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Thread: Mturk (Amazon)

  1. #3021 SP
    Junior Member hannibalflo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TudorI View Post
    Am inceput si eu pe la 1:00, am apucat sa fac vre-o 500 \:d/

  2. #3022 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    ProdUniverse - Product Category (Please ignore browser warning to view images) -
    Astea se fac cinstit, nu ?

  3. #3023 SP
    Senior Member BogdanN1's Avatar
    Am facut 400 si am primit reject la 93,restul sunt la pending...

  4. #3024 SP
    Senior Member naz's Avatar

  5. #3025 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by naz View Post
    Poate sa verifice cineva cat costa cu tot cu transport? Txs. Xbox 360 HD VGA Audio/Video Cable 6ft: SF Planet
    Items: $3.69
    Shipping & Handling: $16.99

    Total: $20.68

  6. #3026 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar

  7. #3027 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Is This How Microsoft Will Fix Kinect's Couch Problem? lol

    De multe ori ma gandeam ca seamana cam mult treaba asta cu Kinect. lol

  8. #3028 SP
    Member Szergiu's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by BogdanN1 View Post
    Am facut 400 si am primit reject la 93,restul sunt la pending...
    ori la bal ori la spital
    mai nou s a bagat limita pe mturk
    nu poti facemai mult de 1100 hits/day
    daca era limita asta cu ceva luni in urma nu imi mai cumparam aproape nimic
    am facut si eu pana la limita si vad ca am un hit rejected

    ce parere aveti despre limita de 1100 hits pe zi?....astia mai"batrani"

    trage o privire la notele acordate de luat si eu un cablu din asta si e de tot ,,,,
    apar fel de fel de umbre,,,
    nu merita nici banii aia...putini cati sunt

  9. #3029 SP
    Senior Member naz's Avatar
    Nu e ok ?
    4.8 stars over the past 12 months (14,599 ratings)

  10. #3030 SP
    Member Ripjaws's Avatar
    unde vad daca amazon trimite asta in Romania? Demon's Souls: Playstation 3: Video Games@@AMEPARAM@@

    si daca trimite, unde vad cat costa transportu? ca momentan am $10 pe mturk si as vrea sa stiu cat mai trebuie sa fac

  11. #3031 SP
    Senior Member naz's Avatar
    This item cannot be shipped to the address you selected. (Learn more.) You may either change the shipping address or remove the item by clicking Delete.

  12. #3032 SP
    Member Szergiu's Avatar
    selleru o fi ok dar la produs ma refer reviewsunt multumitii unii de acel cablu dar sunt si multi care au patit ca primit un cablu"defect"care afiseaza imaginea in umbre...

  13. #3033 SP
    You're PARROTS Dudel's Avatar
    Mie nu-mi place limita de 1100.
    Aveam de gand sa fac 2000 de classify this advertiser si sa fac precomanda la gt5 collector`s :X lol

  14. #3034 SP
    Member Ripjaws's Avatar
    da pana la urma ce pot cumpara de pe nici joace de ps3 nu ma lasa, nici controller.

  15. #3035 SP
    Member Szergiu's Avatar
    faci banii de pomana

    pai cauta omule ca gasesti aproape orice produs care se poate trimite in europa
    e cam scump cu transport dar...totusi nu scoti vreun ban din buzunar.
    verifica la cei cu
    International & domestic shipping rates

  16. #3036 SP
    Member Ripjaws's Avatar
    Product Restrictions

    Please note: Buyers outside the U.S. cannot purchase the following items via Amazon Marketplace: Video Games, Electronics, Camera & Photo, Tools & Hardware, Kitchen & Housewares, Software, and Computers.

    m-am cam lamurit. initial am zis ca ma apuc de mturk ca sa nu mai dau bani pe joace, dar vad ca nu-i asa simplu.

  17. #3037 SP
    Member Szergiu's Avatar
    aia e la sellerul amazon
    cauta la mai multi
    sunt multi de aici care au luat jocuri componente de pc camere foto si multe alte chestii... Shipping Rates: River Road@@AMEPARAM@@
    nu merge asta?
    este mai jos la ala au luat cativa si le venit produsul...(faza e ca e cam scump)

  18. #3038 SP
    You're PARROTS Dudel's Avatar
    Ii foarte simplu. In 2-3 ore faci alea 1100 de classify si iti iei gow second de ex.
    Eu zic ca merita.

  19. #3039 SP
    Banned cRs's Avatar
    in afara de is this a web page ce mai hituiti?

  20. #3040 SP
    Member Ripjaws's Avatar
    am incercat sa-mi fac cont de US, pt ca am vazut ca la multe hituri nu sunt calificat pt ca nu sunt din US (am cont de Romania). am facut 2 conturi de pe adrese de mail diferite, fiecare cu alt nume dar pe amandoua imi spune "You have completed all of the work that you can for this task. Please check back again in the future. We are always adding new jobs and would love to have your help." la cele pe care le-am facut pe contu de Romania. am vreo sansa sa pot sa refac alea dar de pe alt cont?

    ps: care sunt alea cu clasify? ca nu am dat de asa ceva pana acum

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