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Thread: The Last of Us (Original)

  1. #761 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    nu cred ca depaseste 10-15 gbp

  2. #762 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Pana in 20 ar fi perfect.

    Quote Originally Posted by ununou View Post
    Nu conteaza
    ai dreptate

  3. #763 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Tocmai am terminat jocul si....mai vreau :-D

  4. #764 SP
    konichiwa zombie chynagods's Avatar
    Baga o tura pe ultima dificultate(survivor) este cu totul alta experienta
    Cine are microfon va astept diseara la un multiplayer , add chyna008

  5. #765 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Am de gand sa-l platinez.
    Diseară pe la 8-9 mă bag cu siguranţă la un mp.

  6. #766 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Ma bag si eu la un mp pe la 8-9

  7. #767 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    A fost caterinca aseara, poate data viitoare ne strangem mai multi.

  8. #768 SP
    konichiwa zombie chynagods's Avatar

    Dive deeper into the philosophy behind The Last of Us in this one-on-one interview between The Last of Us Creative Director Neil Druckmann and Barry Kibrick.

  9. #769 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Am nimerit in dimineata asta niste echipe in mp, frate parca-s salbatici eram ranit langa ei si nu-mi dade-au revive, si nu erau inamici prin zonă...rage quit!!!

  10. #770 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Helooo I know you're there. I can see you!
    Ar fi interesant sa ne adunam mai multi in seara asta si sa facem cateva meciuri private.

  11. #771 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Eu intru aproape in fiecare seara si joc cu chyna cate 1 ora, 1 ora jumate... depinde cand intru...

  12. #772 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Stiu ca voi doi intrati in fiecare seara, ma gandeam ca poate ne strangem vrio 6-8 oameni sa facem 2 echipe.

  13. #773 SP
    konichiwa zombie chynagods's Avatar
    The Last of Us - All Gone ( Not included in the OST)

  14. #774 SP
    Senior Member iPaul's Avatar

  15. #775 SP
    Completionist Boghy02's Avatar
    Pacat meritau GOTY si best action adventure...

    Best Voice Actor Winner: Troy Baker as "Joel" - The Last of Us

    Best Voice Actor Actress Winner: Ashley Johnson as "Ellie" - The Last of Us

    Read more at: VGX 2013: The Full List of Video Game Award Winners | HEAVY

  16. #776 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    si video:

  17. #777 SP
    Senior Member AndyZ's Avatar
    Pont pt cei care se gandesc sa-l cumpere.
    (este vorba de 12 Deals of Christmas pe PSN)
    Attached Images Attached Images screenhunter_07-dec.-09-17.34.jpg

  18. #778 SP
    Member Madutzzu14's Avatar

  19. #779 SP
    Senior Member Tekken's Avatar
    Fake, macar interesati-va inainte sa postati.

  20. #780 SP
    konichiwa zombie chynagods's Avatar

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