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Thread: SpamBox XL :>

  1. #2461 SP
    Ex-Studentul :D Ovidiu's Avatar
    Hmm , no nice qoute,thanks langa online,report

  2. #2462 SP
    Senior Member SYZYGY's Avatar ii dadusem report lui legolas ( sau ce nick avea ) si a luat ban dupa 2 minute

  3. #2463 SP
    Senior Member Daniel's Avatar
    That was evil Angelic!

  4. #2464 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ovidiu View Post
    Hmm , no nice qoute,thanks langa online,report
    Se lucreaza... nu dati cu parul
    (L-am omorat pe GreyhounD)

  5. #2465 SP
    Senior Member Daniel's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    (L-am omorat pe GreyhounD)

    LE: Ohh da Razvane arati super azi... Esti foarte sexy

  6. #2466 SP
    Member rZvFTW's Avatar
    arat beton... va fi si shop?

  7. #2467 SP
    Teraflops Graft's Avatar
    Ce shop omule, că tot insiști pe chestia asta... Există aria Bazar dacă ai chef de cumpărături.

  8. #2468 SP
    Senior Member huber's Avatar

  9. #2469 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar
    Cu ce e sub avatar e mai OK, dar prea multe sub post, Blog post, User online/offline, Quick reply ( care oricum e sub toate posturile) nu prea au folos. Oricum e destul de OK.

  10. #2470 SP
    SnowManiac dadu093's Avatar roz!

  11. #2471 SP
    Senior Member GS0Ls's Avatar
    MULIQUOTE!!!! thanks MonkY

  12. #2472 SP
    Senior Member Madk91's Avatar
    Hi , i'm Mad Kenobi and welcome to Jackass.

    0:29 = partea mea favorita

  13. #2473 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GS0Ls View Post
    MULIQUOTE!!!! thanks MonkY
    Era si pana acum.

  14. #2474 SP
    Senior Member GS0Ls's Avatar
    OK, inseamna ca nu l-am vazut eu. Oricum, acum e la indemana.

  15. #2475 SP
    Member rZvFTW's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Graft View Post
    Ce shop omule, că tot insiști pe chestia asta... Există aria Bazar dacă ai chef de cumpărături.
    ma refer shop, sa poti cumpara un fel de "pets" sau mini avatare cum vrei sa`i zici..

    A virtual Shop will motivate your users to earn more points. You can define categories and put virtual items with pictures in it. A currency can be defined seperatly for every item, e.g. 20 points from threads or 100 points from gallery. Users can purchase the items, they appear in their profile. The costs of the item are substracted from their xperience points. Additionally you can set quantity of the items.
    The Shop will motivate your users to collect specific points to buy an item. Optionally you can show the last purchased items on postbit.
    You can put virtual items in it, like WoW addons: Sell WoW Items in exchange of f.e. thread points. Great for RPG forums.
    Non-Virtual Items like bold Usernames or Downloads for Points are already on my todo list.

    ---------- Post added 12-10-2010 at 07:22 PM ----------

    aaaa si sa ma laud o tara...

    _raZVan_ unlocked the Drift Lap achievement in Forza Motorsport 3

    Drift Lap (5 points)
    Earn over 100,000 points in a single lap.
    5% of Raptr users who play this game have this achievement

  16. #2476 SP
    SnowManiac dadu093's Avatar
    Sper ca nu voi da prea multe Report-uri, in loc de Thanks-uri lol

  17. #2477 SP
    Senior Member Zombozo's Avatar
    @RazvanL: Şi ceva puncte de experienţă $_$

  18. #2478 SP
    Senior Member GS0Ls's Avatar
    De ce doar primul dreptunghi de sub avatar este colorat ?

  19. #2479 SP
    Member rZvFTW's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GS0Ls View Post
    De ce doar primul dreptunghi de sub avatar este colorat ?
    pentru ca este "activat" dai click pe al2lea si vei vedea ca si al2lea "led" va fi aprins si arata alta informatie

  20. #2480 SP
    Senior Member Mika's Avatar
    Ca pe celelalte poti sa dai click.

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