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Thread: Killzone 2

  1. #1141 SP
    Member Vami's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by quik_123 View Post
    Am si eu o intrebare STA14 Rifle cand se deblocheaza?

  2. #1142 SP
    Justice of the Peace emptysilence's Avatar
    cateva jocuri de azi noapte

    astazi nu mai intru, am o zi lunga maine de facultate
    Attached Images Attached Images 20090309_200715.jpg 20090308_214339.jpg 20090308_183748.jpg 20090308_182624.jpg 20090310_181242.jpg

  3. #1143 SP
    Senior Member h0stile's Avatar
    CAREE EEE PAROLA? arghhhhhhhhh

  4. #1144 SP
    Senior Member GeOKeR's Avatar
    Opa! h0stile online? Pai hai ca vin si eu atunci
    Cred ca parola e 1234

  5. #1145 SP
    Senior Member h0stile's Avatar
    nu e..

  6. #1146 SP
    Member Vami's Avatar

  7. #1147 SP
    RPG and FPS fan G-XtremE's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by quik_123 View Post
    cand ajungi la penultimul rang, mi se pare...

    Super jocuri in seara asta, psycho cu alexciprian(piratu360) si cu mine... facem o echipa grozava BunBun meci, baieti!

  8. #1148 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar
    Update 1.20 hit Killzone 2 over the weekend, bringing with it a bunch of stability fixes and some gameplay tweaks.

    Here's the breakdown:

    - Stability issue regarding randomly named games has been resolved.
    - Stability issue where rapidly tapping (X) causes a crash on spawn-select has been resolved.
    - Stability issue regarding the Saboteur's disguise ability has been resolved.
    - Stability issue regarding game creation with a blank name has been resolved.
    - Stability issue with repeatedly entering/exiting game has been resolved.
    - Ignore list functionality has been corrected.
    - Unlocking of the "Front Runner" Medal has been fixed.
    - Incorrectly awarding victory to clans who don't show has been fixed.
    - Battle Replay for Corinth Crossing not appearing correctly on has been fixed.
    - Issue with not being able to defuse the Search and Destroy objective has been resolved.
    - HUD issue when playing as a Medic during Assassination mode has been corrected.
    - Controller input has been slightly tweaked and modified.
    - Exploit of shotgun auto-lock on has been fixed.
    - Issue with D-charges in Campaign mode has been fixed.

  9. #1149 SP
    RPG and FPS fan G-XtremE's Avatar
    inca umpic de antrenament si hai sa facem si niste meciuri...oficiale!

  10. #1150 SP
    Member psycho-07's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GeoGcX View Post
    cand ajungi la penultimul rang, mi se pare...

    Super jocuri in seara asta, psycho cu alexciprian(piratu360) si cu mine... facem o echipa grozava BunBun meci, baieti!
    foarte tare camarazi mei a fost minunat am mai ramas eu cu XtremE si cu alexciprian si am jucat si am iesit invingatori si cu un punctaj de 242 , parola o sa fie 1234 va astept si maine seara , raskolnikov sa iti lasi avioanele acasa ca mai disperat cu ele cum le-ai deblocat??

  11. #1151 SP
    Senior Member istrategie's Avatar
    Trebuie sa faca 8 spawn point specialist. Le-am facut si eu ieri!

  12. #1152 SP
    Member andreips3's Avatar
    Super meci ieri seara. Sa imi spuneti cam pe la ce ora incepeti azi sa fiu si eu prezent.

  13. #1153 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    De ce se pune parola tot timpul? OK...dorim sa jucam intre noi dar pana la un numar de 32 de jucatori e cale lunga.

    ---------- Post added at 09:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by psycho-07 View Post
    raskolnikov sa iti lasi avioanele acasa

  14. #1154 SP
    Member Vami's Avatar
    Heh. Mai am si eu putin si deblochez Inginerul. lol

  15. #1155 SP
    Member piratu360's Avatar
    A fost super aseara, sper sa se repete si sa fim cat mai multi....

  16. #1156 SP
    Senior Member ffocus's Avatar
    daa, super a fost. mai putin cand ati facut rush ca disperatii, montand si turele in fata spawn point-ului. super indeed.

  17. #1157 SP
    Member andreips3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Raskolnikov1944 View Post
    De ce se pune parola tot timpul? OK...dorim sa jucam intre noi dar pana la un numar de 32 de jucatori e cale lunga.

    ---------- Post added at 09:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 AM ----------

    Sincer nu imi plac meciurile de 32, mai ales pe hartile mici. Ajunge sa se faca grenade spam, sentry spam si multe alte chestii enervante ca si moartea dupa 5 secunde de la spawn. Sa nu mai zic ca in meciurile de 32 de persoane e imposibil sa pui bomba. Ma rog, nu imposibil dar foarte enervant. --> Spam, spam si spam cat vezi cu ochii. Consider ca 10 vs 10 e suficient chiar si pe hartile mari pentru a te bucura de o experienta placuta "in game". Mai e de precizat ca in meciurile de 32 e aproape imposibil sa dezvolti o tactica cu echipa.
    Si in meciul de ieri cand eram cu remuzzt in echipa am castigat desi voi erati mult mai avansati decat majoritatea din echipa noastra. Am comunicat tot timpul, am dat ordine (suna urat, sa zicem mai bine indcatii) de genu noi stam aici, voi mergeti pe partea cealalta and so on.

  18. #1158 SP
    Senior Member h0stile's Avatar
    am luat si eu aseara Natural Born Killer si nu mi-a dat munitie in plus asa cum se spunea cu citeva pagini in urma, numai o grenada

    a fost frumos aseara, insa mie imi plac nivelele in-door. in plus, majoritatea dintre voi sunteti avansati bine si cind ridicati avioane/boti nu mai sta nimic in picioare (aaaa, era sa uit, ce bine ar fi daca s-ar putea scoate rocket launcheru din multiplayer)

  19. #1159 SP
    Senior Member istrategie's Avatar
    La Good Conduct primesti mai multa munitie!

  20. #1160 SP
    Senior Member h0stile's Avatar
    nice...cred ca si din alea am 5/8 asa ca in curind le iau pe toate.

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