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Thread: Xbox One devine backwards compatible

  1. #41 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Xbox One Backwards Compatibility - Is it any good?:

  2. #42 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Hahaha... ce misto... emuleaza pana si meniurile de pe Xbox 360

  3. #43 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Revin si eu cu impresii imediat, momentan am 4 jocuri arcade hehe
    Attached Images Attached Images 20150617203923.jpg

  4. #44 SP
    Senior Member iry's Avatar
    Uite si lista cu cererile mari, RDR SI COD BO II (singurul care merita) pe primele locuri . Si Witcher 2 pentru Dant3, sa fie zic, doamne ajuta
    Backwards Compatibility: Hot (1549 ideas) – Xbox Feedback

  5. #45 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Si Witcher 2 ca te bat
    RonanN1 baga un stream, ar trebui sa meargă

    PS era sa uit de Lost Odyssey

  6. #46 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Un prieten a facut deja un video cu "ce ofera"
    (in cazul asta eu nu mai fac ca n-are zice la fel) insa mai vin cu 2 mici completari la ce-a zis el:
    1. Primesti si award-urile aferente jocurilor de X360 eu tocmai am primit cateva Mie mi-a gastit progresul facut, in zuma, totul merge perfect m-a dat fix de unde am ramas...acum cativa ani
    2. Jocul apare, automat, in istoricul "tau", de pe, ca si cum l-ai fi jucat pe X360. sper sa vad si cateva jocuri NTSC-J in lista aia hehe

  7. #47 SP
    Member anes's Avatar
    � Future Titles Revealed For Xbox One’s Backwards Compatibility? - ThisGenGaming

    Halo 3
    Halo Reach
    Halo 3 ODST
    Halo Wars
    Fable II
    Gears Of War
    Gears Of War 2
    Alan Wake
    Shadow Complex

  8. #48 SP
    Member Smara's Avatar
    Pai si Gears of War 3 !??!?!?!?!?

  9. #49 SP
    Senior Member iry's Avatar
    O sa intre si ala, stai linistit. @anes, viitorul suna bine

  10. #50 SP
    Member Smara's Avatar
    Sper sa intre. Personal eu il consider cel mai bun MP ever, inca il mai joc .... Am spus ,, personal ,, asa ca nu-mi sariti in cap .

  11. #51 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Detalii noi: Xbox One's backwards compatibility works because it's tricking your 360 games | GamesRadar

    Pare-se ca Xbox One ruleaza full OS de 360 in emulator...Noroc cu puterea de procesare mai mare ca altfel nu cred sa fi reusit...

  12. #52 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Poate reuseste "cineva" sa scoata emulatorul si pentru Windows 10... sa vezi ce rad atunci: "Now you can play all your Xbox 360 games on... PC!"

  13. #53 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Nu au de ce, le joci pe alea de XOne fără emulator

  14. #54 SP
    Banned Templier's Avatar
    One of the biggest pieces of news out of E3 this year came from Microsoft on Monday morning, when the company announced Xbox One backward compatibility support for Xbox 360 titles. Now, Sony executive Shuhei Yoshida has responded to the news, calling it "interesting," and stating that the company has no immediate plans to offer native backward compatibility on PlayStation 4.

    "The technology involved must be very challenging," Yoshida said in an interview with Polygon.

    Xbox One backward compatibility is available now for Xbox Preview members, and will roll out to everyone this holiday. At that time, the initial list of supported games will be expanded to "hundreds" of digital and physical Xbox 360 games. System-wide Xbox One features, such as DVR and streaming, will be available for all Xbox 360 games.

    The PS4 does offer some kind of backward compatibility by way of PlayStation Now. However, this is a paid streaming service. But could the PS4 ever offer a native backward compatibility solution?

    "I don't think we will change our approach," Yoshida said. "The PlayStation 4 doesn't have backward compatibility."

    He went on to say that Sony will instead focus on building new features and services for the PS4. But Sony hasn't ruled out native backward compatibility entirely.

    "Backward compatibility is hard," Yoshida explained. "I won't say we'll never do it, but it's not an easy thing to do. If it was easy we would have done that."

  15. #55 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Macar a fost sincer nenea Yoshida...

  16. #56 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Sa bage porcăria aia de PS Now in abonamentul Plus si gata, se tot c..a pe ei atât, flămânzii. Huoooaaa

  17. #57 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Stie careva exact cand va fi dispnibil BC pentru toti?

  18. #58 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Toata lauda pentru Microsoft, sunt pe drumul cel bun. Era de asteptat, dupa ce au ramas putin in urma cu vanzarile.

    Cu greu e PS Now viabil pentru cine nu are un internet extrem de rapid. Ma intreb daca chiar obtin vreun profit din mizeria asta de streaming. Foarte mult nu o sa ii raneasca pe domnii de la Sony miscarea Microsoft, totusi, ca ei au Uncharted 4 si deja lumea e mai entuziasmata decat au fost romanii atunci cand a venit Lady Gaga in Bucuresti. (Nu ca n-as fi si eu la fel de entuziasmat, jocul pare incredibil.)

  19. #59 SP
    Banned Templier's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ComaLight View Post
    Stie careva exact cand va fi dispnibil BC pentru toti?
    am inteles ca anul asta prin decembrie

  20. #60 SP
    Senior Member tudomih's Avatar
    Desi este un pas foarte important, eu cred ca va produce destul de multa frustare in randul celor care si-au vandut colectii intregi de jocuri pentru a trece la noua generatie. Este clar ca Microsoft nu s-a gandit deloc la BC in momentul lansarii consolei, iar acum, vazand ca pierd teren, incearca sa revina. Si incearca bine de tot.

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