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Thread: Ce ma enerveaza (acum)

  1. #2081 SP
    Senior Member zinodaur's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by eagle-eye View Post
    Matematica discreta? Da' ce, o inveti pe sub masa?
    I lol'd

  2. #2082 SP
    Member Moromete's Avatar
    Black Throne level...Darksiders

  3. #2083 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Highschool ended.

  4. #2084 SP
    Member Xristina's Avatar
    Si o sa te enerveze multi ani de acum incolo ca ai terminat liceul atat de repede.

    Work on Saturday QQ

  5. #2085 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Si mi-a luat foc PC-ul

  6. #2086 SP
    Senior Member Csander's Avatar
    Ca Zavvi si The Hut mi-au sters conturile repejor dar inca imi trimit newsletter!

  7. #2087 SP
    Member Outblast's Avatar
    ma enerveaza jegosii care cica se declara mari afaceristi si cica vand joace pe ... stabilesc intalniri la care nu mai vin... nici macar n-au bunul simt sa anunte acest lucru ... fakin' wankers

  8. #2088 SP
    Member Venom911's Avatar
    Oamenii prefacuti...

  9. #2089 SP
    Senior Member Malach HaMavet's Avatar
    durerea de cap care ma tine de azi dimineata

  10. #2090 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Outblast View Post
    ma enerveaza jegosii care cica se declara mari afaceristi si cica vand joace pe ... stabilesc intalniri la care nu mai vin... nici macar n-au bunul simt sa anunte acest lucru ... fakin' wankers
    da-le TR negativ...

  11. #2091 SP
    Senior Member axton's Avatar
    Decizia pe care trebuie sa o iau azi ... (to break up or not to break up yet and wait a bit more ...) ... da stiu ... "decizii importante" ( adica de tot c****u) ca sunt altele mult mai importante ....

  12. #2092 SP
    Senior Member Alexandru's Avatar

  13. #2093 SP
    Senior Member Zero's Avatar
    Faptul ca acum nu am somn, dar maine dimineata...

  14. #2094 SP
    Senior Member Strike105X's Avatar
    Vremea asta handicapata de la Cluj-Napoca... nu am nimic cu ploaia, dar ma enerveaza ca tot trebuie sa pornesc si sa inchid calculatorul ca fulgera intr-o veselie...

  15. #2095 SP
    Member Cata96's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Strike105X View Post
    Vremea asta handicapata de la Cluj-Napoca... nu am nimic cu ploaia, dar ma enerveaza ca tot trebuie sa pornesc si sa inchid calculatorul ca fulgera intr-o veselie...
    Acelasi motiv.
    + Ca am musafiri si au venit cu gradinita...

  16. #2096 SP
    You're PARROTS Dudel's Avatar

  17. #2097 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Ca nu pot sa zbor.

  18. #2098 SP
    Senior Member axton's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by eagle-eye View Post
    Ca nu pot sa zbor.
    Daca suntem la topicul asta .... Ma enerveaza ca nu pot sa opresc timpul , ca sa-l pot petrece cu persoanele care chiar merita ...

  19. #2099 SP
    Senior Member CSergiu's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by eagle-eye View Post
    Ca nu pot sa zbor.
    I see what u did there

  20. #2100 SP
    Member Moromete's Avatar

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