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Thread: Super Street Fighter 4

  1. #581 SP
    Member andreips3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GS0Ls View Post
    Sincer, DSP imi displace total. Nu vad sa aibe rezultate bune la turnee. Iar toate jocurile pe care le joaca in MP, le joaca prost. Ma rog, sa vedem ce o sa faca. "Fanii" lui au si inceput spam-ul pe chat-ul live stream-ului.
    Si tu esti anti DSP? Sincer nu pricep ce are lumea impotriva lui. Nu joaca oribil omu si nici nu obliga pe nimeni sa se uite la videourile lui. Sa nu intelegi ca ii tin partea pentru ca nu e cazul. Atat doar ca nu inteleg de unde atata hate.

    Tournament related, sunt curios sa vad ce o sa faca cu Hakan.
    Go Hakan!

    Un comment de pe stream:
    3:38 kahura: i bet dsp got stuck in the entrance and they're helping him get out :0!

  2. #582 SP
    Senior Member GS0Ls's Avatar
    DSP fails again. Nu a trecut mai departe. Si nu, nu sunt impotriva lui. Imi place comentariul lui cand joaca jocuri SP.

  3. #583 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Yo DSP is cool man.
    DSP este tatal adevarat a lui Daigo si Justin Wong.

    Daca iti displace de ce te deranjezi macar sa postezi asta?
    You be hatin' on my boy?

  4. #584 SP
    Member andreips3's Avatar

  5. #585 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Tare comentariul. by DSP
    Se vede ca e respectat in COMUNITATE.
    Arturo, Nerd Josh, Min si Spooky au aratat asta.


  6. #586 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Attached Images Attached Images 35193_10150229803400258_733660257_13752958_7768335_n.jpg

  7. #587 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  8. #588 SP
    Senior Member boga's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by alecs View Post
    Yo DSP is cool man.
    DSP este tatal adevarat a lui Daigo si Justin Wong.
    Dan Madness FTW

  9. #589 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar

    Azinoapte pe la 3 eu jucam SSFIV
    Vroiam sa testez video recording-ul la Galaxy S -> looks aight

  10. #590 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  11. #591 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    GODSGARDEN - ?????????Gootecks 0720_02, GODSGARDEN - ?????????Gootecks 0720_02 godsgarden on USTREAM. Video Game Marathon

    GodsGarden 20.07 (recording)

    With special guest G00tecks = l0vely language barriers.

  12. #592 SP
    Member andreips3's Avatar
    That's it, we'r effed!

  13. #593 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Attached Images Attached Images 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg

  14. #594 SP
    Member andreips3's Avatar

  15. #595 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar

    OMG ce sunt monstrii aia? (except Cammy)
    Attached Images Attached Images chun_li_kikouken_by_o_beto_o.jpg

  16. #596 SP
    Member andreips3's Avatar
    Min Masters representing Shadaloo!

  17. #597 SP
    Senior Member siNcE's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by andreips3 View Post

    Damdai este cam total pe langa Ryu (cel putin in meciurile din acest clip).

  18. #598 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Arcade build!

    Doua caract noi care vor fi DLC pe console.
    Rolento x R.Mika?

  19. #599 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    ...screw Rolento! Karin and Raimbow FTW!

  20. #600 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar

    ---------- Post added 23-07-2010 at 02:50 PM ----------

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