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Thread: SpamBox plx ?! :D

  1. #3901 SP
    Member octav's Avatar
    cel mai frumos bug din fifa 09 este atunci cand toti jucatorii adversi sunt inafara terenului, in spatele portii tale si tu fugi ca nebunu' si dai gol fara nicio problema...din pacate doar odata s-a intamplat...oricum, super bug!

    ---------- Post added at 08:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 PM ----------

    vedeti cum pronunta vanghelie google
    Vanghelie: Am cautat pe "Gogal, Goagal, Gagal" (Google) despre Herodot -

  2. #3902 SP
    Prophet of the Void IlieRazvan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by octav11 View Post
    Cronica Carcotasilor scrie pe el lol

  3. #3903 SP
    Senior Member Christien's Avatar

  4. #3904 SP
    Member octav's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by IlieRazvan View Post
    Cronica Carcotasilor scrie pe el lol
    din pacate au luat vacanta...doar la radio

  5. #3905 SP
    Senior Member GeOKeR's Avatar

  6. #3906 SP
    is the man! trickz's Avatar
    Superba cursa de la Satu Mare... de nota 10. ZECE. Extraordinar! Am ramas fara cuvinte!

  7. #3907 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  8. #3908 SP
    Senior Member GeOKeR's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by trickz View Post
    Superba cursa de la Satu Mare... de nota 10. ZECE. Extraordinar! Am ramas fara cuvinte!
    Pai si pozele unde-s?

  9. #3909 SP
    is the man! trickz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GeOKeR View Post
    Pai si pozele unde-s?
    Or sa vina si ele

    80gb + de poze in format raw... o sa dureze ceva...

  10. #3910 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Hai sa vedem acum... ca m-am scos din lista de "banned" la Achievements... sa vad cine imi ia Achievementurile

  11. #3911 SP
    Senior Member Mariusik's Avatar
    Unde pot vedea si eu lista de achievements care sunt puse pe forum?

  12. #3912 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariusik View Post
    Unde pot vedea si eu lista de achievements care sunt puse pe forum?
    Console Games Forum - Achievements

    Ooops, deja mi-a luat webpredator un Achievement ! I have to donate moooooore !

  13. #3913 SP
    Member dexx's Avatar
    Concurenta mare

  14. #3914 SP
    Member octav's Avatar
    ah...mai monky imi placeai mai mult banat...acum strici tot farmecul forumului

  15. #3915 SP
    Senior Member nightprowler's Avatar
    ce ziceti sa iau ? cei 4 din delta squad sau vreo 2 -3 alte figurine (wow sau altceva) de la action acum ma duc la bucuresti..

  16. #3916 SP
    Member octav's Avatar
    nu e threadul cu decizii asta

  17. #3917 SP
    Senior Member Mariusik's Avatar
    Ia le pe toate .

    @octav11: Nu, nu e threadul cu decizii. E threadul plin de spam, deci orice intrebare este bine primita.

    IoI => am 4 punctulete verzi sunt un diamant in za raf.

  18. #3918 SP
    Member reborn2603's Avatar

  19. #3919 SP
    Senior Member Christien's Avatar
    Nice illusion.

  20. #3920 SP
    Member reborn2603's Avatar
    Ca tot ma uitam la gifuri:

    ---------- Post added at 02:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 PM ----------

    Mai prunci, va fi Live-ul oprit zilele astea?

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