce inseaman (cel putin asa inteleg eu) ca jocurile nu vor arata diferit, performantele vor fi foarte asemanatoare, fapt ce ma bucura foarte mult, deoarce singura posibilitatea pentru a inclina balanta intr=o tabara sau alta vor fi jocurile exclusiviste, cu cat mai multe si mai bune cu atat vor atrage mai multi gamerii de partea lor . daca generatia anterioara companiile atrageau gamerii prin puterea bruta sau printr-un MP online mult mai bine dezvoltat, acum cred ca se vor bate in jocuri , poate gresesc dar asa vad eu lucrurile si mi-ar placea foarte mult sa fie asa.

    Eu sunt foarte curios cu ce vor schimba PSN, este foarte important acest aspect, trebuie sa recunoastem ca nu este foarte grozav si sper sa-l imbunatateasca drastic mai ales ca am citit ca va trebui sa platim pentru el odata cu PS4, sunt zvonuri dar nu cred ca departe de adevar

    sper ca nu v-am plictisit prea mult

    ---------- Post added 22-02-2013 at 05:55 PM ----------

    nu mi-a placut deloc ca s-a facut multa reclama la joculetul lui Mark Cerny, care sincer mie unul mi se pare o prostie, bineinteles ma refer la Knack. sunt convins ca daca nu era jocul lui nici nu s-ar fi mentionat

    ---------- Post added 22-02-2013 at 05:59 PM ----------

    2 articole interesante: News: Sony promises indie-friendly PSN: 'We believe in smaller devs' - si Gamasutra - News - We asked three PS4 developers how expensive their games are

  13. #1073 SP
    Senior Member Enthroll's Avatar
    Knack cred ca e pentru base-ul Nintendo "come to the dark side, we have Knack"

  14. #1074 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar
    Nu inteleg de ce atata ura pentru acest joc , Knack , parerea mea este ca acest platformer se poate dovedi a fi foarte ok , pentru mine jocuri precum Ratchet ,Jak si Sly Cooper sunt printre preferatele mele si probabil inseamna ceva faptul ca nu au dat gres cu niciunul dintre acestea.

    Sony a trebuit sa arate ca aceasta consola va avea un line-up cat mai intreg , daca se poate spune asa, adica avem si jocuri hardcore ( Killzone , inFamous ) si platformer ( Knack ) si racing ( Drive Club ) si jocuri pe care nu stiu in ce categorie sa le pun ( titlul celor de la Media Molecule ).

  15. #1075 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Eu tot vreau un Crash Bandicoot.

  16. #1076 SP
    Senior Member Clopotarul's Avatar
    High-res images of PlayStation 4 controller + GIF :

    Attached Images Attached Images ps4controller-3.jpg ps4controller-6.jpg ps4controller-4.jpg ps4controller-2.jpg ps4controller-1.jpg ps4controller-5.jpg

  17. #1077 SP
    Member Imperatore's Avatar
    se stie ceva daca o sa putem rula jocurile de pe HDD 100% ?

  18. #1078 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar
    Probabil doar alea downloadate de pe PSN.

  19. #1079 SP
    Senior Member CSergiu's Avatar
    Lumina albastra la ce ajuta?

  20. #1080 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by CSergiu View Post
    Lumina albastra la ce ajuta?
    DUALSHOCK®4 features a light bar on the top with three color LEDs that illuminate in various colors. The light bar illuminates to match the color of characters in a game to offer a simpler, more friendly way to identify players, even when playing side by side. The light bar also changes patterns during gameplay to provide useful information to gamers, such as when a character is critically low on health or has taken major damage.

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