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Thread: Super Street Fighter 4

  1. #541 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar

  2. #542 SP
    Member snk2's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by alecs View Post

  3. #543 SP
    Member cristian77's Avatar
    7-2,il rupe Daigo

  4. #544 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Daigo Combo Videoo Yo OHHHH

    10-3 :/

  5. #545 SP
    Junior Member weirdstatic's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by alecs View Post
    Te intereseaza numai pt SuperSFIV I suppose nu?

    Ai spus SF games in general asa ca ar fi o lista destul de cuprinzatoare.
    In plus acum nu prea s-au definit top players in principal pentru ca SSFIV nu s-a lansat inca pe arcade machines in Japonia.

    nu, ziceam de jucatorii romani.

    vad ca s-au tinut turnee, si ma gandeam ca se pot face vreun fel de clasamente cu cei mai buni jucatori de aici si mainurile lor?

    ma intereseaza in special jucatorii de top pentru un anumit caracter...macar sa incep sa`i clasific

    and i`ll have a preview of the site here soon

  6. #546 SP
    Senior Member Minimize's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by weirdstatic View Post
    vad ca s-au tinut turnee, si ma gandeam ca se pot face vreun fel de clasamente cu cei mai buni jucatori de aici si mainurile lor?

    ma intereseaza in special jucatorii de top pentru un anumit caracter...macar sa incep sa`i clasific

    1. Cristache - Juri
    2. Alecs - Dan

  7. #547 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Saikyo Power > ALL

  8. #548 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar

  9. #549 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar

    Mago and Nemo created two lists - a "Global" list based on info they've compiled from talking to players, on message boards, etc. And an Arcadia list that they themselves put together.

    "Global" Ranking

    Guile, Abel, Chun-Li, Dictator, E. Honda, Boxer, Rose, Blanka

    Ryu, Dhalsim, Claw, Ken, Rufus, C. Viper, Akuma, Fei Long, Cammy, Gouken, El Fuerte, Cody, Sagat, Ibuki, Zangief, Seth, Guy, Adon
    Sakura, Dudley, Juri, Dee Jay, Hakan, Makoto, Dan, T. Hawk, Gen

    Arcadia Ranking

    Balrog, E. Honda, Guile, Fei Long, Cammy, Rufus
    Abel, Dictator, Blanka, Chun-Li, C. Viper, Ryu, Dhalsim, Akuma, Sagat, Rose, Ibuki, Zangief, El Fuerte, Claw, Gouken, Ken, Seth
    Adon, Dee Jay, Juri, Dudley, Cody
    Gen, Sakura, Guy, Dan, T. Hawk, Hakan, Makoto

  10. #550 SP
    Senior Member boga's Avatar
    Foarte tari meciurile. In special ultimu, care dovedeste ca Dan is still the man

    De-abia astept sa termin examenele saptamana asta si sa ma bag din nou la joc. O sa incerc sa fructific la maxim gaming guide-ul

  11. #551 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Exact la fix cu examenele pentru EVO :
    Super Street Fighter 4
    Pools 1-16, Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM
    Pools 17-32, Friday 5 PM - Midnight

    Semi-Finals, Saturday 3 PM - 9 PM

    SSF4 Women:
    All Pools and Semi-Finals, Saturday, 9 AM - 1 PM

    All Pools, Saturday, 9 AM - 1 PM
    Semi Finals, 1 PM - 3 PM

    All Pools, Saturday, 9 AM - 1 PM
    Semi Finals, 1 PM - 3 PM

    All Pools and Semi Finals, Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM

    All Pools and Semi Finals, Friday, 5 PM - Midnight

    All Pools and Semi Finals, Saturday, 1 PM - 9 PM

    Bang the Machine:
    Saturday, 10 PM - Midnight

    Finals Day Schedule!

    10am-12pm Melty Blood, Actress Again Tournament finals
    12pm-2pm Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Tournament Finals
    2pm-4pm Tatsunoko vs. Capcom Tournament Finals
    4pm-4:30pm SSFIV Women’s Invitational Finals
    4:30-6pm Super SFII HD Remix Tournament Finals
    6pm-8pm Tekken 6 Tournament Finals
    8pm-9pm Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Exhibition
    9pm-11pm SSFIV Tournament Finals


    Nike is producing a "Dunk" shoe with color schemes based on Street Fighter. Ryu and Chun Li, specifically.

  12. #552 SP
    Member Bozyblue's Avatar
    Careva din voi stie cum se ia costumul lui Blanka din ultimul clip de mai sus? Este alternate-ul din SSF? Sau e altul?


  13. #553 SP
    Senior Member boga's Avatar
    E o aroganta la adresa lui Akuma. Eu nu i-as fi permis

  14. #554 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bozyblue View Post
    Careva din voi stie cum se ia costumul lui Blanka din ultimul clip de mai sus? Este alternate-ul din SSF? Sau e altul?

    Este in ultimul pack de costume alternative disponibil pe PS Store.
    Se numeste Classics Pack si costa 3.99$ fara taxe.

    Este costumul de Saikyo school al lui DAAAN.
    C'mon doood.

    Blanka si Dan sunt BFF's.

  15. #555 SP
    Member Bozyblue's Avatar
    Multam de lamurire Alecs. Este foarte ciudat, pentru ca acum ceva vreme, imediat dupa ce a aparut SSF-ul am jucat online impotriva unui Blanka cu acest costum si nu era pack-ul asta lasat sigur. Nu mai inteleg nimic...

    In fine, astept pack-ul full de alternate-uri. Oricum, costumul asta mi se pare mult mai OK decat precedentul din SF de la Blanka.

    Faptul ca are freza lui Akuma il avantajeaza zic

  16. #556 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Pai il avea pt ca acest costume pack a fost prima oara disponibil pt cei cu preorder pe Amazon.

  17. #557 SP
    Member Bozyblue's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by alecs View Post
    Pai il avea pt ca acest costume pack a fost prima oara disponibil pt cei cu preorder pe Amazon.
    Ahaaa, deci n-am luat-o razna inca, am vazut bine

    Thanks again de lamurire, chiar nu stiam de unde avea respectivu atunci costumul si era o mica problema existentiala pt mine, Blanka lover fiind

  18. #558 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  19. #559 SP
    Member cristian77's Avatar
    YouTube - smoai's Channel

    Un canal de Youtube plin de meciuri recente si de calitate.Enjoy

  20. #560 SP
    Senior Member Minimize's Avatar
    Any1 up for some games tonite' ?

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