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Thread: Mafia II

  1. #261 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

  2. #262 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

  3. #263 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

  4. #264 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    Mafia II – 9 Dev Walkthrough Videos

  5. #265 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Mafia 2 Drops Multiple Endings | IncGamers

    Senior producer on Mafia 2, Denby Grace, has told IncGamers that Mafia 2 had four different endings before the decision was made to drop them.

    "We had four multiple endings at one point in the game, and then we looked at it and we had one really outstanding great ending to end our story," said Grace.

    "We worked on these things and we have our players that focus test [the game] and we found that people were just replaying and ultimately only felt satisfied when they got to the one GREAT ending."

  6. #266 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

  7. #267 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    Mafia II To Feature PS3 Exclusive Missions

    2K Czech's Mafia 2 will be getting PS3 exclusive missions and content when the game ships later in the year.

    The announcement came during Jack Tretton's keynote speech during which a whole host of exclusive PS3 content for third-party titles was unveiled.

    What exactly the exclusive content will be is currently unknown, but more game content in any shape or form has to be a good thing, right?

  8. #268 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar
    Stiti daca o sa fie ca primul Mafia ? Mod de Free-roam sau o sa fie ca GTA, sandbox ?

  9. #269 SP
    Member MisterJuice's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paunstefan View Post
    Stiti daca o sa fie ca primul Mafia ? Mod de Free-roam sau o sa fie ca GTA, sandbox ?
    Nu e tot aia?

  10. #270 SP
    Banned No Limit's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MisterJuice View Post
    Nu e tot aia?
    NU, in mafia puteai selecta freeride sa te plimbi prin oras, si Load Game ca sa continui misiunile

  11. #271 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar
    In Mafia misiunile erau liniare, terminai una, incepeai pe urmatoarea, nu puteai sa te plimbi prin oras, dar aveai mod Free-Ride in care te puteai plimba dar nu puteai face misiuni.

  12. #272 SP
    Junior Member Capo's Avatar
    din cat imi aduc aminte misiunile nu incepeau decat daca te duceai la checkpoint-uri (unde iti creiona pe harta). Daca nu te duceai acolo puteai sa mergi prin oras, intre misiuni, bine merci.

  13. #273 SP
    Member Zaktan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Capo View Post
    din cat imi aduc aminte misiunile nu incepeau decat daca te duceai la checkpoint-uri (unde iti creiona pe harta). Daca nu te duceai acolo puteai sa mergi prin oras, intre misiuni, bine merci.
    Eu am terminat Mafia, si misiunile incepeau automat, una dupa alta, si pentru a te putea plimba prin oras trebuia sa selectezi free roam sau free roam extreme.
    p.s. l-am terminat de putin timp

  14. #274 SP
    Senior Member Krusht's Avatar

  15. #275 SP
    Banned Spike2k's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zaktan View Post
    Eu am terminat Mafia, si misiunile incepeau automat, una dupa alta, si pentru a te putea plimba prin oras trebuia sa selectezi free roam sau free roam extreme.
    p.s. l-am terminat de putin timp
    Free ride nu free roam, dar puteai sa te plimbi prin oras dupa ce terminai o misiune, nu era necesar sa te intorci la Salieri Bar

  16. #276 SP
    Senior Member Bobby's Avatar
    Asa imi aminteam si eu, ca puteai sa te plimbi inainte sa iei o misiune.

  17. #277 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

  18. #278 SP
    Teraflops Graft's Avatar
    Cam ciudat damage-ul la mașini, la ce izbitură a luat de clădirea aia mă așteptam să se spargă măcar sirena. Bine, pe vremea aia se folosea tablă foarte groasă, mai ales la modele produse de americani, dar totuși ...

  19. #279 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    Mafia II's PS3-Exclusive Vendetta Detailed

    One of the interesting news bits at Sony's E3 press conference was the announcement that 2K Games' Mafia II was getting exclusive content. Can you get a 100 headshots?

    The trophy list for the DLC called Jimmy's Vendetta paints a quick portrait of what the DLC is about, and it's what you'd expect from Mafia II: There's a guy named Jimmy involved, and there's plenty of killing and driving.

    PS3's exclusive Mafia II DLC comes out the day the game is released, which is currently scheduled for August 24.

    Bronze Level Trophies

    First Step: Complete your first mission
    Faster Than Light: Achieve a 10x point multiplier
    Explorer: Drive a total of 1,000 miles in vehicles
    Armament King: Kill your enemies in Jimmy's Vendetta with every weapon available in the game
    Firebug: Destroy 100 vehicles
    Sharpshooter: Kill 100 enemies by headshots
    Carnapper: Finish all car dealer missions
    Massacre: Kill 1,000 enemies

    Silver Level Trophies

    Revenged: Finish Jimmy's Vendetta on any difficulty level
    Millionaire: Earn one million points

  20. #280 SP
    Banned FormableTube's Avatar
    Video: Mafia II Interview - Hits PlayStation 3 on August 24, 2010

    Today Sony's Social Media Manager Jeff Rubenstein has shared a video interview from E3 2010 spotlighting Mafia II, which hits the PlayStation 3 entertainment system on August 24, 2010.

    To quote: The typical “Summer Drought” will soon give way to a flood of holiday titles, and one of the first major titles we’ll get our hands on is Mafia II.

    Now, as we creep closer to Mafia II’s August 24th release date, the extent of the game’s PlayStation-exclusive content is becoming clearer; this week, the Trophies for “Jimmy’s Vendetta” came to light, and it’s looking pretty extensive.

    A few weeks ago, Mr. Sid Shuman had a few words with 2K Senior Producer Denby Grace about Mafia II’s gritty look and feel, its upcoming demo, and how differs from other games in the genre like GTA (hint: it’s *way* different). - Mafia II at E3 2010 - Uploaded by sceablog@@AMEPARAM@@

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