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Thread: Super Street Fighter 4

  1. #561 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  2. #562 SP
    Member andreips3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RonanN1 View Post
    Spoiler alert! Nu ma uit inca la rezultate.
    Unde pot vedeam meciurile? Vad ca nu a inceput nimeni sa le urce.

  3. #563 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar


    ---------- Post added 10-07-2010 at 04:21 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by andreips3 View Post
    Spoiler alert! Nu ma uit inca la rezultate.
    Unde pot vedeam meciurile? Vad ca nu a inceput nimeni sa le urce.
    ...faza e că nu știu dacă o sa le urce toate (mai ales la SSF4). Multe n-au fost pe stream (defapt majoritatea n-au fost). Au zis că...totalul de meciuri la SSF4, pe timp, a fost de 18 zile lol

    That's crazy!

  4. #564 SP
    Senior Member siNcE's Avatar
    Cum si-a luat-o Justin Wong de la Vangief! Sunt fericit ca nu-l inghit deloc pe JWong

  5. #565 SP
    Senior Member Minimize's Avatar
    And Marn goes home .

  6. #566 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar

  7. #567 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    ...cum să pice �n finală STREAMu'!

  8. #568 SP
    Member snk2's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RonanN1 View Post
    ...cum să pice �n finală STREAMu'!
    Level Down.

  9. #569 SP
    Senior Member siNcE's Avatar

  10. #570 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar

    Justin Wong is ELIMINATEEED!!!! hahahahhahaaa lol

  11. #571 SP
    Senior Member siNcE's Avatar
    Ceva "old school" Best Street Fighter Player Ever? care arata de ce este in stare Ume. Superb!

  12. #572 SP
    Member andreips3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by alecs View Post
    YouTube - Data watches the Evo2010 stream

    Justin Wong is ELIMINATEEED!!!! hahahahhahaaa lol
    Duuuuude, you just made my day! Superb!

  13. #573 SP
    Senior Member Minimize's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Laurentiu View Post
    Ceva "old school" Best Street Fighter Player Ever? care arata de ce este in stare Ume. Superb!
    Welcome to SF community .

  14. #574 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar

    Full Homo!!!
    Some hands action.

    ---------- Post added 13-07-2010 at 08:11 PM ----------

    Daigo actually smiling!
    Este chiar finalul meciului unde a fost la cativa pixeli de a fi invins si trimis in losers de Lamerboi.
    Unde l-ar fi avut ca rival pe Sabin care se stie ca a reusit sa il invinga pe Umehara inainte.

  15. #575 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  16. #576 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Level Up EVO Stream Response

    We apologize for the confusion many of you have experienced during the EVO 2010 stream. It was never our intention to neglect the quality nor take down the stream at anytime during this production. Our stream producers have encountered many challenges which were solved on a case by case basis to ensure an optimal viewing experience. Unfortunately, there are instances where a stress test will not detect hardware failure which result in a random system crash. We are deeply disappointed as many of you are with the outcome but the tournament must go on.

    We understand that although videos do not deliver the full live experience, both Level Up and EVO are providing recorded videos of the finals for everyone to enjoy.
    There are many random factors that are uncontrollable but we here at Level Up will continue to deliver quality content. While our main focus is live streaming, we believe our viewers will enjoy our content both online and off.
    We appreciate your understanding and thank all of our supporters.
    EVO 2010 Finals can be viewed here:

    YouTube - evo2kvids's Channel

    - Level Up

    "We should all get over it by now."

    Big announcement?
    SSFIV Turbo?

    ---------- Post added 14-07-2010 at 11:16 AM ----------

    Dudley is BACK!!!

  17. #577 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar

    Genial cand Daigo semneaza pe t*t*le tipei.

    Vineri 16 Iulie la 16:00 va fi Daigo(Ryu) vs YHC Mochi (Dhalsim) streamed pe GodsGarden

    Oh and this.

    ---------- Post added 16-07-2010 at 04:11 PM ----------

    TeamSpooky on USTREAM: Super Street Fighter 4 Casuals at the Team Sp00ky house!. Gaming Entertainment@@AMEPARAM@@

  18. #578 SP
    Senior Member Minimize's Avatar

  19. #579 SP
    Member andreips3's Avatar
    Live Stream | Team Spooky

    Starts in 1 hour! DSP will be there!

  20. #580 SP
    Senior Member GS0Ls's Avatar
    Sincer, DSP imi displace total. Nu vad sa aibe rezultate bune la turnee. Iar toate jocurile pe care le joaca in MP, le joaca prost. Ma rog, sa vedem ce o sa faca. "Fanii" lui au si inceput spam-ul pe chat-ul live stream-ului.

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