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Thread: The Last of Us (Original)

  1. #601 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    Treaba voastra, io-s in saptamana a 12-a cu vreo 95 de survivors.
    Oricum, sunt ferm convins ca vor introduce cel putin un mod de joc cu infectati.

  2. #602 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar

    Multiplayer-ul e bun, dar nu e ceva ce as juca foarte mult timp.

  3. #603 SP
    Senior Member Trefla's Avatar
    State of Decay -
    Cum dracu sa primeasca aceiasi nota ca last of us ? M$ cotizeaza clar la gamespot...

  4. #604 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Trefla0874 View Post
    Cum dracu sa primeasca aceiasi nota ca last of us ? M$ cotizeaza clar la gamespot...

  5. #605 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Din cate vad, review-ul nu e facut de niciun oficial gamespot :-\

  6. #606 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    Tot timpul uit sa va intreb o chestie: mie mi se restarteaza consola DE FIECARE DATA cand ies din acest joc. Stiti de la ce e? Ati patit si voi? Mentionez ca alte jocuri se comporta normal...

  7. #607 SP
    Senior Member Trefla's Avatar
    Ai vreun fat de 60 GB cumva ? Am vazut pe alte forumuri straine ca sunt probleme cu "grasunii"

  8. #608 SP
    manfurismojive kobayashi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Raskolnikov1944 View Post
    Tot timpul uit sa va intreb o chestie: mie mi se restarteaza consola DE FIECARE DATA cand ies din acest joc. Stiti de la ce e? Ati patit si voi? Mentionez ca alte jocuri se comporta normal...
    Idem si la mine, model Slim320Gb, habar nu am de ce face asa, un bug ceva cu siguranta, o sa-l repare probabil cu un patch...sper. Pana atunci eu sting consola direct din joc, fara sa mai dau quit

  9. #609 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    Nu am fat, am un slim de 160.

    O sa fac si eu la fel Koba, precis e un bug, am vazut ca e destul de raspandita problema dand un google search.

  10. #610 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Eu am fat de 160 si nu am intampinat probleme

  11. #611 SP
    Senior Member JeNeI's Avatar
    Nu imi restarteaza consola.PS3 "grasunel" de 40GB.Nu am aplicat nici un update la joc.

  12. #612 SP
    Senior Member Trefla's Avatar
    A dezamagit Naughty Dog la cate bug-uri are(pentru unii).Game testeri ce faceau cand il jucau ?

  13. #613 SP
    Senior Member Anderul's Avatar
    Pai stai, inca are bugs ? Sa fac update sau nu ?

  14. #614 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar
    De ce nu ati face update ? Problema cu auto-save a fost rezolvata si eu am intalnit doar un bug minor in joc.

  15. #615 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Stie cineva daca exista online stats? Eu am cautat dar n-am gasit. As vrea sa MA LAUD cu ceva dar asa fara link n-are farmec ...

  16. #616 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    Am avut un meci cu 15 downs, 13 special executions si 0 deaths. Cu ce ai vrea sa TE LAUZI ?????

  17. #617 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    That's good stuff (eu n-am prins asa meciuri) dar eu am altceva si mai si e vorba de overall, nu de un meci

  18. #618 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Pop culture is again in the quickly decaying grasp of a shambling horde. For how many times zombies have appeared, they rarely have a real scientific reason to. Sometimes it’s a supernatural cause as in Dawn of the Dead. Other times it’s a generic “zombie virus” as in The Walking Dead (though at least we know how a “walker” bite works). In all the attempts to make the dead live again, science usually takes a back seat to the gore—at least until the latest popular iteration of zombies. The Last of Us—a new videogame touted as a masterpiece—has the most scientific explanation for zombies yet, because it uses zombies that actually exist.
    Attached Images Attached Images 5867418222_4c66afef42_b.jpg

  19. #619 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    E de adaugat si acest video:

  20. #620 SP
    Senior Member Anderul's Avatar
    damn nature, you scary.

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